Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/182

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130 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1900. and harness used only for official purposes, one thousand three hundred dollars. · _ · ‘ For hardware, five hundred dollars.V . . s For miscellaneous items, including one thousand Eve hundred dollars for the office of the Auditor for the Post-Omoo Department, fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-five dollars, of which sum not exceedigg three thousand nine hundred and eighty-ve dollars ma be expend for `telephone service, and not excee ing five hundred dolirs may be expended for law books, books of reference, railway guidas, city directories, and books necessary to conduct the business of the D¢§>artment. R°“’~ or. rent of a suitable building for the storage of post-office supplies, four thousand dollars. ‘ y . __ _ For rent of stable, two hundred and forty dollars. . °m°‘“'P°““lG“¥‘l°· For thepublication of copies of the Official Postal Guide, including not exce `ng one thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Executive Departments, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Post-roms mars- For miscellaneous expenses in the topographer’s office in the (preparation and publication of thepost—1-outc maps, twenty thousan · do ·- lars. And the Postmaster-General may authorize the sale of postroute ma to the public at cost of printing and ten per centum thereof , the proceeds of such sales to be used as a further appropriation for the preparation and publication of post-route maps. P¤¤¤¤s¤¤w¤¤r¤- or postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad which is , not exempt from Ipostagg under article eight of the Paris convention { of the Unrversal .ostal nion, fivehundred and fifty dollars. Ju1g§c1;¤r¢¤¤¤¤t of DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Q G,§,';§,,f" ,_g§,§’,Q‘}f§gj Omron or rmt ATTORNEYvGENEBAL2 For compensation of the Spiicitpr-G¤¤¤r¤1. Attorney-General, eight thousand dollars;. Solicitor-General, seven ° H s’° °' thousand dollars;. four Assistant Attorneps-General, at five thousand dollars. each; Assistant Attorney-General of»the Post-Oiiice Department, four thousand five hundred dollars; solicitor of internal revenue, fourthousand five hundred dollars; solicitor for the.Department of State., tour. thousand five hundred dollars; two assistant attorneys, at three thousand dollars each; four assistant attorneys, at two thousand five. hundred dollars each; assistant attorney; two thousand dollars; assistant attorney, in charge of dockets,.two thousand five hundred dollars;. law clerk and examiner of titles, two thousand seven hundred dollars; chief clerk and ex officio superintendent of the building, two thousand five hundred dollars; prrvate secretary to the Attorney- General, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; stenographclt to the -Solicitor·General, one thousand six hundred dollars; three stenographic clerks, at one; thousand sixihundred dollars each; two law clerks, at two thousand dollars each; seven clerks of class four; chief of division of accounts, two thousand five hundred dollars; attorney in charge of pardon , two. thousand four hundred dollars; additional for disbursing clerk, five hundred dollars; seven clerks of class three; nine clerks of class two; sixteen clerks of class one; telegraph operator and stenographer,one thousand two hundred dollars; nine oopyists; one messenger; eight assistant messengers; four laborers; three watchmen; engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; two conductors of the elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars. each;. eight charwomen; superintendent of building, two hundred and hefty dollars; and three firemen; in all, one hundred and seventy-five thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. <><>¤¢i¤s¤¤¤¢=v¤¤¤¢¤- For contingent expenses of the Department, namely: Forfurniture and repairs, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For books for law library of the Department, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.