Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1889

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CONVENTION-GERMAN EMPIRE. AUGUST 26, 1899. 1837 begin on the first day of October mungen beginnt am 1. Oktober 1899, and shall continue in force 1899. Dasselbe verbleibtin Kraft, until terminated by mutual agree- bis es durch beiderseitiges Ueberment, but may be annulled at the einkommen aufgehoben wird; undesire of either Department, upon beschadet des jedem Laude vorbesix months’ previous notice given haltenen Rechtes, dieses Abkomto the other. men mit sechsmonatlicher Frist zu kiindigen. Done in duplicate, and signed In do pelter Fassung auwfer- Signatures. at Washington, the twenty-sixth tigt und) unterzeichnet in ashday of August, one thousand eight ington den sechsundzwanzigsten hundred and ninety-nine. August des J ahres eintausend achthundert neunundneunzig. [Seal of the Post-OfHce CII. EMonY SMITH, Dep’t of the U. S.] Postmaster General of the United States. [SEAL.] A. v. MUMM, Kaiserlieh Deutscher Gesandter in ausserordentlioher Jllission. [Imperial German Jlmnister in extraordinary mission.] The foregoing Parcels-Post Convention between the United States Approval of America and the German Em ire has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, anti) is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have caused the Great Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. [Great Seal of U. S.] WILLIAM NICKINLEY. By the President: J 0HN HAY, Secretary of State. WVAsH11<G*roN, D. C., September 2, 1899.