Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1995

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TREATY—-—SPAIN. Novnivinna 7, 1900. 1943 cos, Envoy Extraordinary and Enviado Extraordinario y Minis- Minister Pleni otentiary of Spain tro Plenipotenciario de Espana en to the United Sltates; los Estados Unidos; who, having met in the city of los cuales, reunidos en la ciudad Washington and having exchanged de Washington, despues de haberse their full powers, which were comunicado sus lenos podcres, found to be in due and proper que fueron halladlos en buena y form, have agreed upon the fol- debida forma, han convenido en el lowing sole article: articulo finico siguiente: Soma Antrxcmi Airricnno iimco Spain relinquishes to the United Espana renuncia en favor de los _ u'§s$lf;,i*°*Y ’°“¤· States all title and claim of Estados.Unidos atodo tituloodere- 1 ` title, which she may have had cho ue, al iirmarse el Tratado de at the time of the conclusion of Paz de Paris, hubiese podido tener the Treaty of Peace of Paris, to sobre cada una 6 todas las Islas perany and all islands belonging to tenecientes al Archipiélago Filithe Philip ine Archipelago, lying pino, situadas fuera de los limites outside tlliie lines described in especificados en el articulo III de Article III of that Treaty and dicho Tratado de Paris, y especialparticularly to the islands of mente at las Islas de Cagayan de Cagayan Sulu and Sibutn and Jol6ySibutu y sus dependencias; their dependencies, and agrees y conviene en que todas ellas quethat all such islands shall be com- den comprendidas en la cesion del prehended in the cession of the Archipielago, en idénticas condi- Archipelago as fully as if they cionesaaquellas que fueron exprehad been expressly included with- samente incluidas dentro de la in those lines. mencionada delimitacion. The United States, in considera- Los Estados Unidos, en atencién C°¤¤ld€’**“°¤• tion of this relinquishment, will a esta renuncia, pagaran a Espana pay to Spain the sum of one hun- la suma _ de cien mil dollars dred thousand dollars ($100,000) ($100,000) dentro del plazo de seis within six months after the ex- meses a contar desde el dia del change of the ratiiications of the canje de ratificaeiones del presente present Treaty. Tratado. _ _ The present Treaty shall be rati- El presente Tratado sera ratiii- R““‘l"““"“· lied by the President of the United cado por el Presidente de los States, by and with the advice and Estados Unidos, con el consejo y consent of the Senate thereof, and consentemiento del Senado, y por by Her Majesty the Queen Regent Su Majestad la Reina Regente de of Spain, after approval by the Espana, previa aprobacién de las Cortes of the Kingdom, and the Cortes del Reino, y se canjearan ratifications shall be exchanged at las ratificaciones en Vlrashington \Vashington as soon as possible. en el mas breve plazo posible. In faith whereof, we, the respec- o En- fé de lo cual, los respectivos tive Plenipotentiaries, have signed, Plenipotenciarios firman y sellan this Treaty and have hereunto este Tratado. · aiiixed our seals. Done in duplicate at the city of Hecho por duplicado en la Ciu- VVashington, the 7th day of Novem- dad de Washington el dia 7 de Nober, in the year of Our Lord one viembre del ano mil nuevecientos. thousand nine hundred. __ Joni: HAY [sniu.] JoHN HAY [snnr.] b’gm”`”°”` Aacos [smh] Aaoos [sam.] And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the twenty-third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and one; `