Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2085

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mnnx. 2033 Choctaw, _{}'i,ickasaw, Creek, and ( Vierokec Nu- l’¤¤<‘- Circuit (hurts of gippailsii _ 132 2**55% tions, 1 appropriation or c er s criers, etc j' ‘ separate town-site commissions authori_zed 851 ior expenses of jugglesx . ‘. . . 641; Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations Or messenger elg ¥· GIFCU1 -·--------- f claims of, to be adjudicated by Court of 0 ‘ deficiency apprbpriation for legal ser;64 1045 Claims , _ _~ ___________,_____,,..,.. 68 [ ices ... (,Vt0ctaw and Creek Nations, E fo1‘ eXpenSeS_0i j\1dgeS ..-..- 306; 1047 right of way through, to Fort Smith and ; salary of d];str1ct attorney southern New 304 Western R, R, Co _____,_,_,,,,__,, 182 y or covers services in ... · ( 'licctauvhatcliee River, appeal from interlocutory order granting construction of bridge authorized across, d injunction, et¢;,_authe;rizedt;)-.;i 633 ‘ at Geneva Ala ,,,__,,,. 784, 802 juris iction over cer in sui s res re . - . Choctaw Indians, ito have appellate jurisdiction over district appropriation for fulfilling treaty with- 225, 1062 court of Hawaii .. 158 °’“’°“t"’ Iimémi “`i§8“iii’°’"id i i on l `”h€“ ‘3i%’.‘i?~?ii’C'i.°€;i1El”lf3§i§§k°“ “" in orpanansoe1ss 0 ... E. ..-·---- Choctaw Mition, Ind. T.,p0 3 clerks to inake annual return of fees . 639 appropriation for surveys, etc ... 237 payment of balance inte Tl‘eaSl11‘y; allwork of town-site commission, etc ... 237 { Iditmg, ete 640 town-site commission for any town author- _ Circuit . udges, ized ____,,,,, . ... 237 deficiency appropriation for salaries of adappraisal and sale of lots, etc 238 ditional .. 23 reservations from allotments for stations, Circuses, _ _ etc , _________,,,, 1 __,,,,,,,,, 238 l tax on; definition; exemption ... 939 appropriation for platting town sites, 5 | Cissna, Isaac JN., d 1658 etc __,,____,,____.,,,,,.. 107 pension increase ... appointment of town-site commissioner- . . 1075 r Citizen Band of Pottawutomie Indians, " appropriation for heirs of Albert Pike for i certain heirs of allottees may sell lands, 2 servicesto 1078 etc .. 47 deficiency appropriation for surveying , 0 purcgasers rg Indian blood, maysell- - . 248 town sites etc 22 * itizens. ridge ompany (,hoctau·, Oklahoma, and Gulf Railroad, inay bridge Mississippi River, Burlington, powers of, etc., enlarged 52 1 Iowa 954 Choptank River, Md., I Citizens’ Commission, beacon light authorized _______,__,,,,,,, 765 j appropriation for rent, Indian service 1061 appropriation for beacon light on Ham- . Citizenship, brook Bar _,__.,,,,,.. 1138 accorded to certain Indians in Indian Ter- Christiunia ritory . . .· . 1447 appropriation for consul—general 65, 888 I Ci§zigis’ Printing and Publisping Company, Christiana River Del., i e ciency appropriation or . 1038. appropriationifor improvement of 628 1 City and Suburban Railway Company, D. C., Christopher, Mary B. (widow), i may contract for use of other roads, etc . . 270 pension ,,,..,,.,. . . 1558 g City Fire Insurance Company _ _; Chung King, 1 claim for payment of duplicate taxes to be "" ` appropriation for consul . 66 I reexamined, etc .. 1750 Churchill, Charles E., City Ship Caml, N K . return of pension bill of, requested ... 2004 diversion of appropiiation for improving, Churchward, Annie M. (widow), g etc .._,_,, 586 pension 1540 Ciudad Juarez Merico ` Cigarettes, { appropriatidn for cdnsul . Z .. 66, 889 tax on . 939 Q for clerk hire .,.,,_,_ 69, 893 Cigars, Q Ciudad Porjirio Diaz, Mexico, · tax on . . ... 939 ‘ appropriation for consul ..._._,_ 67, 889 drawback on ... 940 L CL for clerk hire . . _ _ 69, 893 Cincinnati Ohio, I `vil Pension Roll, appropriation gr salaries, Assistant Treas- ? establishment under postal service forbidurer’s office ... .. 108 983 den ...,_,_____,_,_ 261 1107 for public building , 589 Ciril Service Cbmmission, 7 Circle City, Alaska, appropriation for commissioners, clerks, deficiency appropriation for John E. Crane 23 , etc ,_,_,,,,,,,,__,,,,______,,... 97, 972 Circuit Court, D. C. for traveling expenses etc ..._____ 97 972 `jurisdiction of - - I ... 1200 for printing and bindihg ,,,__,,__,, 643, 1187 Circuit Courts, _ for contingent expenses 125, 1000 appropriation for judges .. 132, 1007 deficiency appropriation for stationery, _ 21, 1035 jurisdiction over certain suits restored 33 , for printing and binding .____,,,____ 26, 1051 terms of at Biloxi, Miss . 165 i Clackamas Oreg., at Floience, S. C .. 174 appropriation for fish-culture station, , 605, 1149 in northern and western districts of Claggett, Sarah (uidow), New York 176 pension ..,,,,,..__.,.,.,_,,_,_________, 1495 at Newbern and Elizabeth City, N. C . . 274 Claiborne, T homes, jurisdiction of action for allotments of land pension increased ____,__,_ _ 1669 denied Indians ... 760 Claims, · service of petition for appearance, etc 760appropriation for defending suits . - - ;- 638, 1180 vor, xxx1—-128