Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/2146

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2094 INDEX. Miley, iS'crah5;ELM (waklow), 5 5 5. . 5 ,A . 5 t: i P¤€¤· pension _ ” cable coal

 5‘   ,_ _ __ 55     5,   . 5 _,railway made available    . 655

‘ " _; A ation for improving, V 5 .5 rank of5Major-General Commanding Army 5 oooo ,eti:{5-;.-.-—.`.5-*-·--,.;--.5---=..·..-;?.,.;-,..5...580 - 5 increased,fetc,- . _ ,. . 655 Militd¢y5lAlccdcmy,, 51  :. Q5.5;5 5 .5 .o, t 5 < ~rank_of§Adjutant-Genieiral increased, etc.- 655 5appropriation5 for pay. of‘cadets·5-5-5J--5-:5-¢-55645, 911 5 number of cadets increased etc. .. ... 655 cadetssnrbeexamined beforeadmission.1‘5555;_5 911 } i5deficiency55a_pg·]-tnpriation iorqpermaueut 5 ‘pena1ty5ici· hazi¤g5.*-5.;.5..‘:Z5~x5z5·ss;5:..;t..5 5*911, r 5 5 5 5 establis ent 292 5 or pay of -55.-i5..5.5..5.-1;;--·.-.4 646,911 5for_military5band5.5;5.‘...-. --- . -.- _292, 912 ‘ `5 composition of band, ·’e. pay,.etc;-. . .- . ., .9152 - for pay of general army service ..,, 292 for xx5;;;,:-`EL1-·-455-V-t--55645, 910 T55 forpayof cadets? and in tructors ... 1027 for permanent establishmentL.i..-5,5r .645,5910 5 .5 for cnrrentexpenses, etc. ... 317, 1027 for pay;e£5piotessers$_-5.5: -· -5;.;;;..-._¤5·645,. 911 5- for-£nel,5lights‘,, repairs, etc . ._ . - 1027 for é1iap1ag_n:é;5g;}-5--45.5. J. ..15- .;Lr:5".·LiQ -5- 911 , for water pipe, etc - z,. ._ . ‘. 1027 for? 5;of;i~·oi1icers,#5superintend-5 5. ».e- . 5, for buildingsand grounds ... Q . 1027 5. ; s  ;·;»$‘{,.;=gi1=§;$Qj;v;,5;,., .1-5 64,5,911 i;-·.0ln;edo_Al§aro admitted to ..,_,,,,,.,_,,710 5 for 1ongevity5pay;<a;-5.;.;._..v-gi-15;--:;»5-.5.>646,·911 master of sword. toact as instructor in 65 fblff56i(1i11111S1C1il!1S§·;;,.-.5:-1-QeE ..72;-646,912 , 5 , 5-5_,, gymnastics, etc .. . 914 for arrny,service‘men__. .646,912. ,,5, · 5 vacancyoin office not to be filled ... 914 S .1 -.1-5.}-55-5-55646,5912g Attochés, Embassmks, and Legazions, 1 atl; u ;;- -5 . ; -»-5. 5 646,912 ‘ appropriation for contingent expenses 205 I ·5`- for*5;extra5§iay;j5¤55ei1listed[.nien*.1.5-5,-;;.·-455; 647; 913 Mlita·ry.5.Establish1rten/t {see 'rmy), 55 _ conditioxisiasfto‘extra5pay,_;_etc,.‘ . .5i . .648, 914 ..,· kdeiiciency appropriation for . -- ,. . . 291, 1022

 £or`55pay5%o£;1;iri»1ians;i=.elerks,mechanics, ·—,5 A 5 .  ‘fo1·,Signal Service.- -.- - -- .. ,1. . 8 14
 s ‘ 6f<:i*{$fg5-QEQ;fi;il5~Q.;s1.‘.5§:-LyQs`.5.5.. ..55 648,914   5 for.Paiy;sxDepartment . -. . . . 14

5 5etx:s5.:i.-r-j.;;.. _ 913 5 ·. forj_Su_ , istence Department ... 15 ‘ ,for ;Visitors55-§.5---. .649, 915 5; .for,Quartern1aster,s Department; .. 16 , 55 forcontingeiicies, supei~1¤ts¤de¤t. ,649,915 ,_for_ Medical Department ... 18 5, 55_5 5for~,repairs5_aiid»improvement.5. 649,915 for Ordnance Department .. - .. 18 5 jj_ sfor5fnel,,’,5lights,5'.ete;··;; -5- - - . . :--5.;. --.5. .= 649, 915 reappropriation of nnexpended balance . . 13 ’ j for etc-..5. -=.-...5. 649, 915 Mil·imry,1nfmvnation,.Army, g _ 9 5 ifor stationery .5:5.:.5-. -- .-55--;_--5.5...5 649, 915 5 5 appropriation forclerk .. 210 5 forvtransportation, -5--. 649, 915 ,Milztary<Irtstmozion, , . 5 5 iter 5i9» expenses.'departments 5of>;cavalry,° . . retired;ar1;¥ and navy officers to be de- . 5-r`55 e5;--;-25-5-.--5.;;-;.5.;,--.-·--.5..649,915 . .5 tail. for, in schools .. 810 ’ for civiiandxwlitary engineering. .-5 . ·650, 916 . 5 use of ordnance authorized, etc . ._ 811

 for ·i5. d epartuient>o£5a1atural   experi- .5 5 .. Amimry Laws, United States,

_i_’.Z·fjmenta15philosophy. . - - -5- - °. . -5. . 650, 916 6 2 printing ordered. - - ...-... . .-... 2008 ‘forQrepairs tdobservatory building- ..-- 5 650 Milimry 5 arks (see National Military Parks). "foitiibpittttiienixlgof.5i_nsttucti011§in mathe- . Postal Ser·mZcc,_ 5 .i,5 E ,;1Il8l§1€8`-_;-EQ;  ;-55- - .- -51.-.- -.- . - . 650, 916. _ deficiency appropriation for -.-... 308,1043 Yfondepartnxent o§5°cl1emistry,55`.1nineral- » Military Posts, ; · y _

ogy; .etc‘:.€- ;5.i -... .  5-5... .5-5-...- $650,,916 _ appropriation for constructing buildings,

5 for department of drawing .- ·- . . -5 650, 916 etc .-... _ -..-...----.-- 623, 1168 for inodern<languages--.---.- -- --... -- . 651, 917 5 for national parks- -..- 624,51162, 1169 ` Qlawfaud history . . -;.- -.‘. -- ; .5- .5- . . - 651, 917 for Spokane, Wash., made available 1168

  • _practical5`military engineering .- --4 651, 917 for D. A. Russell, Wyo ..--- , ...-...-.- 1168

‘ fordictionaries 55--.-55- -.-.-.1.-..5.5-..5. -... - .-.. 919 for Fort Meade, S. Dal: .-.. 1168 5 for expenses, commemoration.exercises- 919for Fort McKenzie, Wyo .. 1168 ., ordnance gunnery5—- . -;-. . --5- . . 651, 918 _ for Fort Lincoln,,N. Dak -- 1168 forimiscellaneous·iten1s5and expenses- 5 651, 918 for Govemor’s Island . 1168 forlibraryj - .:. -5.-..;...-. . 652 5 for Fort Monroe, Va . ._ . .. ... . . . . 624, 1168 .5 for contingent,-_5Academic Board.- -5. - 652, 918deficiency appropriation for . . . J. ...- 317 y 5 ·· ~ .tecbnical‘supplies55<purchased‘ 5by con-for constructing, at Yellowstone, etc . . - 320 Q T55_tract,r€etc»..- . - -.--. - . 652 918 for Des Moines, Iowa ...-.-.-.. 1022 5_ for5:nnsical55supplies. . .r . 5- . - . . 652, 918 ~» balance of appropriation made avail- · x ffor5» gymnasium, laundry, able, etc - 5 ..-.. 1022 s l‘,f·etc.·:;--*._.. . . ..j¤- ...-. - ...- . 652, 919 erection ofvbuildings at Fort Du Pont,·Del., _ior“rei1nbnrsement for injured clothing.: without Bermission of State ...-... 55 . —for5buildingsi5ant155grounds,—etc 5.‘ .·..- .. 653, 919 established at es Moines, Iowa . --. . 59 t ior»vg·aterworks;,1.etcg5.;-5..-5-5.. -..- . 653, 920 at Sheridan, Wyo., etc ...-,... 72 ` S for material for roads, cemetery. - 5 653 limit to expenditures for seacoast defenses- 624 ' ° sonepnrs,5 -5-_..5--5..5..--.;..-. 5653, 920 5M·Fl¢}tary Reservations, , for ceilingsmess hall . - . - . . -. 653 t appropriation for custodianfor abandoned, _ for to overseer.- - -.. 920 Fort Sherman . 1 . . 1160 5 forjbuildings5for5_officers’ guartersyetc.- - 922 . for surveys of Fort Buford - .-.. 617 forlavatories, iloor wax, etc --. I 653 deiiciencyappropriation for amounts found I foriremoving defective-floors, etc --..-. `. . 653 due, etc ...-.. . ... . -..-.. 300 · for miscellaneous. items ..-.--..- L. . 654 for appraisal and sale of abandoned - 616, 1057 for officers’ quarters. .` . 4 . ..--.- 654 . Fort Hays granted to Kansas - ..-...- 52 p ‘for water·supply5·system. .-.. 5 ... 655 rights of way through may be authorextra—duty pay for overseer, etc.-`.f 655 ized -..-.. _ ... 790 use `5 of appropriation for renovating 5 homesteaders on Fortilietterman may purlibrary building .-..-.-.-. 655 chase pasture lands, etc ...-. - . 1085