Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/678

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626 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 791. 1900. $‘,§§u,f{’0,‘}S§°,‘§,§§§0,,§‘ _The Secretary of War -is hereby authorized and empowered, in his . discretion, in case any unusual obstruction to navigation ID the channel of South Pass, Mississippi River, should occur during the Hscal {dear nineteen hundred and one, to use any dredges or tugboats of the iss1ssippi River Commission for the pugpose of removing the same. And the sum of twenty-five thousand ollars, or so muc thereof as may_ be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of War in improving or altering such dredge _ or dredges so as to make the same ava1lable for use in said South Pass. R*Vm¤¤d h¤'b°*S· Toward the construction of works on harbors and rivers under . improvements. 7 ` contract or otherwise, and within the limits authorized by law, namely: Cher1eew¤.S- G· Improving harbor at Charleston South Carolina, under river and V¤1.27.p.9r harbolr Act céffighteen hundred and ninety-two: For dredging, forty- five thousand dollars. ‘ Ve!-29. 1>-22Z.e¤e- h Fgr gvorkls authorized bg the river and harbor Act of eighteen un re an ninety-six as ollows: Beyeu P1¤e¤er¤i¤e· Im rovin Ba ou Pla uemine, Louisiana: For continuin im rove- La' tpt hg dydth q ddll g P men wo un re thousand dollars. Cl°V°l¤¤d· 0*****- Im, rovin harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: For continuin improvement, hp d g d t fi th d d ll g one un re an seven - ve thousand dollars. Ghicege River. UL Improving Chicago Iliver, Illinois: For continuing improvement I from its mouth to the stock yards on the South Branch, and to Bel- . mont avenue on the North Branch, sixty-two thousand dollars. Delaware Bev. Del- Harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay, Delaware: For continuing construction, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. , Du1¤t¥¤.Mvi,¤;¤- Improving harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin: ’ S“"°“°" S' Ford contgxuigg grnpgovenlient, sevené hlngndreda grad ninety-three thou-

  • ·’ san one un re an eig ty-seven ol rs an y cents.

Gruy¤H¤rb¤r.We¤h- Im rovin Gra s Harbor Washin ton: For continuin im rovemen 0 aroran arenrance y ou n 0 . tpfhg db tl iiftgth sadollars g P illlirgg end Miseir Illinois and Mississippi Canal: For continuing construction, one sw a' million dollars. Kentucky Riven Im rovin Kentucky River, Kentucky: For continuing improve- Ky' tp %y fi e thousand dolla s men seven - v r . Waterway f{<>¤1 Im, roving waterway from Keweenaw Bay to Lake Superior, Michi- Keweenaw_ Bay to _ Q, . . . f . Lg,keSup€1'101‘, Mum. §m. or cp)nt11;uing %11p1;10ve1mergt(o tgvater (polmgmnication across eweenaw o1n one un re an n thousand dollars. 0ek1¤¤d.¤¤i- Improving harbor at Oaliland, Califcérnii: For continuing improvement one hundred and eighty thousan no lars. glue igigeg sand 6 Improving Ohio River below Pittsbuiig, Pennsylvania: For conms ‘ ’ ‘tinuing construction of Dams Numbered wo, Three, Four, and Five, between Davis IslanddDam and Dam Numbered Six, five hundred and ninety-five thousand ollars. Providence River Improving Providence River and Narra neett Bay, Rhode Island: §2‘;,§?{r”g”°s°tt For continuing improvement, fifty-four tibusand four hundred and eighty-nine do lars. Sabine P¤ee.Te¤- Tmproving Sablgne Palss, Texas;) For cprdngileting improvement of harbor at Sabine ass t irty-six thousand dollars. Wiuyuw Bur. S·C- Improvin Wiuyawi Bay, South Carolina: For continuing improvement of harior at Winyaw Bay, two hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. Ve1-3¤·r··¤2¤·¢**°- For works authorized gyuthe river and harbor Act of eighteen hundred and ninet -nine, as o ows: A¤liw¤¤¤l¤·_0¤i¤- Improving liyargor gt Asillfltabulaé For continuing improvement one hundre an ten thousand dollars. Bee¤¤¤·M¤¤*¤· Improving harbor at Boston, Massachusetts: For completirgg improvement under project for thirty-foot depth through Bro Sound Channel, three undred and seventeen thousand dollars. El§?”**'<? °¤"f*¤°° ‘° Im rovin Buffalo Entrance to Erie Basin and Black Rock Harbor, e Basin, etc. . . . New Tork: Tor com(pleting improvement, one hundred and mnety-one thousand seven. hun red and one dollars and twenty-Eve cents.