Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/698

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646 FIF'I`Y-SIXTH CONGRESS. ‘ Sess. I. Ch. 7 92. 1900. tactics, ordnance and gunnery, and practical military engineering (cap. tain§% in gddgaion tol pay as first lieutenants, not mounted, two thousan ve un red do lars· For pay of four assistant instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics (captains), in addition to paly as second lieutenants, not mounted two thousand four hundred dollars· . For psy of Ene adjéxtariii in addition to pay as second lieutenant, not mounte six undre dollars· t For pay of one line officer,on duty in Quartermastefs Department in addition to pay as first lieutenant, mounted, four hundre dollars; ` For pay of one treasurer and quartermaster, and commissary of cadets, in addition to pay as captain, not mounted, seven hundred dollars· _ For additional pay of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; L°"g"""*' P“"· For additional pay of professors and officers (and officers on increased sank) for length of service, nine thousand five hundred and fifteen ollars and twenty cents· In all, for extra pay of officers of Armdy on detached service at the Military Academy, twenty-four thousan one hundred and thirty-five dollars and twenty cents· » P“Y°*°“““*°d’“°“· For pay of the Military Academy Band, Held musicians, general army service, cavalry detachment, artillery detachment, and enlisted gien on detached service, and extra pay for enlisted men on special ut : Bud- Flu pay of military band, twelve enlisted musicians, at thirty-four dollars per month, four thousand eight hundred and ninety-six dollars; hTwelv(p enlisteg ·11:luslicians, at twenty-five dollars per month, three thousand six un re olla.rshSixteen enlitedi mcaiisicgnsi atfsevegtpen dollars per month, three thousand two un re an sixt - our 0 lars· Additional pay for length of, service, two,thousand eight hundred and eighty do lars· - Clothing on discharge, eight hundred dollars; _ Field m“*°*¤°°· For pay of Held musicians, one sergeant, two hundred and sixteen dollars· .e One corporal, one hundred and eighty dollars; Thirteen privates, two thousand and twenty-eight dollars; Additional pay for length of service, one hundred and forty-four dollars· Clothing on dischaige, five hundred dollars; ,cg<·>¤¤¤=l A¤¤Y mv- d ger pay of General rmy Service: One first sergeant, three hundred o ars· · gig: sergaaniés, onle thtpusgnd ézwlo hundred and ninety-six dollars; o coo s our un re an t irty-two dollars; Seven corporals, one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; One lgundigedland nine privates, sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety- our dollarsigdditiional gay fdr length of service, seven thousand eight hundred an ei teen dollars· Clogxing on discharge, two thousand seven hundred and six dollars and forty-seven centsmgzww d¤*¤¤h· d ger pay of cavalry, detachment: One first sergeant, three hundred o ars· Five’sergeants, one thousand and eighty dollars; One cook, two hundred and sixteen dollars; Four corporals, seven hundred and twently dollars; gwo fasigiers and Elacézsngithsi thrlee hun red and sixty dollars; ne sa er one un re an eig ty dollars· One wagondr, one hundred and sixty-eight dhllars;