Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/795

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 181. 1901. 743 tures as may be needed for connningl the iiow of water to a rmanent channel for a distance of not less t an one mile above the Esidge site for a protper distance below, but in no case shall there be a reduction in the wi _ th or headroom of channel or other spans, or in the arrangement and length of accessory, works required by this Act, unless such ` reduction is made necessary y the physical characteristics of the river in the locality where the bridge is proposed, or is shown clearly to be not injurious to the interests of navi tion; and the proposed bridge A1>z>r<>v¤1 Shall be a lawful structure only when ixdilt in accordance with the plans as recommended by the said board of engineers and approved b the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and the Secretary of %Var, and while so managed and kept in repair as to oiier at all times reasonable and proper means for the passa e of rafts, steamboats, and other Xater crait undplr said bridge, and vghile all the requirements of this ct are 0 serve . Sec. 8. That all persons, companies, or corporations owning, con- Ushwtrolling, or operating the bridge authorized by this Act, shall maintain at their expense suc lights and other signals on the bridge as may be required by the Light-§ouse Board, as well as such other lights and signals as may be necessary for the security of navigation in the vicinity of the bridge; and shall also be re uired to maintain such indications of the st%e of water and the headlroom under the bridge as the Secretary of ar may direct. Sec. 9. That all railroad com nies desiring the use of anysbridge wléiglu of ¤¤¤¤>¤¤¤ constructed under this Act shalimhave, and be entitled to, equal rights C and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains or cars over the same and over the approac es thereto, upon payment of a reason- , able compensation for such use; and in case the parties interested shall fail to agree upon the Sum or sums to be paid and upon the rules and conditions to which each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters at issue between them shall, upon the application of either party, be determined by the circuit court of the United States in and for any district in which any portion of said bridge may be. Sec. 10. That such alterations and changes as may be reqluired by °h¤¤8°¤~ the Secretary of War, in accordance with existing law, in the ·bridge constructed under the provisions of this Act so as to preserve free and convenient navigation, shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of Warat the expense of the persons, companies, or corporations owning, controlling, or operating said bridge; and the fact that said bridge was constructed under the supervision of the United States shall not be heldto be a bar to the enforcement of this require- `ment. Sec. 11. That the bridge constructed under the authority of this m§,%¢:w ggglg Act shall be built under the general sugervision of the Secretary of mn. _ War, and no changes or alterations in p ns shall be made during con- Changes struction of said bridge or after its completion unless said changes or alterations conform to the provisions of t is Act and are recommended b the Chief of Engineers and approved by the Secretary of War. Tyhat during the original construction of said bridge, or in carrying dl§1_1¢¤¤¤i1§ <g_¤ out any authorized changes or replairs of said bridge, a navigable ug channe sufficient to accommodate the commerce of the river shall be preserved at all times at the site thereof, and the waterway of the river shall not be obstructed to a greater extent than is absolutely necessary and such lights and buoys shall be kept on all coiferdams, piles, and other structures as may be necessary or the security of navigation; and any temporary obstruction or closing of any channel in customary use shall not be commenced until after due notice to navigation; and all cofferdams, piles, and other structures used in the construction or repair of said bridge shall be removed within a reasonable time after the completion or repair of said bridge.