Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/847

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 379. 1901. 795 entitled to receive fO1' like services, and shall retain the same as compensation for his services under this Act; wherever the words "cIerk of the county " occur there shall be substituted therefor the words "clerk of the judicial district," and said clerk shall be entitled to the same fees and compensation for his services rendered under this Act that county clerks are entitled to receive for like services, and shall retain the same as compensation for his services under this Act; wherever the words "general assembly " occur there shall be substituted therefor the words "Congress of the United States;" and where the words “ vest in the State" occur in section one thousand and thirty- five there shall be substituted therefor the words “‘vest in the United States ": Provided, That companies may be incorporated under the 1{3{<>=·?e>- H provisions of this Act to construct, own, and operate electric railroads, etcl rc mc m r°°dS' telephone and telegraph lines in the Indian Territory. . __ Sec. 3. That foreign incorporations may be authorized to do busi- m};]¤¤¢is¤ ¤<>rr¤¤¤- ness in the Indian Territory, under such limitations and restrictions oiiganizsuou 0:; as may be prescribed ‘by law; and as to contracts made and business l’°“"’“’ "°°· done in the Indian Territory, they shall be subject to the same regulations, limitations, and liabilities, and shall exercise no other or greater powers, privileges, or franchises than may be exercised by like corplpragons organized under the provisions of sections one and two of t is ct. Sec. 4. That before any foreign corporation shall begin to carry on <€¤¤‘1>¤r¤¢i¤¤ cmiibusiness in the Indian 'lerritory it shall, by its certificate, under the ca °` hand of the president and seal of such company, Hled in the office of · _ the clerk of the United States court of appeals for the Indian Territory, r designate an agent, who shall reside where the United States court of ;g&¤j?;Q¤gm°* miapgeals for the Indian Territory is held, upon whom service of summons ’ ' an other process may be ma e. ‘ Such certificate shall also state the grincipal place of business of such corporation in the Indian Territory. ` ervice upon such agent shall be sufhcient to give jurisdiction over such corporation to any of the United States courts for the Indian Territory. If anly such agent shall be removed, resign, die, or remove from the Indian erritory, or otherwise become incapable of acting as such a ent, it shall be the duty of such corporation to arépoint immediat5y another agent in his place, as hereinbefore provide . Sec. 5. That if _ any foreign cor oration shall fail to comply with -P¤¤@lW fw ¤¢>¤· . . . · . P . . . . compliance. the prov1sions of the foregonjg sections, all its contracts with citizens. and residents of the Indian erritory shall be void as to the corporation, and no United States court in the Indian Territory shall enforce the same in favor of the corporation. _ Sec. 6. That corporations doing business in the Indian Territory at d Limittcf Hg? tg the time of the passa e of this Act are given ninety days in whic to ,,§§l,§§§,§_'°° °“ comply with section gour in order to avoid the pena ty of section five. Sec. 7. That the clerk of the United States court of appeals for the Fees. Indian Territory shall charge and receive for services irréposed upon him by the lprovisions of this Act the same fees allowed officers of the State of Arhlansas for like services under the laws of thaét State. d d Sec. 8. at an 7 bank or trust com an r now or erea ter organize B¤¤k¤ %¤ mm under the laws ol Arkansas or anypother State may transact such gibimnmi Powe"' business in the Indian Territo as is authorized b its charter, and that is not inconsistent with thelllaws in force in the lindian Territory, and may loan money and contract for the payment of the same at a rate of interest not to exceed the sum of eight er centum per annum, . and a like rate for a period less than a year: Igmrvided, That the law- i in ful interest in said erritory shall be six per centum when no rate m,?E,$y_ umm of interest is agreed upon, but in no case shall the interest exceed eight per centum per annum. . _ Sec. 9. That the United States courts in the Indian Territory shall Sgggsgggtjtgn Umm have and exercise, in reference to all corporations created under this `