Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1144

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 1006. 1903. 1079 burg, Pennsylvania, William L. Jones, receiver, reported in House Executive Document Numbered Two hundred and thirty-four, Fifty- third Congress, third session. Settlement numbered five thousand and three, of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, in favor of the Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York, five thousand dollars, re rted in Senate Executive Document Numbered Forty, Fifty-third Cbhgress, third session. ` For the following, reported in Senate Document Numbered One hundred and fifty-six at this session, namely, settlement numbered forty-eight hundred and thirteen of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, in favor of the Sun Mutual Insurance Company, New York, five thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; the Commercial Mutual Insurance Company, New York, two thousand four hundred and forty-one dollars an sixty-seven cents; the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, New York, five thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars; the assignees of Washington Marine Insurance Com ny, New York, four thousand five hundred dollars; in all, eighteen thbusand six hundred and sixty- one dollars and sixty-seven cents. Settlement numbered ninety-six hundred and lift ·seven of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, to the assignees of Vgashington Marine Insurance Compmy, New York, five thousand dollars. To pay the reasury settlements reported to Congress in Senate Document Numbered One hundred and ninety-one at the resent session, nineteen thousand two hundred and eleven dollars and) sixty- one cents. Settlement numbered fifty-two hundred and one, of eighteen hundred and eigl1ty-five, in favor of the Eureka Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, ri¢;:ipt<>rted in House Executive Document Numbered One hundred and y—three, Forty-eighth Coness, second session, four thousand five hundred and seventy-four dbllars and nineteen cents. ' Settlement numbered fifty-two hundred and one, of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, in favor of the Citizens’ Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, reported in House Executive Document Numbered One hundred and fifty-three, Forty-eighth Congress second session, one thousand seven hundred and forty-guar dollars and fifty-two cents. Settlement numbered fifty-two hundred and one, of eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, in favor of the American Insurance Complany, of Cincinnati, Ohio, reported in House Executive Document umbered One hundred and fifty-three, Forty-eigbth Con ress, second session, one thousand seven hundred and forty-four dolgsrs and fifty- two cents. Settlement numbered fifty-two hundred and one, of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, in favor of the Magnolia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, reported in House Executive Document Numbered One hundred and ii ty-three, Fortyeiglhth Conress, second session, two thousand two undred and eig ty-seven dollars and ten cents. Settlement numbered iiftv-two hundred and one, of eighteen hundred and ei rhty-tive, in favor of the City Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Chic, re rted in House Executive Document Numbered One hundred and li)dy·three, Forty-eighth Con ress, second session, two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven dolfars and ten cents. For the following, reporte in Senate Document Numbered Sixty Fifty-fourth Congress, second sessio11, namely, settlement numbered fifty-three hundred, of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, in favor ot the Magnolia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, two thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; settlement numbered fifty-three hundred and sixty-three, of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, in favor of the Magnolia Fire and