Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1233

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1168 · FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1009. 1903. superintendents of money-order division, foremen of crews, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents money—order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant superintend- ` ents of mails, bookkeepers, tinance clerks, secretaries and stenographers, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at one thousand three hundred dollars each, five hundred and twenty thousand dollars; A-”“·‘°° °“°h· Three hundred and fifty dispatchers, letter distributers, mailing clerks, money—order clerks, nixie clerks, registry clerks, stamp clerks, assistant superintendents money—order division, foremen of crews, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents money-orde1· division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, assistant cashiers, assistant superintendents of delivery, assistant superintendents of mails, bookkeepers, iinance clerks, secretaries and stenographers, su erintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at one thousand four hundred dollars each, four hundred and ninety thousand dollars; M "·5°° °°’°"· One hundred and ten stamp clerks, assistant superintendents money- order division, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry, su rintendents of ’ stations, bookkeepers, iinance clerks, secretaries andnstenographers, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at one thougarfp five hundred dollars each, one hundred and sixty-five thousand o ars; M 81-600 awk- One hundred and ten stamp clerks, assistant superintendents money- order division, superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, finance clerks, secretaries and stenographers, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, one hundred and seventy-six thousand dollars; M "·"°° °”""· One hundred and twenty-tive stamp clerks, assistant superintendents money—order division, superintendents money-order division, superintendents of regist , superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, finance clerks, superintendents of deliverv, and superintendents of mails, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each, two hundred and twelve thousand five hundred dollars; M *1·8°° mh- Sixty assistant superintendents money-order division, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents money-order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, bookkeepers, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, one hundred and eight thousand dollars; '

  • “”·°°° °°°*‘· Eighty superintendents money-order division, superintendents of

registry, superintendents of stations, superintendentsof delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand dollars each, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; ’“”*’°° °“"“; - Sixteen superintendents of money-order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of delivery, and superintendents of mails, at two thousand one hundred dollars each, thirty-three thousand six hun- A h dred dollars; l°°‘°°°° °“° ‘ Thirty superintendents money·order division, superintendents of registry, superintendents of stations, superintendents of delivery, superintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand two hundred do lars each, sixty-six thousand dollars; ‘“ ”·*°° °“°l‘· T wenty-tive assistant superintendents money-order division, assistant superintendents of registry, superintendents money—order division, superintendents of re istry, superintendents of delivery, su rintendents of mails, and cashiers, at two thousand four hundred dolliirs each, sixty thousand dollars;