Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1301

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iv mn Ex. P; , Page. American Seamen, Sh·ipwreclced, ge Animal Indushju Bureau, Department of Agriappropriation for li e-saving testimonials. 79, 810 culture, _ American Surety Company, apiproprlafloli for S3l8.1‘1€S .. . . . 288, 1150 appropriation for reimbursing, on account 01* general GXPQBHBBS ... 289, 1150 of Mission Indians suits ... 999 horse mspectlou 1 289, 1150 , American Tube and Iran Compdny, waiving meat mspeehon . 289, 1151 payment to _____________,_______________ 489 ‘ collecting information of cattle dm- Amgriqm Wggqlg, eases, etc .. 289, 1151 deficiency appropriation for services to, forexperimentstation,Bethesda, Md 290, 1151 A J zindoeeameu ,, 1077 for qt1;ur3nt1np stahons - . .i- . -21. _290, 1151 mes 0 n ., ex n mg OIG1g1I mar e s or a1ry deficiency appropriation for payment to. - 583 products, etc.; sales ... 290, 1151 _ Amggbury, Mm., leaves to employees- . r .. 290 construction of public building authorized inspection, etc., of dmry products for at ____ , ______,,__,,____,,,,,,__,_ 318 export 290, 1151 approfpriation for ., 427, 1083 additional land, Qethesda, Md ... 290 limit o cost increased, public buildin ; for quarantine station, Athema, N. J. . . 1151 . fronting on two streets not requu·ed' . 1206 ikalumore, Md , . -_ ... 1151 Amheralburg, Canada, defimency appropr1ation for general exappropriatiou for consul at . 84, 815 penqes .. 25, 758 Annu Rmgr, _La,, _ for salaries and expenses . r .. r. . . 32, 1075 A appropriation for improvement of ..., 355 power: to fguppretg Scgntagiougf mmum mn, rred retary gmc - sale of, in uncivilized Pacific islands forbid- time . 791 den; jpunighmgm; _______,______,,_ 33 A supel;v1sion over cattle, etc .,,... 792 Ammunition rmy, mma . _ _ _ - gpprgprigéion for reserve supply for can- free 8d1I11S8h9D of Teglstcrcd p\1l‘B·bl‘9d, for non ______ ._ _ _. _________ _ ________ 307, 1026 breeding, whether for :~: le or not: . . 1023 for arullery practice, etc t ..,,,..,,, 308, 1026 return of, temporarligr feeding or stmymg for rnanufncture of metallic, etc .. 519, 941 _ HCYOBB the be GF .·... $[023 . Ammunmon, _Na·vy, Ammdf, 4MM, _ - gpfropngtign for ____________________ 665, 1179 protection of vpld, and game 327 or smokeless powder ., 666, 1180 Ammals, Dorgwstw, _ _ Amory, Thamqg, appropnatxou for quarantine stations for payment of French spoliation claim to ad- 1¤1P0¤'UBd ---·------ ; --··· ; -·--- 290. U5} miuigtmmr of __________________ 229, 230 powers to suppress contagious of, Amoy, (3},mq, f 1 1 ’ transferred to Secretary of Agrxcul- _Q] appropriation or consu at . 8 , 813 ¤!`6 -_ ---·--·--··-···-·-·--·--· ··- i Amsterdam, Netherlands, Ann Arbor, Mwh., _ _ _ _ appropriation for consukat . 83, 814 d06C16W!}' !}¥P!‘0P!'l¤h0¤ for Public bm]d· 10% A amt B ild' D. ., mg Si 6 ---·—~----·-·----·-------- ··

 mx in fxé, etc ________________ 626 purchasoof public buildingsito authorized. 1208

Anacouia and Potomac River Railroad Com- .innaberg,_Ggrm1my, pany, ])_ gu _ approfmmon for consul at . 82, 814 extension of Eleventh street lme author- A1m¢Hvq_ns, Nd. (sec atm Mu al Academy), {md _____________________________ 731 de c1encyi(appr0pr1ation for marme bar- 0, Ammua 12am, 11. cz . m' S --·---·-··-··-···--·-··~-··— l **3 appropriation for improvment of . 351 Aygggglazgn for public building 1083 A""°"·"”“ pi'?" FI“”· D· Cu . limit of cost increased,public building. . 310,1204 9•PP"°Pn*n0" for su"°Yv etc ·····---··-- 599 adjustment of damage claims ..,... 120-4 Anadnrlso, Okla., terms of court at .,.. , .,.,..,.,.. 832 additional allowance for public works, Anoka, ,1fim;,, from sale of lots .. 506 bridgelauthorizgdl acroiss Misgissippi River, Ammhgm at-_, _ xatween amp in an 407 admission of alien, excluded . 1214 I ·*i¤Mm¢"•¢¢ CWI, _ ___ description of, not permitted to enter; en- , D0 dui? to be IMF 0n_-; ~-··--------- I 43 fomemem ________________________ 1221 ; Anthramte_0oal Stn Commwmon, F penalties for assistingilsuch illegal entries. 1221 ‘ ¤I}P¥‘0P¤¤t*0¤ Y0? €XP€¤¤€¤? ¤U0W¤¤°9$- · - 708 naturalization of, pro ibited , 1222 A AN*·T*“¢¢F? C¤8€§» _ _ duties of courts to prevent; affidavits. . . 1222 q P¥`€Q€d°¤°€ g¤V9¤ t°» Of PQNW *mP0Yt$¤c€· .823 punishment for procuring illegal ... 1222 § cvrtrficatv 9f Att°m€Y‘(¤°¤9ml tv Uec'"6 _ for aiding app ication, ctc 1222 1 }{€§m¤8 —·-·--- - - - --_- -- -···- ;· ; - - - 823 Anmmnimz {Fo3rd ugh? mnpaségozgnbia, { °°mP°f§;f,§0Iff °°“’*» ’°“°“ °* d"‘d°d 823 to contro istn ution 0 uman · - '‘‘'‘‘‘°'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ bodies at almshousc, morgue, etc. . - 173 l g ;r§°p;,£;SuPr°m° Cum ‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Anclote River, Fla., I A t. T l I L' we `°``.```°```'```°````` " “ appropriation for improvement of 354 ‘ n L` 0; for special mumal etc to | a L , . A"d€""·$0”» {nd-; » pp enforce _,__,____,,,,_________ _’_ _ _ 904 C0[lStl‘I;(;CIOD of pl1b]iC blinding 8\1th0l’iZ0d 318 ’ immunity to €?stifyi¤g __________ 904 ‘ • ‘ : ’•······· · ····· · ··········I ... . .. ¤¤ppr<>pri¤¤<>¤ for ..-- - ·--.---.---.. 427,1083 44n¤5$;J.uiéL:1;g§$$ 5114,, 904 Anderson, Thomas, appropriation for repair of monuments, payment of Court of Claims judgment to etc ...,,.. 464,1128 executrix of .. 213 for superintendent . ,... 464, 1128