Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1325

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XXVIII INDEX. C0lorado—C0ntinued. ‘ Page- Columbus, Ohio, P¤g¤· public land receipts in, to be used for irri- change of military post at, authorized 515 - gation .. 388 lands dedicated to city .. 1230 Colorado Cboperative Cbmpany, I plans authorized for new public building. 326 time extended for final proof of lands en- Colville Agency, Wash., tered by . 907 I appropriation for Indian agent at . . .--.- 245, 982 Colorado Judicial Delstriot, for support, etc., of Indians of . 258, 994 terms of court, Denver .. 833 ; Colville Indian Resenutian, Wash., Pueblo ... 833 l appropriation for removing Wenatchi In- Montrose 833 [ dians to .. 260 court, lege., transferred from Del Norte to 33 ~ homestead entries permitted on, opened 803 ontrose . . .. 8 to sett ement . Cblorado River, Ariz. cmd Cal., i Comanche Indians, preliminary examination of, to be made. . 376 appropriation for support, etc., of 991 Colorado River, Nev., · fee simple patents to certain . 1008 preliminary examination of, to be made; Comanche, Kwwa, and Apache Indians, El Dorado Canyon to Rioville . 380 11mdsinOklah0ma ceded by, open to town- Colorado Springs, Cblo., site commutations 63 construction of public building authorized Commanding General of the Army, at . , .. 317 appropriation for contingent expenses of appropriation for .. 427, 1084 office .. 507, 927 limit. of cost increased, public building,- 1203 Commerce and Labor, Deparmzent of (see Deland granted to, for water supply 184 ‘ partment of Commerce and Labor). Colored Hinnen and Chihlren, D. CL, National Commerce and Navigation, Association for Relief of Destitute, authority given to Philippine government appropriation for maintenance . 613, 979 ‘ over . 695 Columbia Hospital for Women, D. Cl, laws applied to trade with Philippines -.- 711 appropriation for care of patients .. 612, 978 officer or attorney who may swear to own- Columbhz I mtitutwn for Deaf and Dumb, ership of vessels, for registry .. 398 appropriation for current expensm 457, 1120 statistics of trade with noncontiguous teror repairs . 457, 1121 ritory required ... 172 for instruction District pupils 608, 971 Commerce, Foreign and Domea¢·ic, mdehmnwappmpdadon for support 19, 1055 duty cfm Department of Commerce and La- 896 um, 0., . ras to . .. purchase of site for public building at, au- Commerce, Interstate and Foreign, thorized ... - . 318 investigation of corporations engaged in- - 828 appropriation for . 429 Gnnmermal Bureau of American Republics, construction authorized of public building appropriation for .. 88, 812 at ... 1206 Commercial Mutual Insurance Company, New deficiency appropriation for ... 1038 York, · provision for pi®ic building, omnibus act, 745 deiiciericy appropriation for Treasury set- 10-9 trans os .,.,. , ,.,,. 1 thement .. 4 Columbia Rims, Orca., _ Oomvnisaary-Gmernl’a (Woe, Hhr Department, appropriation for ightingi ... 433, 1094 ; appropriation for clerks, etc ... 150, 884 Columbia River, Oreg. and aah., · Commixximi Merchants, D. C., appropriation for gauging ... 369 l license tux on .. 623 or improvement 0 , below Portland . .. 369 ‘ Conmnisaioner-General of Immigration Qvcc Im·

 mouth; contracts .. 369,1127 migration, Uommissionerbeneral

at The Cascades 369 i of). of upper . .. 370 Conzmixcsinnvr of Labor, between Dalles Rapi<lsuxi<l(‘elilo Falls; appropriation for, clerks, etc .. 168, 904 contracts . 370 Conuniaxioners, Mailed Mates Courts, from Vancouver to mouth of Willa- appropriation for fees 476,1141 mette 370 , deficiencyappropriation for fees .. 32, deficiency appropriation for improving. . . 29 588, 590, 1075 preliminary examination of, to be made, Common Carriers, between Vancouver and the Willa- corporation, liable for violating interstatemette 383 i commerce regulations . 847 (blumbiu Rirer, Hush., g penalty for not filing, observing, etc., tarbridge authorized across, Vancouver, I iffs . ·- 847 Wash 277 · for giving rebates, etc . - .. - 847 " Cblmnbi¤," Ship, I liability for acts of agent, etc ... - S48 payment of French spoliation claim on ae- { excepted from investigation, etc., b Decount of . . 218partment of Commerce and Lahor. . 828 · "(?»lumbia," U S. Mwy, I requirements for automatic couplers and claim for damages by, referred to court of , brakes extended .. 943 admiralty 242 7 Commutution of Rations, 4 Columbus, Ezghula and Gulf Railroad Com- , appropriation for, Army ,. 513,935 pany, for, prisoners of war, etc 473, 1138 may bridge Chattahoochee River, Colum- _ Compton Creek, AZ J, bus, Ga .. 192 appropriation for improvement of ... 350 Columbjus, Ga., _ Ccmzplroller of the CllTT€?'l(‘y, deficiency appropriation for public build- . appropriation for, deputy, clerks, etc.. . 138, 872 _ ing  : ..,,.,. . . 9 ] for superintendent, national currency, bridge authorized acres Chattahoochee i clerks, etc ,,_,.__,,.,,,,_...,.,. 138, 872 ‘ River between Eufaula, Ala., and. . 192 for special examinations, etc. .- ., 138, 872