Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1327

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XXX INDEX. Consular Q[Hz·e.s·—Continued. Page 1 Comingmt Expense.s—C011ti11ued. P¤8¤ duties of, in respect of patent applications. 1226 ; appropriation for Department of Agriculto collect statistics, etc., for Department of 1 ture .. 301, 1163 Commerce and Labor; reports . 827 I for Independent Treasury .. 447, 1109 to execute bond, if accepting admiuistra- I for land offices 451, 1114 tration, etc.,ff{)0m fgrergn state 516 . £0r grmy . . .6 i- . Y) ... suit 011, in case 0 reac 0 trust .. 546 or istricto 0 um ia . , failure tobcéelifzer property, etc., deemed 54 limit on gse of appropriations for, Senate em zz ement .-.. 7 an House of Representatives . 26 punishment .. 547 Contract Labor, Alien, Cbnxular Ojfcers not Odizem, importation of, unlawful; penalty 1214 to be paid from salary of office to which Contract-Labor Laws, Alma, attached 86, 818 I appropriation for enforcing ... 450, 1112 Consular Service, i deticiency appropriation for enforcing 7 . appropriation for repairs to buildings-.- 80, 812 1 Contract Surgeons, Army, or salagges .. 3;, 813 I appropriation for . 512, 933 for c er at consulates ... `, 818 insular duty 933 for clerks at consulates not specified . - 86, 818 I deficiency appropriation for reimbursing. 13 ' deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- - Contractors, D. C., Building, etc., penses ... 6, 32, 553, 590, 1033 ’ license tax on .. 628 for salaries . 32, 553, 587, 590, 1074 l Oantmds, D. C., th d Consulates joinder of torts wi , in a eclzuutiou 543 apgropriation for contingent expenses. .. 88, 819 l Ccntzen, Phdip, de eiency appropriation for contingent 1 deficiency appropriation for services-- . 572, 573 expenses . 6, 32, 553, 587, 590, 1074 | Cbnreyances, D. (1, invoieels filed (more thm five years to be C0/modifications of foirms, etc .. 533 estroy 854 veyunces, Indian erritory, Cansuls, _ provisions for recording . 841 appropriation for salaries ... 81, 813 Convicts, Czmsuls- General, admission of alien, sentenced for crime of appropdgou for sglagies ... 81, 813 moral turpitude, excluded 1214 Contagious 'seaaea, . . Convids, D. C., appropriation for preventin spread of. . 608, 973 a ropriation for support, etc . 610, 975 . . F . PP deficiency gpgmpmtnon or preventing admission of eviden;·ei}>y;· 540 4 sprea 0 , 1044 Conway an Seashore road pany, . Oantagwuq D§sea·s;e.s of rgiécjmals, maybrg'1geWae¤1mawBivcr,C0nwsy,S.C- 387 appropr1ation or e `catiug 1165 Conway, . (,2 , powers of Secretary of Treasury to sup; bridgeauthxgrizedacross Waccamaw River K§°f.%5’“‘Nm mi 1 cm, WSL;,;.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 387 force of regulations as to transportation -- 792 I payment of Court of Claims judgment to effect ¢ffoiusé>ector’s certificate of freedom i i Wadmini tratrix of _..._ 213 m iseuse .. 792 = Look illiam authority to make repzulutions to xrevent 1 payment of, French stpoliation claim to intmdgeltion a.udf?>read ofna;S8$. 792 A 7 {administrator 0 , ,..._ 232 to seizesn isposeo ay, ani p — Ooo ·, lv 1I1I1w ucts, ctc., in trqnsit ... 792 payment 01 French spoliation claim to . Cpuuishment fen violating regulations, etc . 792 administrator 0 .. 232 motinmta are nxurance (bmpcmy, etc. 4 box Buy; and IIar·hm· Oreg. dedcieney appropriation for refunding; du- appropriation for ’impr0l·ement. of en- _ plgate taxg ... 29, 588, 1076 trance ,,..,..,...,_,,_____,______ 347 (bnlingmt emjtirin ntvmsts, Cbon Rim-, Ore·g., mfuudlgggax 0n, not vested before July 1, 406 . C apprgpriatzn for gmnrovement of l.. 369 .. ‘ ... hom irer, u. am A rr. C?mfi¤ye¤¢_E»rp¢*r»~<·¤, _ . appropriation for imprevement of .., 353 apfproprmtmn for forexgn missions .. 78, 809 § surveys authorized _____________________ 353 O? G011S1I1Q18S 38,819 Cuosarrzafiee Rirer Ga., {0I' SGD8W .- y ... 123, 856 . appropriation for improvement of __,,.,,_ 353 for House of Representatives 128, 861 Copenhagen, Denmark, fOr Publiv Pinter .. 128, 862 , appro riation for consul at _____________ 83, $15 for Library of Congress . 131, 865 Cgpyrigg; Office, for Executive Office 132, 866 A appropriation for register, clerks, ctc___ 130, 354 {or 'lflepartmegt of State . 133, 867 Coquille River, 0w»g,, or reasury epartment 141, 875 n prepriaticn fm- im rovgmgnig of _______ 369 for War Department 2 . Y . . 151,885 Corgitt, .\Iqrf{n, and I¥'IElcomb Henley, for Ifub11cB1B1<Engsand (wr0un<;1e¤,\\ ashiw 8% ( agprgpnaiicn for payment to ____________ 268 1I1g On, . Y . . ., nl., 1 br as (nep , for Navy Department ... 156, 890 payment of French spoliation claim to ad-

0r Census Office ... . . 896 minigtmmy of _,____________ _ _____ 229

or nberior partment 161, 897 Ogre EIiax R,, {or givil-S§rxieie)8Ccn;miss;0n P payment elf Court of Claims judgment to . 209 or ce pa men .. , L , or · re cm , ¥0r &partnuen€ o; inéstgce ... 123, 339 u gpnrepriatmn for consul at ,_,__,_______ 83, 315 OY eu _0 r , 5 ‘ `cme m,’ . {cop ` for In Mm Service .. 247, 984 payment of French spoliaticn claim on acfor Weather Bureau ,.. 287, 1148 count of ____________ _ _ ____________ 233