Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1348

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. nmnx. 11 _ Pure- hse- Fiah Five Olvilized Tribeapf Indume, Cbmmiosionerr appropriation torstation, SanMarcos, Tex.; to negotiate with-—Continued. » ' { connplctlcéo-1; -..15 .3 .. 1:346 dntieskgppraai ing, allotting, etc., lands of 7 or on, . .. ero ees ..,,,.. 17 for fish pond Waningkin, D. C ... 1106 Five Falhom Bank, N J., for station, Niorthydle, Mich ... 1106 appropriation for light-ship ,,...,,_ ·_, 1092 Put in Bay Oluo ... 1106 Fwe-Mile River, Conn., Leadville, Colo . . ... 1106 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 384 Neosho, Mo ... . 1106 Flandreau, bl Dak., Bowman, Mont - ... 1106 appro riation for Indian school ... 270, 1(l)3 for two launches . . 1106 Flathead) Agency, Mont., §or laatcheryfggaine coast .. approprgectiop for Indifn agent at- - 245, 982 or 0 n .. , .,na, ont.,

 ,.. 1107 appropriation for support? etc., of .. 255, 992

Du] tpb,Su1phnr Springs, W. Va .. d approp‘rialot:r>nB<‘;r·($upport.. . 575, 1058 u ... . .. n cane r a , Mammoth Spring, Ark., establish- appropriation ior support, etc., of .. 255, 992 ment of . . . , . . ... . 1107 Fleeman, William B., for repairs, etc., f‘Alb•tross " .. 1107 payment of Courtof Claims judgment to. . 214 deficiency a pro nation for biological sts- Fleming, W O., tion, Mom N. C ... 10 yment to L 490 for ilsh hatchery, Tupelo, Mises 10 Fgilner, J W, Erwin, Tenn ... 11 yment to ,,,.. 490 Green Lake, Me 11 Fmlwr, John W, gnluth, Minn .. Flpaymienlt of Court of Claims judgment to. 216

ml, ic .,

Woods Hole, Ha .. 11 construction of public building authorized for snrfboat for "Albatro¤" 11 at P 319 for repairs, etc ... 559 appropriation for - . 427, 1(B5 for maintenance of vesels . 559 Flint {ver, Ga., for us . .‘ . 559, 585 appropriation for improvement of 353 transferred to Deptrhnent of Commerce Florence, Ala., and Labor ... 827 deficiency for public buildmh HMT, for emplo ees 441 1102 ingijwblic--·":."site·"-nina wm a proprxa on y .. , pnrchaseo pu building authorised. 1I1B Fini: Laws, Hate and Territorial, orence, Ilaly, _ Fforestry agelpis, etc., to amist in enforcing- 1115 appmprialppln for consul at . gg, wh Hm, , or c-er ire ,» preliminary examination of, to be made-- 376 Florence, S. C., Fisher, L L., s construction oi public building authorized; pa ent to .. - .. . .. 489 I nomina site . . ... 317 Fiske,:. Rudolph, · appro riation for .. 426, 1085 fee-supplegiatentto . 1008 x "Florence iV'helan," Schooner, Fisher, .t m., 489 i denciency gprppriation for owners, colli- 569 en - ... . ... non w erry. ... Fiei.heyrl;;1Induslriea, l Florida, _ duty ¢;i•b1:eparttment of Commerce and 826 { approperticatxon for surveyor·general, clerks, 2 98 r as .. . ... 4 16‘ , 8 Fishing Creek, M CC,for dredge, etc., for river and harbor imappropriation for improvement of 352 provements .. , ... 339 Fila mg, D. G, for purchasing quarantine station sites closed season for bass, reduced ... z. . 536 rom . 423 contlscation and sale of nets, etc., used m, sale of Seminole Agency lands ... . . . . 1024 H hb illjepul ,., , .. . 588 settlement of mutual claims, Florida In- 235 'lc ur , aaa., ° war . ap rogristion for public building 421 payment of balance .., 235 degciency appropriation for public build- Florida End Coast Railway Grmpany, ing ... . .. 1038 improvement of Biscayne Bay authorised limit of cost increased',J>ub1ic building . . . 1204 , by ... 338 Five Oivilized Tribes of I ams, Cbmminionera Florists, D. O, to Legotiate with, license tax on .. . ... 628 appropriation for salaries of commisioners; Flower, Charles H., powers . 258,994 payment of Court of Claims judgment to enrollment of Creek children 258 children of ... 210 rules for descent, etc., Creek Nation, Flushing Bay, NZ 11, changed .. .3548 appropriation for improvement ggharbor- 334 for ex uses ... . , pre iminary examination , to made-, 380 emprlg ment of clerks in Indian Flying Horses, dc., D. C., Omoo. - .. 259, 994 license tax on .. 626 for town-site expenses _. 259 Fog Signals, _ supplegieeptal agreement with Creeks, rah- 000 Rappmgmhorgor expenses ... 432, 1094 .,.,_,,,., ’ in com, once o Representatiren, additional agreementhzvith Choctaws and 641 appribpriation for superintendent, folders, Clxickasawaraed .. . etc .. . . . ... 126, 860 exclusive jurisdiction of, in allotment mat- i Folding Room, Serum, _ ters, Choctaws and Chickasaws 644 ‘ appropriation for superintendent, assist- Cherokees ... - ... 718 ant, folders, etc . 123, 856