Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1386

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mmsx. -4 lxxxix Mints and assay ojIicea—C0utinucd. pm. Mississippi Rim- Oommimixm, nge_ appropriation for San Francisco, new mn- appropriation for expenses, improvements, cbincry . : 448 of Passes to mouth of the for Denver, mgcbmery, em ...,,,,.,... 1109 Ohm __ . ., , 366, 1128 deficiency appropriation for Seattle, Waslgég 10, additional contracts , 366 28, , 1041 red_ges, ctc. ; operation . _ .,.,__, 367 for Sm Francisco ... 10, 1076 specml improvements , , - 367 coinage of gold dollar authorised for Loui- for repair of levee, Walnut Bend, Ark. . 357

 lfurchnns Exposition - - ._ . 446 for surye{£>f Mississippi Rigcr trom Illifor Phxhppmo government nuthonzed . 710 ucxs vcr to Sami: Loma .. 364

medallions authorized for Thomas J afar- Mkaiaaippi River, Hamburg and Western Radmy Memorial Association . 1227 _ way Company, _ _ authorized for Vmsmnggon Lgmmmt 715 hmc e31’na;1ded fog Endging Bayou Bur- ·tion, exma. ... 0 omcw, r ...,,.,,,,, 41 §udemmn‘i$ra (scigrimcs and ggenses) . Momma: Water Company, . nps1I` ion iver, ., may o wateruri and Mers- Hgpp gl- improvement of 350 I rivgfrs 55 canon, , ucaouri utc, 0., !'0§l’.Il· tion for supsort, ctc. of 257 ralimiunry examination of to be d . . 380 app purchase of hm , and allotment to Mgaour-i River, , ma B Indians .. 257 appropriation for imgvmvcmecnt uf, Sioux oommimion to allot lands, ck: 257 City to Stubbs cny ... , . . 367 gu- counsel 474, 1140 f S{0ul; City to mouth .. 367 or raimbursh g 'csm Surety - or ig ing - ... , 1094 y 999 bridge authorized across, at Chamberlain deiicielra; a.pproFx·iati0u_fog· support, etc. . 22 S. . . 3 83§ for expenses 0 Commumcu .., 1059 Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1:0 Omaha, Nebr. . 204 land granted togaliiomiaiu lieu of section 822 and Missouri . 6 754 0d5MP16d- .. `ty 0 . -. . . 5 918 usoof approprintaxn toppmhasc lands for- 999 Oac0¤q%S. bak .. ’ 762 for expenses of Commission ... 999 Parkvxl , M0 102 M‘u;ion-Tule Agency, Cal., Plsttsmouth, Ncbr 496 Hgppmprizgiou for Indian agent at .. 246, 9% gicricj S. .. 633 mauiIwdaws, ain oscp , 0 . gpp on for siding indigt 997 South Omaha., Nebr .. 91 Meurollmeanzt and allotment of ds to . 651 dams, Ettlgoriczcd grfsm supply, 55 mm' i iver,ms un , 0 ... appmzguriation for improvement of Soutgég 1127 tixggextfrzdcil fogu bridge, Oacoma, S. Dak. fig? ost .. - .. , `ut ar es, 1 0 ‘ 80:8; Pass ,_,...,.,.. -- 340 Yankton, S. pak .. 35 ‘ for prevcutiu cutting through, Walnut Missouri River Bndge Company, Be¤d,A1-i ,,...,. 357 may bridge Mimouri River at Chamberfur survey, etc., ogowaterwsy Illinois 364 M_ llzgin, SébDuk .. 833 River to Saint uin .. uaouri iver nnmiemkrn, onscr board tu report, etc . 364 to terminate after J uno 30 1902 .. 367 for iggrovemeut of reservoirs at head- report of ¥r0cecdings, ctc ’ ... 368 waters; distribution .. 304 transfer 0 property to Secretary of War- . 888 for impriwemaut of ; Minneapolis 1125 impmv¢;u$¤tsw be carried on by Secretary 388 Pa .. , o ar ... » Sai¤t:1Paul to mouth of the Mimouri; , Mnlcham, O. B., additional contracts .. 365,1127 deficiency appropriation for expenses 1047 distribution ... . . _. 865 Mitchell, .-umm, from the Missouri to the Ohio; udd1— payment of French spolistion claim to adtiongl contracts .. 366, 1127 i ministrutor of 225 from the Ohio to Head of the Passes; · Lmchell, Jelhro, _ additional contracts .. 366, 1128 payment of French spoliatmu claim to adgeneral survey authorized . 366 ministrator of 225 distribution . ... 133; Mwrhcll, Ogccg, h l_ t_ I _ t d f lim' __,_,,.. . .. ymen 0 c spomioncmm oa- Pm?:mi€;;:;l€xgmim¢ion of, to be made at pa ministmtor of 225 NIOIIIIC, In - - -51 ---·------···-- · - - [wed Flour, Quincy Harbor, ----------------- damned m consist of any mixture with ‘ Quincy to Buy Levee .----·-·-----·- 377 wheat Hour ... 99 , Wi¢kh“°· KY -—----·-····------ ;: - · 378 mum-zy, Am., bndm ““tb°“'°$d ’"°°°* Cmw wing construction of public building authorized C<>¤¤*{· M¤¤¤ --—·----——-----—·--— 39* at 317 1206 between C amglain and Anoka., Minn- - gg; ·pPr0p;,i;é6;1'f(;![ ````````````````'` 429’ 1038 e Litt} Falls, .1inn .. - -"'1;·'d`}n"g"·"'],]'° ’ exgminatgon at foot of Des Moines Rapids 366 Pmvmsg b ll ’ m ° mbus 745 · for dam ctc- .-·-- - ----------~ . ’ `°``'````````'°` "` · · ’ - · JI bzle, Ala., mbuddlngg dpw of bmi8B' Quincy' 'm" 120 . gppmpriation for improvement of harbor; time €;Y;§3;K$gr`6kh`gah§ `é£i£¤i£1iL};££>h`<=¤¤*¤·=*¤ -—-—-—--—-—---—-—-·-—— 33*% **26 IOWL _ _ __________ _: _____________ 74 { transfer of sewer connections with city . . - 421 1111811 t ati f `n in- , Mobile and Girard Railroad Pe cm fil. - T. E - - - 374 I homestead certihcatesallvgwed parties holdygmoval of (hedges ,_,,,,_,_,,__,,,,__,_ 367 E ing title to lands in Alabaing from, _ 1222