Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1404

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nmnx. cvii _ Phdippine Iregblatureh PNN- Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, S. Dak., . P¤8¢· _ _ Wg10D! *11* forming .. UB appropriation for suryey, etc .,..,_ 262, 997

_$v9¤¤, deficiency appropriation for surveying  1074

appropriation for pay of officers and en- Hnn, William, _ lmvdmcn .:  :.- 512,934 payment to ... , ..,,.,.._..,__, __ 490 credit to Army enlisted men for service as Puma of the Gilgforniua, 0H100W of ...---·~--.. 934 deficiency appropriation for expenses of ordered to snag: constabulary, to beunder 783 Ay inémon , __________________ 552 _ army 0 cers . , cn, oodall ny, Phocmx, f _ mh 1 271 1004 P. eliciency appropriationptior damages . 1058 appropua n orlndian oo ... , 'putone., Hdesciepcy appropriation foilndilan sébool . 28 appmp for Indilpanlschgol ... 272, 1004 oem; ·naumnceCompan_ _ y cw or Aus' an misgleld i1-oa Oompa , detlcieplcy appsropnation lor Treasury set- 1079 may t oflpxridge across Miiiion- 0H1GB . ver, `tts u Pa -.- . 75

 Insurance Company,   Louis, Ag; Pittéburg, Carnegie and Westernrliaolroad Comciency appropriation or Treasury n , _

tlemeut . . ..., 1078 may Allegheny River gt Pittgbmg,


appropriation for preparation of . 455 Bunbury, Pa., ' Phy , etc., appropriation for of harbor. 335 appropriation for studying nature ol ..,... 1153 or marmelljipgpi ,,,__,,,________ _ _ _ 423 Pic ard, (1 R., bridge authoamos Allegheny River deiiciency appropriation for balance due., 1064 h` _ mat 88 .;é.éé&. - i. B ._ .. 837 , Hdmm, un, e may u payment o Frenchfspoliation claim to ad- 229 l£0nont;qhela!1}iv!e;(i;it I"}?. 75 m1mstrator . L ... marine ospi esta is ,.__,, 93 Piehnan, Darweg., _ _ _ contracts authorized .. 423 payment of ch spohatxon claim to ex- transfer ot arsenal land for marine-h0s- - eeutor of . ..5 .6 .. 227 A I pital site ... ..,.,.,,,,,,,,__ 1099 °etc. . . 'utetion cv. license tax on (umass, etc, ... 626 appmpgladm for ¤¤;3pm,’eui, of Indié58 I I "•••"•°'••••·••••·••'•••·• y appro;;rti:ation for light·keeper’s dwelling, was Placrr 01;:;,fo he _ in the _ _ _ 702 ... regula r tmg, e ppmes Hem, S. Dah., Plansfvr Public Buildings, appropriation for Indian school ... 272, 1004 a ropriation for 423, 1091 _ bridge authorized across Missouri River 658 dgcieucy appropriatito)11 {gr . . E?- -.66., 7 at ... paper, supp ies etc., pai or purchase of public building site author- amount ior buildings . . jj 1091 ized . i ... . ... Phmt Indplstvy Bureau, Department of Agriappropriation or . cz ture, construction authorized of public building appropriation for salaries . 290, 1152 . at ... 1207 mr general expenses; vegetable patholdeilciency appropriation for ... 1 ogy and hysiology 291, 1152 terms of court B 1 7 molngical . 291, 1153 “Pilgrim," _ _ bgtanical 292,1153 payment of nch spoliation claim on sc- grass and forage plant 292,1154 count of .. 219 for experiments gardensand grounds 293,1154 Pike, Luther IL, for farm, Arlington, Va . . .. 293,1155 deficiency appropgiation for legal repre- 584 I ground lset apart . 6 .. 29 3 sentatives o .. or tea-cu ture nvestiga ions ... 293 1155 Pilot Chart, North Pact/ic Ocean, for purchase and distribution. . . 293: 1155 Plappziopriation for expenses of, monthly. 154, 888 for npvestigating domestic sugar produq-5 I 56 ' uz _ mcg, riz., lon ... . .. 29 1 gp rdpriatidn for Indian agent at 246 Plantation Creek, Ga., ’ fbi- zupportlptc., of Indians of iw 332 Hprelmngnary examination of, to be made- - 377 or our mi . . . , att, 0 er! for temporary employment, etc., of In- may be_ appointed commander on retired dmns ofé ... . . 262 Pl b llst\N;n,vy 796 Pi bard, a . atts urg, 1 Y ., girght of Uixitieil ’Ststes1to lands in Mont» 7 Plapproprilatipxgor improvement of harbor- 335 me Ala., re to, as trustee- 87 attsmout , 2 ., Pine Blu? Arg: · _ bridge authorized across Missouri River at 496 deficiency appropriation for public build- phmmmh pmmm, 1;,.;,;,,, 00,,,pa,,y, me me ·--- , -·-- , · 1 ----- _ ---·-----· 1 039 my mage Missouri mm .. 496 purchase of public budding site author- Plaum, Germany, Pme La ‘’‘ I ‘‘‘’‘'’'’'‘’‘‘‘'‘‘‘ " 1208 appropriation for consul at . 82, 814 ’I . appropriation for improvement of entrance 344 P¢;ge h;Yé¢:;**é¢;!é0u’3dD}0€-ypemitmd u2_) to . - .. . . -. s r · " Pine Lands, Minn., Headings, D. C., survey, etc.; gale of . 44:3 unitingi of] toms and contracts in the same 543 t' an ...,. ec ara ion ... Hh(;SeIi'nYei]g;(;ilg;ne?2 ., denial of plaintiff s official character withappropriatmn or Indian agent at .. 246. 983 Out oath péfmlftéd . ... 544