Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/1454

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INDEX. clvii Washingtup, O.—C0nt:inued. P¤8¤- Watertown Arseml,—Continued. PBS9- appropnation for public works, navy-yard- 673, appropriation for shop and warehouse . . . 309 1186 ·C3I'1'lIlQ9- lxmt . 309 for additional land; navy—yard 1186 W :1N K, P for Bureau of Standards laboratory . 1090 examination of public building, directed; limit of cost increased for building ... 315 mpg;-1; __________________________ _ 326 deficiency approgriation for and Walervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. K, _ l‘rmting mean; land and buil ing- 1039 up ropriation for machines, gun shop 309 ¤1¤111€1P8ldb¤lld;¤g SIW to bt! acquired; W lor eating apparatus ,,... 1122 cou enum ion etc .,.. 321 am, Ma , appropriation for ., 429 ymeucyto _____________,__________,___ 488 cleiicieucy appropriation for ... 1039 Wgzkggan, Ill,, }{¤\1¢ of 00St 1¤Cl‘€8S€d . ]206 appropriation for improvement of harbor; title to District; contracts for contmcts .. 343, 1126 ui. 1206 Wausau, Web., Washington Gaslgeght Company, construction of public building authorized hours of laboratory changed- -, .. 63 . at .,,.__,,.,._,,_,_,__,____,_,,,_ 319 deficiency upfnropnntion or lighting Capi- appropriation for ..,.,.,.,.,... 428, 1090 _ wl an grounds .. 1055 lim1t of cost increased, public building . . . 1206 Washmgtgn zlarme Insurance Company, New "Waxauw," Inmclad Mmm, or , Chim- for extm com nsation, referred to deficiency appropriation for Treasury set- Court of Chimp: ,_.,...,._,,,, 244 tlement .. 1079, 1079 Wearing A el, D. (1, Washington Monument, exempt {gm personal tax ... 620 appropriation for care and maintenance - - 4S, Vhather Bureau,f I 2 1 4 appropriation or sa aries . 86 1148 for expenses ... 461,1124 £>rl)ue1, lights, and repairs . 287; 1148 Washington Monument Aanomhlivn, Alexandria, for contingent expenses 287,1148 Va., for salaries of officinls outside of Washmedals to be made at mint for ... 715 inghon 287, 1149 Washington, Pa., leaves of absence permitted . 287 construction of public building authorized for all other expenses .. 287, 1149 _ at .: . 1 .,.. - .. 319 - wireless telegraphy experiment: - .:.. 288 Hgppgpgonginon for .. 6 ._.-- 428, 1090 for ugcmteuanco 0 sta/nous, West Ind1¢;§8 1149 7 "' """"""""°""""" ! Waahingkm Sound, ctc., Wl:}:., ‘ for meteorological station, Hawaiian appropriation for lighting 433, 1094 Islands ... 288, 1149 Water Department, D. (1, for general expenses meteorology, ctc.288, 1149 appropriatggn for maintenance, etc., oé)2 967 gor obgprvntoriegi er2I1;ipm§nl|;;6g-é3l288,1;l‘)·gg aqu act ... or ca as etc., a one s , -- for cit reservoir, etc 602; 967 Womans or Sand Kc , F In .. 288 y I for filtration plant .. . ... 602, 967 wireless communication . 288 {or gstending high-service system . 615 gg for cgule, glmck Island to Narragansett 1149 or aries . , er, . for eral e uses 615,980 for storm-warning station, South Mami- 8*** XW A for continuing extension of high-service tou Island, Mich .. 282 gygtgm _______,,...,.,,. 615, 981 for printing and binding ... 480, 1146 denciency appropriation for filtration plant 562 ueiicioncy appropriation or expenses 32, W iorlilncreasing water supply, expenses . . 563 W bb J h 590, 1045 t acint , V e , 0 n, _ _ all cri-o Iliation for removal of, from South-payment of Court of Claims Judgment to pp 1> _ , I . , grgkngmggblg waters ..,. - . 554 ’ vv bd 3$m\?lSt@wf of . . ... . . . . . 215 Wt Pries, l e er cy, mm, {-legnlntitonsgfor, Philippines .. 697 I denciepcy {appropriation for public build- Wider Rights, fhilippines, 704 , h mg rpm S1: -i). . . . Tgé . . 7 . . pmmctmn 0 vested_ ___________________, x um me pu ic in mgm uu onze , Water Supply, _ _ I Wgbgter, Pu., _ appropriation for investigations to deter- · budge authorized across Monongahela _ ming; reports, ,,.. . . --. 455, 1].18 Wcdd"bLFlV0:lBEi ...--.------ -_ ..-..·------ 800 Waterlnuy, Uzmn., my · ·» _;pj { b1' buildin authorized 3 yment to . - ...·... 491 conn NLE_?? Y lT__f _______ F _,__.. , ,,,. 317 J Wggrninyclri Llc Indiana, Colo., 7 appropriation for ,,. 428, 1090 § negotiations with, for Mesa \ erde 998 W?m·re·e Rover, S. (L, · I Weepecket Rock, Jlass., appropriation for improvement of 352 V preliminag examination of, to be made- . 379 preliminary examination pif, {0 be made; 38E ‘ Weaghts andd eauéurea, Irzzrbnstgonal Bureau ofig 811 · t k s n er ... ‘ appropna on or con ou _ -- » , lW¢terl¢;r»F!Ef;, wor Su pe _ _ E Wmyhuangl .}{casures, International Cammzttee, construction of public building authorized approprmtion for ezrpenses of member 874 at; site ,.. 318 { Hel and La Abra (llquns, Y appropriation for .. 428,1090 ; dencienpy npproprmtion for repayment to 5 "¤¢e~r·M·. Rum. _ _ _ I _ _ 1 exrcv, ¤¤ -------··------·-------- payment of French spolmtmn clmm to ad- , U ezmar, Qerinany, mini numr of _,,,,.,,,_.,,,,,,.,., 221 gppropriatiou for consul at . S4, 816 · Watertoum Arsenal, Maxx., _ . Welles, Arnold, _ _ _ appropriation for testing machine . 458, IIQ2 { payment of _ French spolmtxon claim tg 0 gf gqymckg, gnljsmd men _,__,,,,,__,, 4¤8 · -a,dm1mstrat0r of ..31, 23..