Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/213

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FlFTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 594. 1902. 147 For wages of workmen, one thousand and eighty dollars. W°¥°’· d Eur incidental and contingent expenses, nine hundred and twenty C°¤**¤S'°¤*°*P°¤S¢¤ o ars. ASSAY ormcn AT DEADWOOD, SOUTH DAKoTA: For assayer in Dw*W°°d· charge, who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three thousand two hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, three thousand seven hundred dollars. “'“¥°* For incidental and contingent expenses, including rent of building, °°"““g°“‘°‘P‘“'·°°’· two thousand two hundred andfifty dollars. ASSAY ormcm AT HELENA, MoNTANA: For assayer in charge, two H°l°”“· thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; in all, gve . thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For wages of workmen, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars. W°¥°’· For incidental and contin nt ex nses, four thousand dollars. °°”**“€°“*°*P°”°°°· ASSAY orrrcm AT New gm: El);-i· superintendent, four thousand N°"Y°'k~ five hundred dollars; assayer, and melter and refiner, at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, assistant melter and refiner, and weigh clerk at two thousand five hundred dollars each; bookkeeper two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; cashier, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; warrant clerk, two thousand dollars; bar clerk, abstract clerk, and assayer’s computin clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each· assistant weigh gerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; register of deposits, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s first assistant, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s second assistant, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; assayer’s third assistant, two thousand dollars; in all, thirty- nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For waves of workmen and messengers, twenty-seven thousand live W"“°°· hundred dollars. ‘ For incidental and contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. C°¤“¤8°¤*¤¤P¤¤=°¤ ASSAY ormcn AT SAINT Louis, Missoumz For assayer in charge, S¤*¤*I·°¤*¤· two thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand dollars; in all, three thousand dollars. For wages of workmen (including janitor), one thousand dollars. "°¥°”· d l•`or incidental and contingent expenses, seven hundred and fifty C°“'*“‘°“‘°"’°““°'· o lars. AssAr orrxcn AT Sums, WAsmNe·roN: For assayer in charge, ¤¢¤¤¤·- who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand dollars. For wages of workmen and assistants, twenty-seven thousand dollars. WW"- For inc1dental and contingent expenses, including rent of building, C°“‘*“€°'“°’P°¤¤°* nine thousand dollars. , GOVERNMENT IN Tru: TERRITORIES. *`°"*“"*°“· Tmmrronr or ALAsKA: For governor, five thousand dollars; three Al°·¤k¤· jud es, at five thousand dollars each: three attorneys, at three thousand dollars each: three marshals, at four thousand dollars each; three clerks, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Territory, clerk hire, stationery, lights, and fuel, to be expended under the direction of the governor, two thousand dollars. _ TERRITOKY or AmzoNA: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief A”°”*· justice, and three associate `udges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator