Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/61

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or P A B 'I' 'I' `VV' O - FIRST SESSION, FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Page. For holiday recess. December 12, 1901 .,..,,_,.,,,, _ ,__,_,__ 1763 For memorial addresses on the late President William McKinley by Honorable John Hay. F January 16, 1902 d f .i1, .i-AE ,,,...,_,__.,,________ _ _,_________, 1763 or printing report on iron ore eposits o thee Su rior region. February 1, 1902 . 1768 For printing report of the Librarian of Congress. Febrlncary 1, 1902 ...,._., 1 __,,___ 1764 For bulletin on Texas oil and coal fields and geology of western Gulf coast. February . ... - ... 1764 For correcting enrollment of urgent deficiency bill. Februarylll, 1902 ... . ..,..,,. 1764 For printingcadditiorral copies, report of Board of Managers, ational Home for Disabled Volunteer ldiers. February 13, 1902 . ,,.,,,,,_ 1764 For return from the President of bill for execution in the Philippines and Porto Rico of deeds of land in District of Columbia. February 17, 1902 , 1765 For issue of public documents to Congress. March 7, 1902 ... - 1765 For printing report on revision of Porto Rico laws. March 7, 1902 1765 For printing plroceedings of Schley court of inquiryl March 7, 1902 .,. 1765 For printingt e Gazetteer of the hilippines. March 7, 1902 . 1765 For retum om the President of the bill for the relief of Edward Kershner. March 14 1902 1766 For printing "Review of the World’s Commerce" and Commercial Relations, 1901. March 13, 1902 . 1766 For printip report on interoceauic canals. March 19, 1902 . -. 1766 For return hom the President of bill for promotion of anatomical science, District of Columbia. April 1, 1902 .. - .. 1766 F orreturn from the President of bill to pension Robert S. \Voodbury. April 4, 1902 ... 1766 For return from the President of bill to pension Abbie George. April 4, 1902 .. 1766 For committee to attend transfer of remains of Gen. William S. Rosecrans. April 4, 1902 ... 1767 For return from the President of bill granting right of way to Central Arizona Railway Company. April 12, 1902 . . . 1767 For return from the President of bill to pension Hannah T. Knowles. April 12, 1902 ... 1767 For printing additional copies of report of the governor of Oklahoma. April 24, 1902 ... 1767 For printing Land Decisions and Pensions Decisions. May 10, 1902 .. . 1767 For- printing additional copies of bulletin on California immon. M,:; 10, 1902 ... - ... 1768 For- printing revised Course of Study for Indian Schools. y 10, 1 ... - 1768 For printing calendars of correspondence of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. May 10, 1902 1768 For printing report on southern Appalachi on. May 12, 1902 ..,. 1768 For printing state papers on the Louisiana ase. May 13, 1902 ... 1768 For printing additional copies of the report of Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, 1901. May 13, 1902 . 1769 For printing report on rural free-delivery service, 1901. May 13, 1902 . 1769 For printing Jeffer-son’s “Morals of Jesus of Nazareth." May 13, 1902 1769 Fm- printing nrpiport on geology of the Black Hills. May 13, 1902 ,.,... 1769 For printing ditionalgczpies of Production of Precious Metals, 1900, and Director of the Mint, 1901. May 14, 1 .. : ... 1769 For change in enrollment of bills establishing sanrtarium, Hot Springs, South Dakota. May 22, 17 0 1902 . . . - .. . .. 7 For change of enrollment of agricultural appropriation bill. May 26, 1902 . 1770 For return from the President of bill for the relief of owners of British ship "Foscolia." May 29, 1902 - 1770 Fm- committee to confer on the Army appropriation bill. May 29, 1902 - .. 1770 For presenting thanks of Ccgpgrus to onorable John Hay for address on the late President McKinley. June 3, 1 .. . .. 1771 Authorizing the conference committee on sundry civil appropriation bill toadd appropriations for certain public buildings. June 18, 1902 ... . 1771 For change in the title to resolution on Diseases of the Horse. June 19, 1902 .. 1771 For printing memorial addresses on Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. June 26, 1902 .. 1771 For pringééng additional copies of reports of Daughters of the American Revolution. June 27, 1772 1 , ,.,,,_,,__,,_,... . .. For change in the enrollment of the Philippine bilL July 1, 1902 ... . 1772 For adjournment of Conga;. July I, 1$)2· ... . . . ..-.. ... 1772 - lxi