Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/635

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1351. 1902. 569 To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Trea.sury Department on account of the aplpropriation “C0ntingent, Marine Corps," for the fiscal year nineteen undred and one, one hundred and forty-seven dollars and eighty-two cents. T e accounting officers of the Treasury are hereby authorized and ,0;.*'l§,§',;,'},°,f,Q§,§f,°dj} directed to allow, in the settlement of the accounts of the disbursing r¤¢l¤¤¤. etcofiicers of the Navy and Marine Corps involved, credit for commutation of rations and subsistence of marines serving on shore in island possessions prior to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, to relieve the suspensions and disallowances of expenditures for the purpose stated appearing in the accounts of such disbursing officers for the fiscal years eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, nineteen hundred, and nineteen hundred and one. The Auditor for the Navy Department be, and is hereb , authorized A"°"·“*¤8· and directed to credit voucher numbered Eve hundred andysixty-three, fourth quarter, nineteen hundrexl and one, in favor of the New York World, amounting to forty-six dollars and eighty cents, for advertising for recruits. nnscnLLAm¤oUs, NAVAL ns1·A1sL1snm1¤1N·r. Miscellaneous. To com nsate the owners of bar e Ex rt for dama s sustained "E"‘g§f·" by collisidiic with the United Statesgtug Traffic, three hundred and Plym tmownem iiftv dollars. To reimburse Assistant Paymaster Jonathan Brooks in the sum of one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fort -two cents. To reimburse Passed Assistant Paymaster libward P. Ash, twenty- §§§,’,“,{,j*,.§Q;,,’§‘§f,‘,_ four dollars and fifty~three cents. __ _ To compensate the owners of a. wherry belonging to the schooner PT,‘{,‘Q‘Q'Q,‘{°,l:l,‘,‘3,‘{§,g_ Florence Whelan, in collision with the steam launch of the United States steamship Dolphin, thirty-two dollars. _ _ To reimburse Captain W. H. Whiting, United States Navy, amount g,;,,§}l¥,h,{§L'f,€,,,,_ checked against his accounts for moneys paid to Chinese injured by falling of a boat of the United States steamship Charleston, two hundred and thirty-six dollars. To reimburse officers of the Navy for amounts checked against their ;,,${,°§lg,,:?,§$°Q€§T°“ accounts and to authorize the disbursing officers to be credited in their accounts for payments, upon the presentation of proper vouchers, of the expenses for transportation of officers’ effects, two thousand tive hundred dollars. DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. ...'2.¢*.*:::?""‘** °‘ °’*° Conrmenwr Exrm:sms.——'1‘o pay amounts found due by the account- °°““““°"'“*’°“’°’· ing officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, De artment of the Interior," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred andpone, four hundred and forty-three dollars and seventy-one cents. _ ELECTRIC-LIGHT PLANT.-—FOY electric—light lant for the Depart- E*°°""‘*“*""'“‘ ment of the Interior buildings, for the establidiment of an electriclighting plant for buildin s occupied by offices of the Department of the Interior, the Patent Office building, the old Post-Oihce building now occupied by the General Land an Indian bureaus, and the Pension Office buildin , and for the improvement in the heating of the Patent Office building, including necessary conduits, the laying and construction of which are hereby authorized, to be immediately available, and to be continued available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, twenty-five thousand Ge mm dom Mars PREPARED is Tun GENERAL LAND Orman: That the four- u.; ° °° teen thousand eight hundred and forty dollars appropriated by the ‘°·"·°·m·