Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/8

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Vll -Pa c. Bridge, Missehsrigqri River. An act to authorize the cou11ty commis ioners of Crow Wing County, g in the State of Minnesota, to construct a bridge across the Mississi pi River at a point between Pine River and Dean Brook, subject to the approval of tllie Secretary of \Var. June 18, 1902 _____________________________,,_.,,__...,...,,..,..,.________ 39] Dam, Sbint Lawrence River. An act allowing the construction of a dam across the Saint. Lawrence River. June 18, 1902 ..,,,,_,,,__,___________,__ _ _________ 392 Oklahoma, school bands. An act to amend an Act to prohibit the ge of special or local laws in tl§32Teri·itories, to limit the Territorial indebtedness, and for other purposes. June 19, .. - .. 392 District of Columbia, telephone wires. An act regulating the use of telephone wires in the District of Columbia. June 20, 1902 ,.,,_.,__,___,__ _ _____ 393 Indian Territog, caart fees. An act to Hx the fees of United States marshals in the Indian Terri- . tory, an for other purposes. June 21, 1902 ... - 395 United States courts, jul-o»ra’ fees. An act to fix the fees of jurors in the United States courts. _ June 21, 1902 ,..,.,... - .,,,,,,_,_,__,____ 396 Bridge, White River. An act authorizing the Newport Bridge, Belt and Terminal Railway Company to construct a bridge across the White River in Arkansas. June 21, 1902 ___________ 396 Prisoners, good conduct commutation. An act to regulate commutation for good conduct for United States prisoners. June 21, 1902 ... 397 James W. Long. An act providing for the appointment of James W. Long, late u. captain, United itgtées Army, a captain of infantry, and for placing his name on the retired list. June 23, . . 398 Osage River, navigation limit. An act declaring the Osayée River to be not a. navigable stream above the point where the line between the counties 0 Benton and Saint Clair crosses said river. sn ""‘.., .,°”"· ······‘ x.;";;, ··‘·‘‘ .1 ‘‘‘‘ t ‘‘‘‘ f ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 13"'.i£é<i"`.f£1i ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ (1 398 i ° ,em- ment. ac amen sec ion o -one un an irt —nine an pptzgction forty-three hundred and fourteen of the Statutes. June 24, 1902, . 398 Pensions, Indian wars. An act to extend the provisions, limitations, and benefits of an Act entitled "An Act granting pensions to the survivors of the Indian wars of eighteen hundred and thirty-two to eighteen hundred and forty-two, inclusive, known as the Black Hawk wa.r,•Creek war, Cherokee disturbances, and the Seminole war," approved July twenty- seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. June 27, 1902 , - 399 C7ni;4>eu·a Indians of Minmsota. An act to amend an Act entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesot/a," approved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eigbty-nine. June 27,. 1902 . 400 Morganls Louisiana, etc., Steamshi Company. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to adjust the accounts of lifzorgan s Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship Company for transporting the United States mails. June 27, 1902 405 Soma Fe Paefc Railroad Company. An act authorizing the Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Company to sell or ease its railroad property and franchises, and for other purposes. June 27, 1902 . - 405 Legacy taxes, etc., refunded. An act to lprovide for refunding taxes pai upon legacies and bequests for uses of a religious, charitab e, or educational character, for the encouragement of ut, and so forth, under the Act of June thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes. June 27, 1902 406 Bridge, MimmRiver. An act toauthorize the Minneapolis, Superior, Saint Paul and Winnipeg Railwaylgomrjany, of Minnesota, to build and maintain n railway bridge across the Mississippi River. une 27, 1902 .. . 407 Cumberland River improvements. An act to amend an Act entitled "An Act making appro ristions for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers sndgmrbom, gud gg; other purposes," approved June thirteenth, nineteen hundred and two. June 8, 1 .. 408 Appropriations, Military Academy. An act making appro rintions for the sup rt of the Mili Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundredpgnd three, ancx other purposes. June 28, 1902 ... . 409 Appropriations, sundry civil. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other purposes. June 28, 1902 .. . .,.,,,,__ 419 Iathmian canal. An act to provide for the construction of a canal connecting the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. June 28, 1902 ..,._, , , 481 L{fe·»S'aving .S'ervi¢·e, superintendents. An act to iix the compensation of district superintendents in the Liieseving Service. June 28, 1902 .._..,.,____ 484 Part of entry, Naco, Ariz. An act for the wtablishment of a subport of entry at Naco, Arizona. June 28, 1902 ... . . . .. 484 Dam, Rainy River. An act relating to the construction of a. dam acrom Rainy River. June 28, 1902 ... . . . . .. 485 Cowzgressea of Navigation. An act approprinting the sum of three thousand dollars a year for the support and maintenance o the permanent international commission of the congresses of nawigation, and for other purposes. June 28, 1902 . 485 Port of entry, Great Falla, Mont. An act to amend section twenty-five hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statutes, relating to ports of entry. June 28, 1902 485 lincoln Memorial. An act to provide a commission to secure plans and designs for a monument or memorial to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President o the United States. June 28. 1902 486