Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/1004

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INDEX. 2243 War Depag·hrle·nt—Continued. _ P¤·8¤- War Department-Continued. Pure. appropriatron for national cemeteries - 463, 1128 deficiency a ropriation for report on ty- or burial of indigent soldiers ... 464, 1128 phoidpfever in military cam . 1044 for Antietam battlefield . Z , . 464, 1128 for improvin Chippewa River, €Vis . . . 1046 for bH¤gmg_ home remams of officers for Winiield Durbin ________,_______ 1045 and S01d16B ... 464, 1128 | for Capt. O. B. Mitcham __,_,,________ 1047 for relief of distress in Philippines . 1129 for Alaska Commercial Company, etc. . 1047, for care, etc., records of military govern- 1048 ment in Cuba 1129 for James E. McDonald .,,,_______ 1047 for mrhtary posts. . 464,1129 for Col. John Sim n ,,___,__________ 1047 for national parks . g, for Capt. Mcgieji €;0Maus _____________ 1041 or maps -. or Lieut. . . . Pullman ...,,__,, 1047 for surveys, Northern and Northwestern , for Chickamaugaand Chattanooga Park. 1048 lakes - -: .. 467, 1131 — for claims of Confederate soldiers ...,.. 1048 for transporting maps, etc .. 467, 1131 for State and Territorial Homes ... 1049 for artincial limbs . 467, 1131 Chief of Engineers to eenn-01 public buildfor appliances for disabled soldiers- - 467, 1131 ings and grounds, D. C 152 for Providence Hospital, Washingtou 467, 1132 unlaw ul occu iers of public lands, Disfor Garfield Hos ital, Washington - - 467, 1132 trict of Cogumbia, to be ejected 152 for California D5>ris Commission - - - 467,1132 claims of owners of "Mogul" for damage for New York Harbor .. 467, _1132 to be examined ,__,___,_,,,_______ 1048 for building, Fort Sill, Okla., forApache 467 division of llpsular Aflatiglsctéo be Bureau of prisoners . Insu Afairs;. 712 for Nlational Home for Volunteer Saks 1132 funds from Philippine government fe: `ers .. , mi itary stores, to continue avai for aid to State and Territorial Homes 472, 1137 ble ..,... 563 for back pay; bounty; commutation gz 1137 statistical 0; rscgntidgc work in, maéobe rations , trans e to partment o m- fo back etc., war with Spain and merce and Labor . 830 r in Pll)%;pines . 473, [138 War of 1812, for printing and binding ... 480, 1145 settlement of claims of Virginia, South for Aung .. 507, 927 Carolina, and Baltimore, Md .. 235 for forti cations ... 305, 1024 War on Land, for Military Academy ...,.. 409, 1011 international convention governing unges for Fourth of July claims .. 629 of ... 1803 deficiency appropriation for advertising. . . 12 regulations . 1811 for statue of Rochambeau _ . 12 Wm- Revenue Repeal, for care, etc., Executive Mansion .‘ . 12 tax on beer, etc., restored to $1 a barrel,. 96 for military post, Philippines .. 12 stamps may be canceled by perioratnons 96 {ey Yellowstone Park . 12 special taxes repealed ... 96 for Army _____________,________,,___, 13, reduction of tax on snuff .. _ .. 96 . 29, 563, 585,589, 1045, 1072, 1076, 1077 tmtobacco, manufacturedtté. . . 36 f Military Academy .. . . 13, 564 °“ °‘K”“ m. “‘g’“`° m . ‘ ····· rg; vnrumsr Soldiegsg ré16r;m;8é.5é§.i648 1 wkmgpgazgmw f¤r ¤m¤k¤¤s www 97 ) Y 1 I Y I"----.-..-.--.-----`--` for national defgnsle -.· I . . . 29, 533 dmwbsglytilé {802 ____ 2 9-, ¥3¥§§; £'§{’¤?.‘€.sf¤f??.¥??TYi?f..T?‘2»,58» ¤·=,¤··,;·;_;_*;g·3 ·*¤·*¤~ ····* ········*·~¤~~ ,, f un .-·---··_-··..··.-·.---`.-- W I •.k.'··••··•s•••;‘••¤:•»-•• £¥··¤¤¤°Y·1¤¤¤·¤ ----·---------- 2¤»¤¤¤·¤¤° °'2,3’.I‘,§T..iZ?i.K‘.r¥i‘Z,I1‘i"’“""""‘“""" S? fm` im ming C°1°mbi° RW"! wah ‘ ‘ 29 l discount oftobu·co sturni; _ A I i · l 97 gg; Egfgzmgwmbds C°mm“"°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 30 582: repeal of documentary and proprielsry 9 7 °""'°"""'°"°""' ’ Still] .- -. f°" K‘mb°‘t“· W°““'"‘ ri"" ·····‘···· 30* 589 of mls ofpsttdxmtds-by other than revenue 7 ’ for collecting, etc., vpl¤¤lM>1‘¤ ·--·-··- 30, 589 Ommm __________________________ gy for `Ro e River Indian wu ... 30 lmmes sump taxes ________________ gy for Callilornia and Nevada volunteers. 30, 1073 F N; 97 for Oregon and Washington volunteers . 30, wlgtggu Orgs;?é']@; '‘``‘`` 97 58°·58°·1°"3·*°’° legal pmmsai: ZZZZICZZ ss for refund to States for volunteers 586 1 penalty for ygfgqzgl, gf;;,, of executors, 99

’ 6k' . . - . . . . - . . . . · ..·..

printin (1 b' ding __,_,,,,.,.. 94, 1069 " mixed Hour" defined . 99 ig; eentinggi:1 expldlnses ... 563 tea duty Npwléd f¤'0¤¤ J¤·¤¤¤*'.Y L 1903 •~ 99 {ei- statements of expenditures Cubs and not K9 %·¤k¤ 9580* J¤lY L WO? ····----—-·- 99 Philippines Z . ._. , .--.- 563 WG? SP*¤'*» _ _ for destitute citizens hogsés 1046 provisipnscefgr setthngoaccounts of Arm; 955 Alas s , — if mms ¤¤ -··-------——--- f Ob'o River, improvement .. 563 Ward, Joshua _ _ _ fg; Gczemem mma __,__,,_,.,.,..., . 564 g payment {French spolnucu clnun to ndgm- E, A. Mellhenny .. 565 { mmwmwr of ---·---·---·--—·-—-- M as J. B. Beumger ...----- 565 1 W<¤¤r < ¤**~>· - re.- William K. muse 586 i wp¤¤¤<>¤ www -----·-··-~-·~--·—-—--- 1300 for nexium war volunteers ... 589 5 ard. mmm !»· _ . - {01- roms et July claims . 589 { payment of C¤¤¤ of 0l¤¤¤¤ 1¤<lS·¤¤¤* *0 9 7 {ei- public buildings and grounds 758. 1046 l ¤i¥¤1¤1¤¤¤Y0!' of -~—-···-·-······-- -1