Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/542

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TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS. Convention between the United States and Certain, Powers for the ·l°*Y”· 1899- pacijie settlement of international diqmtee. Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899; ratification advised Gy the Senate February 5, 1900; ratiyied by the Heszdent of the Unite States April 7, 1900; ratifeation with the rVetherland.s Government September .4, 1900; proclaimed November 1, 1901. BY nm Pmxsrnmnr or mm Unmino-S·rA·ms or Ammmcn. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the pacilic settlement of international “’°*"“"°· · disputes was concluded and signed on July 29, 1899, by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belginmi, China, Denmark, Spain, the United Mexican States, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Italy, J apan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, oumania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of which Convention. in the French language, is word for word as follows: CONVENTION POUR LE REGLEMENT PACIFIQUE DES conrmrs INTER· NATI0NAUX• [Translation.] _ Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Alle- His Majesty the Emperor of Ge;-- <><>¤¤¤¢¤¤s 1>·r¢i¤ magne,R.oi de Prusse; Sa Majesté many, K1? of Prussia; His Maj — l’Empereur d’Autriche, Roi de esty the mperor of Austria, i Boheme etc. et Roi A stoli%ue King of Bohemia etc. and Aposde Hon grie; Sa Majestgha Roi es tolic Kingiof Hungary; His Maj- Bel es; Sa Majesté l’Em%€F€Ul' esty the_ ing of the Belgians; de Shine; Sa Majesté le oi de His Maljpsty the Emperor of Danemark; Sa Majesté le Roi China; is Ma`esty the Kin of d’Es gne et en Son Nom Sa Ma- Denmark; His Majesty the Igng jestéplii Reine-Régente du Roy- of Spam and in His Name Her aume; le President des Etats- Majesty the Queen Regent of . Unis d’Amérique; le President the Kingdom; the President of des Etats-Unis Mexicains; le the United States of America; President de la Républigue Fran- the Pres1dent of the United caise; Sa Majeste la eine du Mexican States;thePresident of Royaume-Um de la Grande Bre- the French Republic; Her Majtagne et d’Irlande, Impératrice esty the Queen of the United des Indes; Sa Ma`esté le Roi des Kingdom of Great Britain and Hellenes; Sa Mlajesté le Roi Ireland, Empress of India; His d’Italie; Sa Majesté l’Empereur Majestylthe King of the Heldu Japon; Son Altesse Royale lenes; is Majesty the King of le Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, Italy; His Majesty the Emperor 1779