Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/590

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CONVENTION—MARITIME WARFARE. JULY 29, 1899. 1827 Convention between the United States of America and Oertauz Powers my ”y Imfor the adaptation tomaritime warfare of the 'noipbeao theGene*va Oonfventton of August 22 1864. Signed at TZ/gz Hague Jhbq/52.9, 189.9,,* ratqfioatzon advzsed by the Senate May 4, 1.900; rati ed bg the Prestdent of the United States August 3, 1.900; watt cation deggcited with the ]Vethe7·land.s Government September 4, 1900; proc vhned Jlbovember 1, 1.901. _ . Br mE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA· A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the adaptauon to Maritime Warfare of §$¤-*;*1*-gw the dprincigles of the Geneva Convention of An ust 22, 1864, was con- °` `P` ' clu ed an signed on July 29, 1899, by the Pleni tentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, Austria·I·idngary, Belgium, China, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the ori 'nal of which Convention, in the French language, is word for word as follows: [Translation.] CONVENTION rom: L’ADAPTATION A LA co1~:vEi~:·r1oN Eos THE AnA1>·rAr1oN TO GUERRE arAm·rmE DES PRINCIPEB gg MARITIME WABFARE or THE Pnmci- LA CONVENTION DE GENEVE nu 22 AO 1=1.Es or rms: GENEVA co1wEN·r1oN or ice;. Aceusr 22, mei. Sa Majeste l’Empereur d’A]1e- His Majesty the Emperor of ¤¤¤¤·w¤¤év¤r¤¤=~ magne, Roi de Prusse; Sa Majesté Germany, King of Prussia; His I’Empereur d’Autriohe, Roi de Majesty the Emperor of Austria, Boheme etc. et Roi Apostolique de King of Bohemia etc. and A s- Hongrie; Sa Majeste le Roi des tolic King of Hungary; His Miij- Belges; Sa Majeste l’Em§ereur esty the ing of the Belgians; His de Chine; Sa Majeste le oi de Majesty the Enlgieror of China; Danemark; Sa Majeste le Roi His Majestythe ing of Denmarkd’Es gne et en Son Nom Sa Ma- His Majesty the King of Spain and jestépda Reine—Regente du Roy- in HishameHerMa`estytheQueen aume; le President des Etats—Unis Regent of the Kingdom; the Presid`Amerique;lePresident des Etats- dent of the United States of Amer- Unis Mexieains; le President de la iea; the President of the United Re ublique Frun<,·aise; Sa Majesté Mexican States; the President of la Iieine du Royaume—Uni de la the French Regublic; HerMajesty Grande Breta e et d’Irlande, Im- the Queen of the United Kingdom §éi'8t!'lCB des Hides; Sa Majeste le of Great Britain and Ireland, Emoi des Hellenes; Sa Majeste le Eess of India; His Majesty the Roi d’Italie; Sa Majeste l’Empe· ingcof the Hellenes; His Majesty reurduJa on; Son Altesse Royale the ing of Italy; His Majesty le Granddguc de Luxembour , the Emperor of Ja an; His Royal Duc de Nassau; Son Altesse Ie Highness the Grand Duke of Lux- Prince le Montenegro: Sa Majeste emburg, Duke of Nassau; His