Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/629

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1866 CONVENT1ON—GUATEMALA. Aran. 15, 1901. ·*P"u 15-1°°r Convention between the United States and Guatemala for t/oe reciprocal protection of trademarks and trade-labels. Signed at Guatemala Oity, April 15, 1.901; ratgication advised by enate, January 27, 1902,* ratified by tbe President, February 1, 1902; ratifed by Guatemala, April 5, 1.902; ratifoations ere/ianged at Guatemala City, April 7, 1.902,* proclaimed, April 11, 1.902. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UMTED STATES or AMERICA, A PROCLAMATION. P"“"“’l°‘ Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Guatemala providing for the reciprocal protection of Trade—Marks and Trade-Labels, was concluded and signed by their respective Pleni tentiaries at Guatemala City on the fifteenth day of April, one thbusand nine hundred and one, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as ‘ follows: '1`¤<i•-¤¤¤-rk¤i¤G¤¤- With a view to secure for the Con la mira de ‘ urar ralas m md Umm manufacturersof the United States manufaeturas dzsagdos Etudes of América, and those in the Re- Unidos de América y las de la Republic of Guatemala, the recipro- publica de Guatemala, la reciproca cal rotection of their Trade- proteocion de Sus Marcas de Fa- Marlgs and Trade-Labels, the brica y Marcas de Rotulos, los In- Undersigned, duly authorized to frascritos, debidamente autorizathat effect, have agreed on the fol- dos a ese efecto, han convenido en lowing dispositions: las siguientes disposicionesz ARTICLE I. Amicuno I.

    • °°*¤¤>¤¤* ¤8¤¤*<> The citizens of each of the High Los ciudadanos de coda una de

iiiium Mmh °°°°` Contracting Parties shall in the las Altas Partes Contratantes ten- Dominions and Possessions of the drain en los Dominios y Posesiones other have the same rights as de la otra los mismos derechos belong to native citizens, in every- como los pertenecientesa los ciuthiqg relating to Trade-Marks and dadanos nativos, en toda cosa rela- Tra e-Labels of every kind. tiva a Marcas de Fabrics. y Marcas de Rotulos de toda especie. Provided, always, that in the Con tal que en todo caso en los UnitedStatesthecitizens of Guate- Estados Unidos los ciudadanos de mala, and in Guatemala, the cit- Guatemala, · en Guatemala, los izcns of the United States of ciudadanos dl: los Estados Unidos América, cannot enjoy these rights dc América, no puedan gozar de to a greater extent or for a longer estos derechos en mas gran extenperiod of time than in their nat1ve sion 6 por mas large periodo de country. tiempo que en su pais nativo. Axrrrcnm 11. Arrrfcono II. R°*"“""‘·‘°“· Any person in either country Toda persona en uno u otro pais desiring protection of his Trade- ue desee proteccion de su Marca Mark ID the Dominions of the de Fabrica en los Dominios del