Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/719

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1956 PARCELSPOST CON VENTION—-BOLIVIA. Novnmsmz 30, 1901. Stjtggmm *’Y Umm I hereby approve the aforqeoing convention, and in testimony thereof ` have caused tlie seal of the nited States to be hereto aiiixed. [SEAL OF THE UNITED STATES.] THEODORE Ro0SEv1·:LT. By the President: _ JoHN HAY, Secretam; of State. WAs11.rNoToN, January 9, 1902. AP"°'“*”Y*’°“'*“· J osé Manuel Pando, Presidente Constitucional de Republica: Por cuanto el Congreso Nacional ha sancionado la siguiente ley: El Congreso Nacional Decreta: _ _ ARHCULO 1°. Se aprueba la Conveucion Postal, para el cambio de encomiendas, que con fecha 24 de Abril del corriente aio, se ha firmado en la cmdad de La Paz entre el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Dr. Eliodoro Villazon y el Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de la Republics. de los E. E. U. U. de Norte América, George H. Bridqcman. _ ABTICULO 2°. l Poder E ecutivo rocedera ei can'ear las ratifica- _ J P J ciones. Comuniquese al Poder Ejeeutivo, para los fines que prescribe la Constitucion Politica del Estado. Sala de sesiones del Congreso Nacional en la ciudad de In Paz, a 8 de Noviembre de 1900. [FIRMADO. ANIBAL CAPRILES. [rumano. JUAN MA1. BALCNZAR. [Fmmwo. Gamma:. Vanvnnvn C. 6;. Sc?. [FIRMADO.`] ANGEL Dmz on Mnoma, Dqpm. Sear"'. . [Hamm.] MANUEL M" SAAvm>nA, Dt];. SMZO. Portanto, la promulgo para que se tenga y cumpla como ley de la Befgxblica. Paz, Noviembre 13 de 1900. rmmA¤o. José MANUEL PANDO. minarapo. _ _ ELKOD0x0 VILLAZGN. ciaha ayor de Relacnones Exteriores: Es conforme: J oss SA1.MAs. ` [Translation.] José Manuel Pando, Constitutional President of the Republic: Inasmuch as the National Congress has sanctioned the iollowing law: The National Congres decrees: Armour 1. The Postal Convention for the exchange of postal parcels, which vias signed on the 24th of épril of the current year, in the city of La Paz, by the minister o foreign affairs, Dr. iodoro Villazon, and the envoy extraordinary and minister genlgylgtentiary of theei Republic of the United States of North America, George H. n an, 18 a mv . gnlrgm 2. utgogutbivehmwm will proceed to exlqhange the ratifications. o commumm e ex ti t urposeg ‘ political constitution of the Statefxm vo Power or 6 P pmscnbed by the Hall of sessions of the National Congress, in the city of La Paz, the Sth of Novem. ber, 1900. {Here follow signatures.] hw,(tpe{1e;o£egpp:£q1r;iulgam the same in order that it may be held and observed as a I; Paz, November 13, 1900. Joss Mamrsr. PANDO. A : Emonoao \·n.1.Az6N. Chief clerk of foreign relations. Jost Satuas.