Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/739

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1978 PROCLAMATIONS. No. 6. excepting that honorably discharged soldiers and sailors entitled to the R·S··'°°·”"‘·°·‘m· benefits of section 2304 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. as "°'· “‘· ’· **7- amended by the act of Congress approved March 1, 1901 (31 Stat., 847), may present their applications for registration and due proofs of their qualifications throug an agent of their own selection, but no (person will be rmitted to act as agent for more than one such sol ier or sailor. gilo person will be permitted to register more than once or in any other than his true name. Each applicant who shows himself duly ualified will be re istered and given a non-transferable certificate to _ that effect, which will entitle him to go upon and examine the lands to be opened hereunder in the land district in which he elects to make his ‘ entry; but the only urpose for which he ma go upon and examine said lands is that of enaliling him later on, as herein provided. to understandingly select the lands for which he will make entry. No one will be permittedto make settlement upon any of said lands in advance of the opening herein provided for, and during the first sixty days followin said openin no one but registered applicants permitted to make homesteaf settlement upon any of said lands, and then only in pursuance of a homestead entry duly allowed by_the local land oHiccgs, or of a soldier’s declaratory statement duly accepted by such' o cers. bfglfymggwmim The order in which, during the first sixty days following the open- _ negunnmis. ing, the registered applicants will be permitted to make homestead entry of the lands opened hereunder, will be determined by drawings for both the El Reno and Lawton districts publicly held at the United ` States land office at El Reno, Oklahoma, commencing at 9 o’clock a. m., Monday, July 29, 1901, and continuing for such period as may be necessary to complete the same. The drawings will e had under the supervision and immediate observation of a committee of three persons whose integrity is such as to make their control of the drawing a guaranty of its fairness. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, who will prescribe suitab e compensation for their services. Preparatory to these drawings the re `stration omcers will, at the time of registering each applicant who shdws himself duly qualified, make out a card, which must be signed by the a plicant, stating the land district in which he desiresto make homestead entry, and giving such adescription of the applicant as will enable the local land officers to thereafter identify him. This card will be at once sealed in a separate envelope, which will bear no other distinguishing label or mar than such as may be necessary to show that it is to go into the drawing for the lano district in which the applicant desires to make entry. These envelo cs will he separate accordin to land districts and will be carefully preserved and _ remained sealefd until opened in the course of the drawin as herein provided. When the registration is completed all of these sealed envelopes will be brought together at the place of drawing and turned over to the committee in charge of the drawing, who, in such manner as in their judgment will be attended with entire fairness and equalit of opportunity, shall proceed to draw out and open the separate envell: opes and to give to each enclosed card a number in the order in which the envelope containing the same is drawn. While the drawings for the two districts will be separately conducted they will occuras nearl at the same time as is practicable. The result of the drawing for each district will be certified by the committee to the officers of the district _ and will determine the order in which the applicants may make homestead entry of said lands and settlement thereon. N°“°° °’d’¤”i¤8¤· Notice of the drawings stating the name of each applicant and number assigned to him by the drawing will be posted each day at the place of drawing, and each applicant will be notified of his number by a