Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/759

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-d urlhcr, Thatan mineral lands within said Eve

iiiild`1 Shi.Bshfall3f>;Bdi r(d1f1ciign<:iier the mineral yland laws of the United States, excepting that the price of such mineral lands shall be fixed at ten dollars per acre, instead of the price nxed by the said mineral land laws. I And whereas, all the conditions required by law to be performed prior to the opening of said lands to settlement and entry ave been, as I hereby declare, duly rformed, except the sale of the improvements mentioned above, hiit as this is not considered a bar to the opening of the unallotted and unreserved lands to settlement and entr - ,,f;gg“,g€f°f,§g§§c‘{ Ndw, therefore, I, Tnnononn Roosnvmrr, President of the United indian: openwcm-ry States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by law, do J"" ""°°°' hereby declare and make known that all of the lands so as aforesaid ceded by the Shoshone and Bannock Indians, saving and excelpting all lands allotted to the Indians, and saving and excepting the ands on which the Indian improvements have been appraised, and saving and -”·*°°P‘*°“*· excepting the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each Congressional township, and savin and excepting Lots 7 and 8, section 21, NW 4],- SW -} and Lots 9 and 10, section 22, T. 9 S., R. 38 E., B. M., known as "Lava Hot Springs" and saving and excepting all of the lands within five miles of the boundary line of the town o Pocatello, Idaho, and saving and excepting the lands ceded under the Act of September V°*· ”· P- ‘““- 1, 1888 (25 Stat., 452), for the purposes of a townsite, will on the 17th day of June, 1902, at and after the hour of 12 o’clock, noon, (Mountam Standard time), be o ned to settlement and entry under the terms of and subject to al? the conditions, limitations, reservations, and restrictions contained in the statutes above specified, and the laws of the United States applicable thereto. · v01. s1, p. cvs. In view of the provision in said act "'1`hat all of said lands within tive miles of the boundary line of the town of Pocatello shall be sold at c public auction, payable as aforesaid, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for not less than ten dollars per acre," the lands, "within five miles of the boundary line of the town of Pocatello," saving and excepting all lands allotted to the Indians, and saving and excepting the sixteenth and thirty —sixth sections in each Con ressional v01. 25, p. esa township, and saving and exceptin the lands ceded under die Act of September 1, 1888 (25 Stat., 452), Eu the pun ses of a townsite, will on the 17th day of July, 1902, at and after the-hbur of 12 o’clock, noon (Mountain Standard time), be offered at public auction at not less than ten dollars per acre, under the terms and subject to all the conditions, limitations, reservations and restrictions, contained in the statutes above specified, and the laws of the United States a plicable thereto. m*[’,§‘°,§,§“E°n{,*,§’{}:{ Because of the provision in the act ratifying said a reement that ary;" 81 680 “The purchaser o said improvements shall have thirty cgys after such ' 'p‘ ‘ purchase for preference r1 ht of entry, under the rovisions of this Act, of the lands upon whici the im rovements purcliased bv him are situated, not to exceed one hundred, and sixty acres,” the said lands upon which such Indian im rovements purchased are situated outside o the lands within five miiizs of the town of Pocatello, shall for the period of thirty days after said opening be subject to homestead entry, townsite entry, stone and timber entry, and entry under the mineral laws only by those who may have purchased the improvements thereon, and who are accorded a preference right of entry for thirtv days as aforesaid, such entries to be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Act. Persons entitled to make entry under this preference right will be rmitted to do so at an time during the said period of thirty days Idllowing the opening, and, at the expiration of that period any of said lands not so entered will come under the general provisions of this proclamation. The purchaser of the improvements on lands situated within live