Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/834

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INDEX.2073 Consular Sp-vice, _ Pun- 2 Ozmmwt Labor, Alum, P¤s¤1 appropriation for repmrs to buildings- - - 80, 812 · importation of, unlawful; penalty 1214 0r slhries .. 81, 813 Contract-Labor Laws, Alien, for clerks at consulates ... 86, 818 appropriation for enforcing .,. 450, 1112 for clerks at consulptes not specihed . - 86, 818 dc ciency appropriation for enforcing 7 deficiency appropriation for contingent cx- Contract Surgeons, Army, . pcnscs .. 6, 32, 553, 587, 590, 1033, 1074 appropriation for . 512, 933 for salaries . 32, 553, 587, 590,1074 d transfers of pay, on insular duty ... 933 Umm,] eficicucy appro riation for reimbursiug- 13 a przmrziation for contingent ex -.- 88 819 0°'}"'¤d°"‘$» D- 0-, gvildiny, dc-, dl; P _ P¤¤¤¤¤ » iicicncy appropriation for contingent h°°¤B° tax °¤ --···--·-··--·-·-·-··--—-- 628 _ cxgeuscs 6, 32, 553, 587, 590, 1033, 1074 C°f’W]`“°**» D- C-» _ _ _ invoices led more than five years to be ] Jomdcr °€ mth: m * declaration ---- 543 destroyed °````````````````````` 854 2 O0•1‘;1ic;1’c11Z·j1ltpppmpdadon for ervi es 572 573 I · 8. s c . . . Co:'"!!:; rbuou for Blades 81 813 I Conventions (see also Treaties), , Pp P ‘``'‘'°' ’ P additional act, international protection of C(:wuzGAc:ggfi:0r mumps 81 813 i i"d““"i‘f3"°P°"Y ················ 1936 a, ‘ mama D C '`'‘' ’ g international, apting principles of (jeappwpmhou forprgvgu spree1d0f_: 608,973 . f neygcouventioutorpdr:1t1mcw¤.rfarc- 1827 deficiency appropriation or preveming gag-gu; mmgpggr O':}};]": ‘‘‘‘·‘· lm · spmqd of ''’’‘ F '‘'‘'’’‘‘ 1044 E mom: ·0rder with Bolivia - ---.-•- 1868 °°”“""°“* p'"'"'" °f ·"€"'“'}·'· wit; Canada ,,..._..____. 1875 nppropnahon for cradmmng 1165 , with Gmm . I 1924 P°"’°"¤ °f S€°¤`$§¥'Y of mw to SUP; paxccbgfn w}{]]'j;;,]f;i; ````' 1948 P"°°°’ tm ° ’°“"y ° with ew Zealand ``````````````` 1843 Agrkmlmm '’`‘''‘`` "'1 '‘‘`' 79* 2 trwde—marks with Gu;n1;Ea;11£.1aj-0 - U i-- - U I 1866

<;;3_gt¤gg<;g¤*·¤¤¤;s·ge*;;igr;¤,m¤·, ¤··¤;0;_; 792 § with ggeatdimmu for ming mm

from iswse .. 792 ! ““ " ················‘···· ·· 1959 authority m me muimm w rcvent i .ggvg{;=ggg¤¤,f;¤ tgofgggggeofpfwrg - {gg introduction and spread of gisease- 792 1 Coxgcyameg 5**0 v as ° P °P° Y· _

  • »=¤*·¤·¤d·¤¤1·¤¤¤¤*!·=v·=¤i¤¤¤¤ vm- modiiiitaéonér ogiorms em 533

. >u°u’ etc" {P frgrant ' if '‘ ié Ozmveyemccs, Indian Territory! , cb ;‘f,,fQf “° “ mg '°F='“ ‘°“”· ° · · provisions sor mmaiug . 841

  • . Corwicls

pension Increased `‘`‘ ‘ ‘’'1619 gdmiésinn of alien sentenced. for crime of C<m¢¢7',_J0hT¤, 1453 moral turpitudc, excluded ‘ 1214 P°““‘°“ ················-·--··----·-·--· comm p. a Continental F£fCI7I.8|l’l'¢l7I06 Cbmpany, etc. ’ · - ’ · ¤¤M¤¤ev ·¤»·-·¤¤»¤<>¤ M ~¤·¤<¤=-é du- 3£$iZ£'{3Z“.%“e£?§§E€.§’%§”¢ iiwisimy 1 1 .?1°’ S13 · · Phcaw mxes ‘’‘‘`‘’‘'‘‘ 29’ 588’ m76_ Conway and Seashore Railroad Company, (°""E”9" ‘f) lf(:'fe;"t|”’ l before July 1 may`br§lgcWncc¤nmawRiver,C0nwsy,S.C. 387 ’ ’ Conway . Cl 1902 `''''’'`'’‘‘‘‘‘‘'` 406 1 bridgia authorized across Waccamaw River Cvnlin Expenses, ,4; _______________________________ 387 ap gspdriation for foreign missions .. 78, 809 I nook Dem]", A (widow) gn mnmhtu ''' ’ '°''`‘' 88* 819 J ingion increhsed ’ 1636 for&mt9""""’•••·-·—••·-----•• --—·--·—-·-·-·-."-~•.· ‘ for House of Representatives 128, 861 , on {ncrmad B22 for Public Printer .. 128, 862 F 00*; Julia A (,,,;,,,;,,5 ·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘· ’ for Library of Congress . 131, 865 I hsion inc}_“sed ’ 1618 for Executive 0H1w -.·- 132, 866 L,,,,,,,,,, (,,,,1,,,;,5 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for D·=v¤¤¤·¤;¢ <>fr§¤·¢¤i ------------ fij} 26; I ,,,,;,,,0,, ’ 1697 fo Treasury epa men , 7. . _ - < ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ fo; War D°1’“m”°“* ·········-·-···· ML 885 i COOL ygrgéaglf French B 1am0n claim to for Public Buildingsand Gr0unds,\\'a.qhi52 my administrator of Po 232 ingwn, D- C . . .- , 886 _ , . ‘'‘'‘°'`‘`

  • r N De n em ... 156, ssc , CM, W·¤·¤m· _ _

fg03E1g oiésacx . . . 896 I wymesg of Qourgrgf <i1¤¤¤¤ Judgment ¢<> m for Interior Department -_ ... 161,897 i _ m*¤¤¤tm X ° -·-------·-·----- Im- Civil Service Commission 161,897 I Cook, Zebidee, _ _ _ for Post-Office De rtment .. 166, 902 , payment of French spoliatwu claim to for Department ofp.1 ustice . . . ..,. 168, 903 5 administrator of .. 232 for De artment of Labor ..,. 169, 905 (bake, Chayles A., - fm- Iujggn Service ,. 247, 984 pension increased ... 1520 for Weather Bureau . ._ - 287, 1148 I CWI, *1915 _ {0.- D., rtmgnt of Agriculture .. 301, 1163 pension increased ... 1:12 for I nfgpendent Treasury .. . . - . 447, 1109 Cb0l4m,_]0hf•, for land omcg ____ _ ___,,_,,_ __,_, 451, 1114 pension . ... 1390 {0;- Amy ___,,_,,. . 507, 927 Cboley,_James, ` for District of Qolumpia T _,...,,___.. 595, 960 penmou iqcrcgsod ... 1376 limit on use of appropriations fqr, Senate Cooper, Bvqwmw, and Home of Rep;-eeenumves . 26 pension increased .. . 1598