Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/844

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mum:.2083 Deprwfmvny af L<¤b<>r, i’¤sw· i I»ep»»iu»»·i.»¤ of Publir Jimmy, PRKO- appropnation for Commissioner, clerks, ‘ provisions for, in Philippines T11 special agents, etc ... 168,904 Derby, Wizlmm S., {or per elim, gxpeats sind others . 168, m Depension increased ..,__., 1269 or repo an ma ria s 168 rieux Peter, for share International Association for l payment of Court of Claims judgment to f sIt;l>our Iggiggaggont . lg, m De U administratzor of ., 215 or ronery, , e c 1 , .s A aims Iowa for reut_ 169, 905 acquiring new public building site; recomfor contingent expenses . 169, 905 mendations for building, etc: ... 324 tofor printing and bénding . . . .1,380, 1146 De appropriation for . 429 receive one cop ougrmsiona eco - 86 s 3 vines River Land-Grunt Chi s, transferred to jurisdiction of Department deiiciency appropriation for corivmuissioner of Ckugmercc and Labor ... 827 De P adjusting ..,..,.. 1057 Department 0 atc s laines River, Ill. appropriation for Secretary, Assistants, appropriation for siirvey, etc., of, for naviclerkg etc .. 132,866 ble waterway, Lockport to Saint ior wéuew furniture, etc , 133, 867 €>nis ..., 384 or an maps . 133,867 Dcscenza, D. C., {or litbggrapner, etc 13;.2, gg7 illegitiinate children to take no interest by, or con ngen expenses . , 7 rom non compos mother . 537 for Solicitor T . . _ . 167, 903 mualization of advancements by children. 537 for diplomauc and consular service . . . 76, 807 ity, John B., for printing in the ... 78, 809 payment of French s?-mlintion claim so gdfor marking Mexican boundary line 478 ministmtrix o ..,_,_, 223 for printing and binding . . ._ 480, 1145 Desccratian of Graves, D. CC, _ for Canadian boundary line west of return requested from President of bill to Rocky Mountains summit . 1138 I prevent, etc .. - ...,., , 1166 for Alaskan boundary tribunal 1138 Desert Lands, for new examination of fur-seal life, etc. 1138 I appropriation for examination of, selected for e;:minati¢g1&1 letc., proposed Pan- 1 38 I Dm by States .. 452, 1115 ericanway _ 1 `gn for diplomatic (eoxmtion for gold and ; may isspc for any new design for artielu s' verstmi a . . 1138 0 manufacture ...,.,, 193 deiiciencyappropriationfordiplomatic and l time for ap lication in this country and · consular service .. 5, abroas .. . 1225

- 31, 552, 590, 1032, 1074, 1077 Ddchemgdy, George , of M

{or contingent expenses .. 5, 1031 may reappom captain i antry fig; I; Abigszind Weil claims- - 033 Du retired ... 956 mcutting rust 552, 1 rail, ic ., for axpensgshubihation of "the pious I appropriation f;>· lookouts to protect mail {undo t 8C8l1.fo1’DllS” .. 552 , in p0s1·0 ce . 1091) for claims, schoouers "E. B. Nicker- , for immne postal service; contracts. . 111, 1170 gon" and "\Vary" ... 552 l condemned cannon donated for statue of for stationerykeltfz .. .. { .. 1031 IM Rtieneml Macomb .., _, 750 for urc 0 ones am vehic ee 1032 md 'ver, for clerk, edating laws, first session 1031 appr0;;ria3:i·n f¢njimprovem;mmf; lgafoit i y-nevent ‘ ugress ‘ - o 0 Inc; vmntrav n . , +63 H2" assistant, second session . 1032 l for lu·v|l»•-r'n•\wn·lll1i;;,(Enum lnlu magma. l shgi for imlemnity ltnlians killed mul injured 2 \u»¢•per°»u we-lling nuilmrlml, l·2¤-·m•u range nt, Erwin, Miss ... l0·`l2 s liizliint. . · . .. .. W1 for rent, dispatch agenvy. New York... W32 E ulgproprmtnm fur .. . . . 431 for chief of mrenn, etc., to prepare mn- pre iminnry examination of. to he made; sular reports for Department of Q _ vhmmel tu Wynmlntte 379 C‘0mmer•·e and Labor . 1082 { Ikhmler, puniov I'. ( n-Mme-), calendars of Jefferson, Madison, mul Mon- pension lncmasvtl . . ... . 1240 · roevorrespondence ordered printed. 1763 i Doran:. .\[ajor-Gcucml (Tmrkn statistical or smentiiic work in, may be g condemned cannon donated for eutne in - 751 transferred to Department of (om- g De•·ereau.r, D. E, meme and Labor .. I .. S30 * payment to ---- +87 Department cj the Irricrior me Interior De- Derrremr, John, _ _ _ V partment). payment 0I_French spolianon claim to ex- Deportation of Alcens, , _ ecutnx of .- Z ... -. 1*6 provisions for, illegally imported 1218 · Devils Ink; rlgenry, A. pak., illegally entered, or become a public aplpropnauon for Indian agent at .. 245, QS? · qhmge, in two years. __________ _ , , - l?]:} Dori a Lake Qadian Resermlion, .\Z Dah, ` within Ptthbxéee ylems 1J1e E Djrplprgpiiatkon 1;;:; rceurvey .. 2M l)epopi¢' -‘ - s, · a e, - . ., appropz·iationcfor(en;)i/>em¤es, land offices. 452, 1115 · construction of briclge autliorized .. -- 265 degciency appropriation for expenses - - 21, 1006 Drnls Lake gon.? Indumc, .\. Dah, DeposdD. Ci appro na on or support etc., of ..,. 256 may u£8,take¤’in criminal caws of wit- Dcrhae, glirhnzl, y pgp; beyond Distrlrt- . ... [1Q11810D . . .. - . - . 1642 conditions modified for, de bene esac . a3S De··•rt. TI.»>mu.e II., Om]. authoyjygd _______ _ ,,,_., . ,... . 5-lll pension ...,. - ,,,,,,,,,____, 1484)