Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/856

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INDEX. 2095 Epidemics, P¤S¤· Evans, E T, Pageappropriaitioxr for prevention of ... 450, 1112 deficiency appropriation for allowance in Equ` ipage, x rmy, Camp and Gmwiscm, accounts .,,..,.,, 1054 appropriation for , 517, 939 Evans, George Ii, deficiency appropriation for 29, 586 pension increased _,,,,,,,.,. 1327 Eqzeipmerqs, Evam, Gr€pith, appropriatign or t , ,: .,.,,..,. 520, 942 pcnswn increased ,_,_,.,________________ 1447

or organized militia .. 942 Evans,  Helen M (mother),

Ecfntable Interests, D. C., pension 1253 icns extended to ... 540 Evans Im L. judgment liens gn, enforced in equity court 542 peu§i0n increased ... 1621 Equity Cmnt, D. ., vans James, proceedin in, for chan c of name .. 543 pension increased ... 1627 Erie Basin, K, g Evans, Jeremiah, appropriation for improving entrance; con-· pension increased ... 1252 tracts ..,.. 335 1125 Evans Ham P.

£rclimi11ary examination of, to be made- . ’ 380 payi1;cn1};>f Ccurt of Claims judgment to . 210

"c Pa., Evanston, l., £gp%p1g60n for improvement of harbor.` 335 I construction of public building authorized at . . at ... 317 dedcicncy,;1 ppr0pria.tiou for creditr in ac- appropriation for .._.,,..., 427, 1085 _ coun ----· ; · -· ---------- ; ---~·- · · Evanston Wyo. E"'¤»"my B“" Aw Enum A- -B“7`k€ “h”·*»  % constrnictiorfof public building authorized P€D$10¤ ·-----·--·~--—--·--~·-··—··-···· at ... 320 -Erwin Bliss., ‘ tj { __________________ 427 103,5 defiéiency appwpriatiou for i¤<i¤¤¤¤i¢y for 1i¤¤:$p;?I$;1¤:i iggrezgm, public buuding . . - ,1205 Italian subjects killed or injured E,,g;and John A . . by mob at -··---·-·~----·--·-·-~·- 1 pension increased ... , ... 1482 Erwin, T0f”'*·~ » Evening Gun, I apgrqprnaucu for iis? hagchgrgg -1; EH ---- 113 appropriqtion forfiring ,...,,...__,,,,, 520, 942 M %c;u%B£§Y°P¤¤ wu OT 9- BW- Evens, Anqae L. (wzdmv), approériatiouior consul at . 83,815 El,erdt p -·"··`-'----`·--"--°` - Escambéagwnéy, AMB R }kG pension igcmma _,. 1742 may ri ge onccu iver sx waus E,,e,.m M50

F€i'}’Y ----··-----·-·------··--·--- 852 modiiicatioii of improvement of harbor

Ewambw Ewen Fla,. _ authorized ... 739 aggmpnauon for improvement of 353 Em,eu Wash; · EM ag ‘ (1* . approprixitiou for improvement of harbor; 463 Egmmgogggzv m°d16°d ··············· · ·‘ 537 { Eu fight-house, etc., at Mukilteo Point, paymerit m. .’ ... 489 “E Mt ff “’g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘6° Essex, Qllartin, v *. ° ." " 1 146.. Pmou ---—·--··-----—·—----·--------·· 1***8 E‘;§2$1°'M;IL‘i,’»(ws(2<;;,5 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘·‘‘ ‘ Estates, D. C " .· · ’ · of exccutoria or trustees, construed ... 538 I EWDS? ···· I ···· : Ury ···················· 1648 Es¢er0 RQccr, Fm., } **”8». ***3* = · W" W )» my &l'€11]§HlI18l‘}' examination of, to be made. . 317 l P;“Sl°n ································ ‘ " zh “Q-hammer, 1 M ence A payiiicng of French spoliution claim on ac- { povveréyesteaiinJ;>gm11issi0uerofCorpum- count 0 _ _ ________ _ ___,, , ,,,, , ,,__ ‘ » lOl1S 0 0 H1 .. - , Esty, Elvin}., E Evidence! D. Q'.,

};f;3;0¤ rgcregal ... 1401   pr0w1s;> r;%£;% e bene me < cpcmtnons  

6 , m¢"f¢¢‘<m, , , ··-----·-·-·--- . ·: — ····--· * asprggiation for researches .. 439, 1101 3 commissions to take oral deposmgns , 540 dgacigncy appropriation for ______,___,_, 585 extension of authority out of District to Eufaula Alan , order depositions . 540 bridge authorized across Chattahoochee [ admission of prior, by insane or deceased River between Columbus, Ga., and. 192 g } Wit?-*:18 ---·-·------------·-···--- gig E g e .y convic s ... Zngglgresident McKinley by Hon. John Hay, proof aq to cregigility; of wgnm when d {gd ’ md _________ _ _________ 1'74 tashmony i ers rom tements- . 540 Eugag fil:-ugzm, prm I Evidence, United Stau>s Cburts, nsion {nm-eased _______________________ 1273 appropriation for collecting, ctc .. 1141

    • £‘;n»icg," Shi , . Ewzngvbkupuel E.,

payment of granch spoliation claim on ac- _ pension increased I -. .; .. 1573 count of ,.,..,... 220 Examining Swrgeomrfor Pemnomc, Eureka Fire cmd Marine Insurance Company, appropriation for fees} examinations 62, 761

 Oincinmdi, Ofziq, deficiency appropriation for fees and cx;  

deficiency appreprumon for Treasury set- peuscs Z . I T 23, 10¤9, 10¢4 tlemergt ________, , -.. ,.,.. 10.9 report tg gpecnfy rating and physical con- Eureka Imumm Company, Pm1mg, Pa., drtwns --------·---------.----·--- 62 deficiency appropriation for Treasury set- Evmsc Bocgrdz D. C., tlemeut _______ _ __,____,_ , ,__,,... 1078 appropriation for clerks; hquor license rey M A B_ cai ts to be credited to District -- 592, 957 E a s, [lm , _ _P pension in(g]·g3g€d_____,,,,,,,--.---.,... { COH~°tItlIuODOf --