Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/883

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2122 INDEX. Indzkm Territm·y— C0nti11ucd. P¤8¢· Indmns, P¤€€· deficiency appropriation for incidental ex- appropriamiou foryaccinagxqn of- . .. 248, 985 pauses, Indian Service in .. 1058 or represcntauve exhibit of, mdustry, _ for United States jails ...,, 1063 ctc., at St. Louis Exposition ... 445 additional commissioners and constables appmisement and allotment of lands of to be appointed . , ..., 578 Cherokee ... . . ... 717 appraisement, allotting, etc., of Cherokee mcmoriahcif lgmm, for di\‘1Sl0l1 of funds lands 717 an an s 6 bonds for gublic improvements may be mQiE6d .. 641 issue by towns of 2,000 and more- 200 provxsious for allotment in severalty, outlimit of amount issued 200 side of Indian Territory ... 744 subject to approval of two—thirds of supplcmcgxtézk agreement Choctaws voters . - . 200 an 'ckasaws, mti .. census to determine population 200 Industrial 00mm1w0n, taxation for interest and principal . 200 appropriation for salaries and expenses . . 1 former issues to be deducted .. 200 Eggers continued to February 15, 1902--- 1 boundaries soutgem 5nd central judicial ks, 6;::., of, transferred to Library of istrictsc 3.D.g ...-.. 90 ngress ...--..-.-.-. 736 deeds, etc., recording; laws of Arkansas Industrial Home School, D. C., made applicable ...--.-..-..-- 841 , appropriation for expenses -..-..--.-.- 613, 978 deeds and couvcyances to be recorded in for enlargement of gir1s’ dormitories - . . 613 United States courts .-.-.. 842 deficiency appropriation for maintenance- 1044 duties of clerks and deputies; fees --.-. 842 Industrial Property, c0mpe§sa.fi011; use of excess of fees for additioréal act for international protection sc oo s -. 842 0 -.- 1936 transfer of instruments heret0forc_rc- ‘ "Induatry “Brig ‘ corded ... 842 paymeit of Finnch spoliation clhim on acknowledgments to be talgm before {account of ...--,-..-,,--.-..,,, 233 c erks, commissioners, an uotariw- 842 n ants see ako Pro te Court, D. C. ), districts and places of record .-.--.-... 842 acknowledgment and ratification of debts mxlowd marshals in f¢¥011y, ctc. , gases- 395 by ..-...-,..--.---.-- 542 possessors of town cts not to re n ammable-Oil Tanks etc. D. C. moved - - . .--- 259 {cause tax on ownés, ein., of ., ...-.. 628 payment to desmtute Choctaws and Chuck- [,,fo,.,m,,., _ usaws in ...-.-.--.--...--. 177 E mm It · · - p•m¤1¢yf¤rh¤r¤¤¤¢¤¤!i¤g, ki¤i¤¤xiiv<>¤*><>¢k» 7 m y . . 1215 etc ------.-.-..-. 92 I Pm regulation of coal mines in -..--.-.-- 632 I "gm"{’ . T" right of way through, granted Enid and Peqmou mumsed ‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘·‘·· · ‘········ 1436 Anadarko Railway Company .. 43 I”.T'·"'*“» D- _C·y _ granted to railway companies __________ 47 to reputauon not ground for smt by execugeneral provisions .--..-...-.--... 47 _ _ tori etc-, Qf P?")' -·------------ ·- 529 sale of coal and asphalt land of Choctaws I”9“'”” Qni Im`¢’·*h9"**0'•8, Sffwlv, _ and Chickasaws -.---.--.-...- 653 ¤PP"?P!'mU0¤ fOr -; - 1 ·----- - ..---· 123, 807 supplemental agreement with Creeks for d°H°w“*`Y °PP*’°P"mt¤0¤ fo¤` ------ ;- 26, 118, 285 allotment, etc ____________________ 500 bnsane Aqylum (see Govemme¤|: Hogplml {0;- survey, etc., of fom; sites by private par- She I¤¤m€)· ties at rai rom stations ..-.-... . mane, . C., use of timber pnd stone for industrial and i appropriation for support of indigent. . . 613, 979 domestxc purposes ...- 774 I or eporting nonrcmdent ..- 614,979 for railroads extended . ... 774 I deficiency apjxropriation for departing western Jucgual dxstrmt estabhshod .. Emnmsn ent ..-.---.-.-..- 1044 courts; 0 cars ... mume qraom Indian T,.,mie, ctc ¥ admxssxcu of alien, excluded ...- 1214 appropriation for compilation of ..-.. 1000 1 Imolvewa, Indian yp,,.,, who apply for receiver, or whose property is pensions m sun-gram, em, of ndcgfionaln gw §¤*l1¤; ;ibg*g<;<>f fz9W9V by ¤ court, 9 widows who vc not remarri -.. 99 6c 3 im WP —--··-----···-· regard of pay, evidence of service .. 399 Inspec¢<vr·(}'eneral’s Department, Army, pnor contracts with attcmeys annulled. 400 appropnation for pay of officers; l0n· · Indiana, 5 zcvity ----·--...·...-·- 509 931 deficiency nppropyiatiou for refunding ex- E 1 Y0? <i!;_P€Yt a•§€0“ma¤t -----···~·---·- 512: 933 pens,-,8 mming volunteers ____ ____ 586 rwpedvr yerieral s Ojifrr, War Department, p¤ymcutto,fm·sewer,Iudiau¤polisarscnal. 238 { I 8PP;0P¤*g10;1 for Clerks, ctc ... 150, 884 Indianapolis, Ind., E "'mm-m3' Us 0m8’ . . - appmprhtiou for public building QL 1086 , at New York? allowed addmonal pay . 703 or rent, temporary quarters 421, 1086 L*—’P“"°"8y_I’{<h€m, for purchase of land, etc., mhurixm. 1129 aPP'?P¤at*0¤ {OF Pfiyg f1”¤V€U¤g GXEHHSGS-247.983 (gbangg of post guthol-if _ _ (IBHDIGIICY 8ppl'Opl'l3.t10I1 {0I` [PENS ing GX- appr0pr1:;t1•:;g fgr gaggsxtaanlg bugghggs. 515 l P€¤S*>—‘P ---·-~--- - -··-----·-------· 22 expenses 0 o u1 pm rom mpectm-s, Interi De rt en!,

   mgulag nppropnagonq .-. . 421 g appropriationtgr   and expenses of

hmm of cost increased, public bmldmg. , , 1204 ~ gpgcml _____ __ ______ ____________ 156, 89]