Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/946

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INDEX. 2 18 5 Picnic Grounds, etc., D. O., P¤¢¤· Pdtsburg and Manepeld Railroad Oompany, Pmé- Pihénenscézx op Eflsees, etc 626 may redujce heiig t ofgridlge acrors: Monon- NW _¤{>¤ -,_ _ _ ga ea wer `tts u , 75 approprtitation for light-keeper’s dwellmg, 1093 Pittsburg, Camegie and Westernlglailroad Com- . 8. I"' '`*'''''' ‘ ‘’ ··••* pany! Pierce, William IL, may bridge Allegheny River at Pittsburg, Hprensiw incgased ...,.,. 1273 Pa __________________________ _ ____ 337 ce, _ in , Pittsburg, Pa., _P€¤S1§JD£Cf6BB6d ... 1700 appropriationhfor improvement of harbor. 335 e, . ., - or marine os ita ; ..________ 423 appropriation for Indian school .., 272, 1004 bridge authorized, across All hen River bridge authorized across Missouri River at . . ,,., iF ,,__ Y ______ 837 st T .. 658 height may be reduced of bridge across purchase of public building site author- Monongahela River at ..,_,_______ 75 ized .: ... 320 marine hospital established ,, 93 appropriation for_ ... _ . _ - - , - - 429 contracts authorized .. 423 constrméuon authorized of public building 1207 transfer_t:{ apsenal land for marine-hos- 1 a ... 1 Bl ,.,.._,,.,,,, 089 deficiency appropriation for ... 1038 Piuu Indian Reservation, Nev., terms of court .. 197 appropriation for support, etc., of Indi- Pody, Winjeld S, ans of .. 258, 993 nsion increased ... 1574 Placer Claims, "£g·r·im," Brig, regulations for locating, in the Philippayment of rench spoliation claim on ac- pines . -.,.. .. 702 count of .  ; 219 Plane for Public Buildings, Pike, Luther E, appropriation for 423, 1091 deficiency appropriation for legal repre- de ciency appropriation for . 7 _ seutatxves of-_ . 584 paper, supplies et.c.,_to_ be paid for from Pilot (Mart, Paegic Ocean, amount ior buildings . ... .: 1091 Peappaopnatiop for expense of monthly.- 154, 888 Plant Inguulitqrc Bureau, Department of Agnma enc , nz. u , ap rogpriazion for: Indian agent at 248 appropriation for salaries . 290, 1152 an- support, etc., of Indians of 560 m or gencraldexlpenses; vegetable pathqégl 1152 for our...-·.---- 2-- --·-·- , OSY 51165 Y¤100€Y -----·------ , f te rary e lo ent etc. of In- mologi . 291,1153 or dilsnigoi R.?..: 1 .. 262 292,1153 Pinckard, James &, _ gun spd fonfe plant ··.. 292, 1154 rightof United States to lands in Mont- forexperunenta gardenandgrounds. 293,1154 mary, A13., mleasodto, astrustee. 787 for farm, Arlington, Va 293, 1155 Pine Blu}? Ark., ‘ _ ground set apart . ., . . ._ .. 293 deficiency appropriation for public build- for tea-culture mvestigations . r . 293, 1155 ing site ____ _ ____,_, Z ,... t ..,... 1039 for purchase and distribution. . . 293, 1155 purcbalzdof public building site author- 1208 for ipiggstigatnng domestic sugar produ2oé5 1156 · an “Lau, méii ```````'```'`````````````` remnant o»Jei]`a.§Qf ``'````````` ’ appropriation for improv =¤·· ent of entrance 344 prehmmary examination of, to be made. . 377 YD - . . ... · -·-··-·-· · --··-· - Robe" to Pine Lands, Minn., may beapppinted commander on retired survey, eu:.; sale of timber .. 400 list]`, svy 796 reservation of fores%1c¤¤d¤ ------------- 402 Pla¤vF>¤w»_ _- K _ Pine Ridge A , S ., appropriation ior improvement of harbor. 385 _ appro riauon ior Indian agent at .. 246, 983 Plattgmouth, Near., _ Pine Rage Indum Reservation, S Dak., bridge authorized across Mimouri River at 498 appropriation for snryey, etc . . 262, 997 Plattnnouth Bridge Company, deiiciencp approznation for surveying 1074 Plmaieyl bgggnealxlgisaoun River .. 496 PmIcreased, ,.,,...,..,,,, 1694 apprbpriation ior consul at . 82,814 pension in . D Pmkham, Eri W, Play Grounda, Washington, . C., _ pension inqgeosed _,,.,,, 1433 ns$iz;8M-gniament grounds for, permitted- 1122 · ·, _ _ ! ‘ 'I _ Hnnngiygidomwd ..._,.. 1401 uniting of torts and contracts m the same P5;. Wwinm , d¤¢¥¤¤s¤$>¤ --—--- . ---—-————----~ .- — - 543 pgymgnt to ________________, , ,,,_,______ 490 denial of plaintiffs omcial character with- Itmwrt AMW R (WWW), 0*}* mh Wrmltwd ·-··-·-----·-—-· 54* p8l’1810¤ - --·-· 1 ---- _ -~·-··-- - -------· 1 670 Pkadiyigg in Bankruptcy, Pinus Fund of the Cehfomw-v, _ _ time for, reduced ... 798 agreement with Mexico for arbitration of; 1916 Pleagam Thomas J i d°¤¤i°¤°Y °PP'°P"”**‘°” *°' °‘P°““°° °* pension increased ,,..._, 1510 P, A zrbitggoazlj '’’' 552 Pzmrn- Pmm momkr, ggciengi appropriation for damages . 1053 P°W€¥'Sml;_<; :}1PPfQ?h:u¤rL1¤f€¤6<1 to $*309- 791 Hiigzsnbinbiif Z -----· - -----·-----— 1605 Plum Nsiidn W7#·» , _ . Hmm": uhm_, appropriation for cable life-saving station appropriation fo1' Indian SG11D0] ... 272, 1004 to ¤18·1¤l3¤d -·-·-----------··-·-·- 1096