Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/972

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IN DEX. 1 1 Saint Croix River, _ I P¤8—*=· Saint Louis, Mo.—Continued. YN59- oonsent for dam across, Samt CTO1X Falls, appropriation for warehouse for Indian W1! .·... 802 Service stores .. . . 263 999 Saint Croix? River, Wis. and Minn., for lookoutstoprotectmail in post-ohice. 1090 appropriation for improvement of 363 construction of new post-office authorized; &;;q;l Remy, Manu, site ______________________________ 322 appropriation for consul at .,... 84, 816 appropriation for .. 429, 1089 Sam! Francis, 4rk. hmit of cost increased . 1211 bHdg08Htb0H$0({B(HOB&iDCF!8DC1SRlV9f deposit of fund for indigent Ohoctaws and _ at .. . -, .. ...- 1031 Chickasaws with subtreasuxer. -. 177 Sami Franeu_Rwe·r. {hk., Saint Lomb Ore and Steel Compare , appropriation for improvement of ... 357 claim referred to Court of Cilaims; pay- or prevent11¥, cutting through at Wal- ment ___,____,_,_,__,___,_,___,__ 764 _ nut 357 Saint Lomb River, Mun., bndeeczuthonzed across, at Saint Erancis- 1031 prelimina examination of, to be made. . 380 _ 1¤ Cmmty 834 Saint Jllortinrisland, Lake M`wh' , ‘Samt I•"rartcu_Rive·r, Mo., appropriation for light and i¥•¢;·signa1 staappropnation for improvement of 368 l tion .__,_,,___,__________________ 43] { Saint Gall, Switzerland, buint Mary: River and Phila, Meh., - appropriation for consul-general at .. 81, 813 appropriation for improvement of; Middle _ 01* defk lure ... _ . - ... 86, 818 and West Neebish channels; con- "°‘“""’€.*‘.?‘·¤‘”?°""`€‘.;";.l‘·.., 84 8.6 r *“;}°‘“= ······ m..,, ··········· N,.  ?‘“·“" appro? on or oo . , or e orci an o etc. a- Saint Hyacin the, Queba; tions. .., Z .,... ’ .,,,. 435 , 1096 appropriation for consul at . 85, 817 for revenue cutter ,,,, 435 Snint John, New Brumwwk, for improvement of Hay Lake Channel. 463 appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 i for lig t-house tender ...,. 1093 Saint Jo ns, Newfoundland, · deficienci appropriation for sites, range appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 I lig ts 1041 Saint Jo ns, Quebec, light stations .,..,..,.,.,... 1041 ‘ appropriation for consul at . 85, 817 I diversion of water at Sault Sainte Marie; Saint Jo ns River, Flu., I conditions ... - - . . 361 appropriation for improvement of Volusia I of funds for Lake George Channel re- Bar ... . .. 353 pealed ... 362 Jucks0nvillet0theocean;contracts- 354, 1126 use of unexpended balances; Sailors' Enat Orange Mills dats - - - , .. L . . 354 _ campment ... 362 for lighting ..,... . . 433, 1094 mtemational commimion .. 362 Saint Joseph Convent, Fla., Saint Qlair Flats (bull . . -. 362 payment to sistem of . 487 i _ wxdemnz canal above locks 362 Shin! Joseph, Mich., Saint Mwhneis, Azores, appropriation for improvement of harbor SPPPOPHBUOD for consul at . 85, 817 and river ,__,,,,,..,,,,,, , . . . 343 "Sainl d¢‘rick,” Schooner, Sain; Jpggph, M0,, , payment of French spoliation claim on acbridge authorized across Misouri River at . 36 _ count of .. 220 limit of cost increased, public building; Samt Paul Jlfmn., _ addition;} hud _,_,,,,_,,,,,_,, 314, 1206 ; appropriation for puhlic building 422 appropriation for __,_,,__,_,,,,,,,.,, 425 ~ de cicncy appropriation for public builddeiicienc apprymdon for ... 1038 * lng Z . . -: -.-.. 9 Sap"; Jggqh gig", wh,, ‘ regular term, circuit court of appeals . 329 appropria2.io1b;o'i·impE·ozve1n'enp[of .-w.. 343iS?zmtPetergb;trg,:?uss1a, I 1 t 81 813 int J ’.¤ t o icurc l anim r a ro rm non or consn genera a .. , Sa Va., ’ g, · Pier delegates to Rnd Cross conference at. 80 payment to, for use and occupation .. 234 Saint Pierre, oaint Pierre Island, _ Agafnf Lqupmcg Ripgr, N, K, _ · appropriation for consul at . 85,811 appropriation for improvement of; condi- A Saint Scpltenz New Brunvwwk, _ tigng _________________ _ __,,,__,,_ 349 z Saappriopnatxon E: at . 85, 814 brid across, at Hogansburg, declared al ‘ int araman _ ., gepublic structure ..--- . 34 _ Fm? b¤d86 CNW) ---·--·-·---·--- 839 consent given for dam, to Les Galops Is- , oamt Thongas, Ontario, land, N_ Y _____ _ __________,,_, , , , 392 appropriation for consul at . 84, 816 Saint Louis Bay, Lake Superior, Samt Thmnas, Heat Indus, spp,-Oprimcn 50; jighnng channel 433, 1094 » approprumou for consul at . 82, 814 Saint Louie County, Mo., Salaries and Allowances, Postal Service, dams, etc., authorized for water supply, ____ appropriation for geneml superintendent, Mimouri and Merampc rivers .. iw “ ew 164, 900 Saint Lomb Fair (see also Louisiana Purchase for assistant superintendents; per diem, Exposition). etc . - .,... 111, 1170 acceptance of invitation to_C0ngress to at- _ Salaries Amy tend dBi5C8d6u Semces ----·-- ·· ·· 17*4 compnmtiori oi monthly rates of ._,__,_,, 934 notification of opening, etc., made ... Sakm Mw-7 Saimpwl twnmmt ’'’‘'’``°°``` " preliminary examination of harbor to be _ gpprgpriétign, f()1' i·!'€$$Ul`€Y,S _ made `°`'`'`'`'°` °" '``'`Blg 0E0e; saku‘i¤S._ -·-·----~ - ----·-- 14~5,8¤9 S*'1'·""· 0"€9·>_ , for Blades, assay 05309 ____ _ ______,, 147, 881 appropriation for school ... 272, 1005 for wages and contingent expenses. - . 147, 881 - deiicxcncy appropriation for Indian school. 23, 31