Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 2.djvu/998

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[N DEX . 2237 Tulalno Indhln Reservation, Wash., P¤H¢· Twine, etc., Postal Service, P¤8€· ¤PPF9P¤¤¤<>¤ f<>r Indnan school .. 273 appropriation for ,..,,,______ 113, 1171 We R"·'€"_A9€”¢7/4 Cal-, _ deficiency appropriation for ,__,,,.,_ 1061 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians Two Rivera, ll is., Tu _ gl- -_ ———- ( - -:6--5 ----------..-... 257, 993 Tlinpproprptionl for improvement of harbor. 345 mson, ahlda um ow , . >ycrosa, osep , pension .-- . 1737 i i reased ,...,__,________,__ 1673 Tunstall, England, 7§;I;a;Il;1§n05el;2, llld., ¤PPfo‘l;12?;1<;11} fol‘ 00D¤\11¤t . gg, Tgpprgpgation for improvement of 336 0l' 110. .. _ ___.__,_ , gr, 0 gn, Tu lv, Miva- 'o i eased ... 1312 ciisficiency hppropriation for fish hatchery. 10 ,ncr TMPW, _P¢¢q?‘, terms of court .. 69 pension increased. . 1 1616 7{ymm, Michael, , Turchcn, Nadme A. (wsdow), 1330 Tpezsgn ,__,__,___,_____,__,____________ 1292 P€¤¤1°¤ ---·------·------~·-··--·------- 1/P ° , Turin, Italy, _ deticiencyiappropriation for report on, in appropriation for consul at . 85, 817 nu tary camps ,,,_,, , .,,___,,,,,_ 1044 Turkey, _ _ Tfyphoid Fever, D. C'., apipropnlhou fOr minister to ... 76, 807 ·< to be at once reported to health for secretsry of Lgyation .. 77, wg Typh officer .., 3 or secon secre .. , ua Fever, for interpreter to legation 77, 809 appropriation for preventing epidemic. 450, 1112 for steam launch, legation 78, 809 for interpngleters, etc., at consulates 87, 819 §or mars s, consular cond: in ... 87, U- or ex uses 0 prisoners . 8 , - for prisgn for American convicts .. 87, 819 Uintah Qumy Agency, Utah, deficiency appropriation for steam launch, appropriation for Ildlllll agent at .. 246, 983 legation .. 1075 Uintah and White River We Indians, Utah, Tumer, Augusta (wpiiaw), allotment of irrisxble lands .. 263 pension 1333 appmpnahon r allotments ... 997 Turner, Elizabeth A. (widow), inspector toobtaiu consent for allotment 998 pension increased, ,,___,.,...,,__._,..,, 1491 unallotted laudstnestored to public domain- £ Turner, Erwc, Om BD .68 '0 increased ,,.__.,.,,...,,,..,,,.. 1651 mineral locations; Raven Miningllompsny 263 Tupfnllrst (george, distribution of proceeds of sales .. 264 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- appropnatxon for yment for allotments ministrator of . . . 224 to Uncompaglzes, etc . . .‘ .. 264 Tumer, Jerome WZ, myment_of certain c ims ,,...,,.. , . 745 penmon ,... 1759 _Inegmnd¤ s4gtn, Utgth, 744 998 Tu Lucy A. widow , grazing an ape ... , pemneision increased ___, { _,__,_,____,,. 1527 3{euing to tak?) place It-chtober 1, 1%()48;i. L6 998 T mer, W'dl`am B., ot ents to ncom gres, con n iinppro riation for services, Senate 479 I mirrigable lands; area .. 744 Turner, Axiilillekxm K, 1654 l Ulcsttihmgeéor survey of, to be submitted -. . 575 pension incre . .. ‘ N , - ·4 Turnure, E. D., _ _ _ I payment to ,..·-·.-·-·. 489 appointed as watchman, Capitol police. .. 449 Umaulla Agency, Oreiq., Tung) Mountain Band, Chippewa Indians, \ appjpppiagion gn ndlan 115-nt at 240 N Dah. Uma!' a u non e4•en·¢mon' , eg., appropriagipn ior support, etc., of .. 255, 991 l pivxmzofoumgmog; of old .. an n use I rs In deiicizsey appropriation for public build- Umatilla Indiana, Orcg., __ ing git; _______,,,.,,... . . . ,,,,.,_ 1038 appropnauon ior support, etc., of .. 254 , 993 purchase of plpblic buildingsite authorized. 1207 2 Umdens¢ocl`€,t0W•lIzam, 240 Tvwimki, Jcvep . 5 pnymen ---------·-----·--------·-·- · ___,,,,,__.,,... . ... me Um Rim Ore . 1'•i;l;I;m$IPalter Ct, i pi·,gllimir1ary,exax!i1ination of, to be made. . 382 pgngign ingrggsed ,__,,,. . . .. 1422 , céntgian [gah, 1 Tut `l Sa oemblands gnlsom , ., oca onspnoro anuary , appgoprisiyiion for naval station ... 675, 1188 1891, confirmed ..-.-----·- --. 998 Twebih Omen: (nee ako Censlgiflfiice), 1059 ; subsequgnt to January 1, 1891, declared 998 a5 ng g ° ,___,_ ___. , VOI . .· ---- ~·-· --···-· ··· Pgrggrvgbble nil- gpm; or romp- sale or mowed lands ...-..---.. 998 pim., ggngug ____,,,,,_.. . .,... 1059 Lhmmpahgrqlndnmu, deli 'enc appropriationforH.A. Burrows. 570 appropriation for lands on U`u1tah Reser- <¤ Y _PP P . forBurr mdex 570 an vation to . gi .. 264 { (31m-he w, Parker .,,..,.. 570 otments on m rw on wu _ balgixce nnexgded made available for 456 Mute i21g11i1e lands; area 444 Census oe . . ..--·------ - · - - _ · · _ , . . paymen; to clprks n<t:r;upt;Loint;}déét.£ft.. 571 deficiency pppaopnauon for mmbumng 1060 pggl su emen IC ID €1‘ P} _ -·-·---·—------- ··-—*··· re t‘;rm1‘i>1l;tion of temporary organiza- Urcgierwhny E0¢<¤b¥¤hm¢¤¤, D· C, _ tion ____________ _ _______,___,,_,. 571 license tax 0n_ .. - ...-..-------·- 638 "°"‘ '%j‘i‘f‘§°E R? FFT?????}.?????? 51 Lim"' "¤““¤”iJZ`Z.‘ZLT°¤1i'. . I . mx