Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1388

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XIV INDEX. Bonds, etc., PHG- ! Boston, Mass.—C0ntiuued. PS180- issue byGila County, Ariz., for court-house, deficiency appropriation for power plant, etc ... 1268 nsvv-yard . . .,. 29 Bonds of Philippine Goremmmt, , additional assistant appraiser, authorized; exempted from Federal, State, municipal, salary 538 etc., taxation . 689 I granted use of obsolete guns, Fort Indeissue authorized for public improvements- 689 pendence, Castle Island ... 186 Bonds on Cbnlracls, D. C., Botanic Garden, ` required from contractors for work or ma- appropriation for superintendent, assistterial as guaranty for repairs ... 704 ants, etc 96, 642 Bonds, Philippine Railroads, for repairs and improvements . 96, 511, 642 guaranty of interest on, issued for con- for general repairs 1212 struction . 690 deficiency appropriation for labor and Bonds, Postal blzrvice, materials , 421 execution of new; release of sureties . 1259 for repairs, etc ... 421, 1249 B<»¤if¤v¢» UM- John J. B0mmaz1»¢·e8¢ig¤»i0»8 deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- appropriation for cxilmscs ____________ 283 869 counts .,,,.,_..,. 1224 Boundary ’ B°””€"· Tl'°"*“·9· approve;} of established by South Dakota payment of Court of Claims judgment to and léebmska ____________________ 820 admmlstmtnx of ----------------·- 749 Arkansas western, extended, near Fort Bonsall, Thomas WZ, . K Smith _____________________ · ______ 714 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- . 764 Boundary, Alaska and Canada, · Brmynae, HM- Rohm W, ap mprmatm for marking, ew .. 1211 deflcleggét i :51;;*;:3gOn f°*` Contested 420 degciency appropriation forsurveying, etc. 15 _ `'`` Boundary Commission, Mexican Water,

‘§1;;£§Z2’§l”ésu¤ or cum 766 B,3,p,;>,*jggi;·;g,g;¤),,£3;,,¤;;;,§gj;;g,g;gg,·>* ---- ”· 919

gong, · . . . ’ copyright privileges for, in foreign 1am_ appropriation for demarcatmu, etc 505,1211 guages lpubhshed abroad .. 1000 Bm'{'ly’ ri t. f ,01 nt 504 120. ·>**··=* gw ~ me *·> grfgng *·¤¤{gg¤¤ 0* $££2?é°¤J} L£’§‘p£,§3mE`m.“?3‘ge;1t;;’;‘ Bn. ’ ° epartments D0 prin un- · ·<=¤¤=·¤¤¤¤ri»¤¤¤y<>¤¤gr·»¤¤ ------·- 1249 1.,, J;3§$‘0i¥¥f,··.;;.;;Ia·;g ·e.;s6l§"* *25* 122} {522 temporary copxright for, exhibited at Lou- for vohmfaing _____?""""-;:;;::-- ’ 424 BOOM IQ:;?;;; r°haS° EXP°S*“°¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4 l for desgropipg e\nemy’s ;*essels, t01l)Jc setpayment of Court of Claims judgment to H t W u I or Or * my gpm41 daughter of .. l 7 72 mlm '’`'‘'‘`'‘'‘'‘` Boon Island, JD., B°"mg• '%'°'¥0{g h 1. t. 1 . t d appropriation for lighbhouse keeper’s paymaglisi nig: Ofspo la wu C mm oa794 - uu . *_ ···················· BOOM, _.;(}v;§{ g 466 · Bourne, Shem·yashul>, _ _ _ payment to legal representatives.of ... 800 P8}'m°;€:;sg_;€g$:fSW]l¤tl°¤ claim *0 ad` 790 Boone, mm, _ ······-····-········ deficiency appropriation for publicbuilding 23 Bvveh, Clllrwd ·L» _ _ BO,,,,,,, _;,,;,,, R,,,,.,,,,, payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 774 payment of Court of Claims judgment to BW", ( lll}?""' S·» _ _ __ widow of _________________________ 779 payment of Court of Claims Judgment to - 472 Bordraur, Frame, { ]?o·n·drn, Lvrnalvl J., _ I ,,p,,mp,.{m,O,, fm. mm"; at _____________ 73,922 1 puyme{¤t_of Court of Claims judgment to __4 for clerk hire . .; . T8, 926 = l}’"`*" " -; -···-··--—-------------- " Borrlvrlanrl (hal (-bm_prnzy, * B0"""', Ed"'""" ( ·» _ _ _ may bridge Tug [<m·k_ Big Sandy Rf-", , payment of Court of(1la1ms judgment to _ near Nolan, \\`. Vu ... 1042 ‘ _ °x*‘**“tO* "l --·--·-- • --··---·-·-——- *46 Rm.,;,,,,,,,, yy,,,,.;,!,,, E Bolvling .·lllr·y.¤, D. C'., F _ payment of ('outta of Claims judgment to ~ h*’€nS*’,t“x on -------------·—----------- 060 w1.rm·¤s . 755 a B<>~·~¢. "··’¢•·r· , _ _ Blmzmim, 1w11mm, payment of French Sr><>¤¤¤¤<>¤ Ck9m Lv gd; _ _ payment of French spoliation claim to M1- ¤¤¤¤¤S¤¤t<>r Of ------ » ---- ·80» #$0, 19h ·9¤ ministrator of ,..,_. 785, 792, 795 H°u`3l”"y J- AL _ _ __ I;,,,.,,;,,,/y rv {at, a ],»,!,»,.e3,»n;,,;;,.,. i,, yy,,,,,,.,,,, 5 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 4oO deficiency appropriation for widow .. 419 I Boyce Bridge Company, Boslry, Ailaey, j may bridge Red River, Boyce, La 817 payment of Court of Claims judgment to { Boyce, La., administrator of ,. 767 ; bridge authorized across Red River at 817 Boston and Maine Railroad, j Boyd, Carolinas, refund of illegally collected internal-reve- : payment of Court of Claims judgment to uue taxes 801 1 administrator of ... . .. 755 Boston, Mass, . Bozeman, Mont., appropriationforassistmxttreasurer’s0flice; i appropriation for fish hatchery .. 1181 salaries .,,, 106,652 l Braddock Street Methodist Episcopal Church for public works,·navy—yard 334, 1101 I South, Wizzclzesler, Wa., for ight-house, The Graves. .,,,.. 466 , payment of Court of Claims judgment to for improvement of harbor 493, 1118,1194 i trustees of · 772