Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1399

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INDEX. XXV Chippewa Indians, Turtle Mountain Band, P¤g€· l Church Street, D. C., • P’*8°- X pak-, W name of Madison, Samson, and Sampson aPPY`0PYmU0¤ I0? SUPPOIT, ctc., of . 202, 1057 t streets changed to ,_,,,,,_____,__, 244 for lands ceded .. - 195 Churches, D. 0,, ‘ 9·gI`€€m€¤t Y0? €€’S$i0I1 of l3HdS ... 194 [ Water to be furnished free; limit . 742 mtiii<·<1 .. 195 , Cmmmzz, cmg1mm, Chippewa River, FWS., I may be restored to active list, Navy .. 1263 lands withdrawn for reservoirs, headwaters C'”W“’9°8; qui'"; of, restored to homestead entry ____ 990 ! appropriatiorg for consul at . 73, 922 conditions ________________ _ __________ 990 I _ for clerk bire 78, 926 Chiltenden, Cop!. H Jil., I C’”€'imWH; Qhw, _ deficiency appropriation for credit in I aPP*`0PY';U°¤ lfoH assistant t¥’°¤$m'€!"i07 653 accounts . 24 0 C9? Sa mms ·-------—--------- , — ·· · Circuit Courts, Clgg§’IIg;g€)"jf ___________________________ 777 appr0;¥ia];ion_for pircuit juciges 140,686 A °"M·~~ MM L jm?§d€cifo§’i§’{$§é2°.‘;‘;$i§’ 5.i?é"°""‘ ‘‘‘‘ “°’ $33 "”‘““$lEd°$WC$}`T‘CYE’¥-?}?‘{’T`?.?€‘F*f*‘."T'f’T‘T-?T’ m i¤ @03; Og ,*;gg<};aggrggp*;gg*~¤ M- 812 Choctaw and Chickasaw Citizenshqy Court, C{,.(.uit Cogng 5 Appeal ’ ```````` =<¤P1>¤>1>ri¤ti<>¤f<>r ¤¤1¤¤¤Se¤ -------------- 141 appropriation for Claris ..__,,_ 140, 686 for cmmngént QXPBDSBSS balance F63P` ’ ior messenger, eighth circuit . 170, 686 Pmpmated --—----~·-------------- 192 for law books -: ,. . ._,__ 141, 687 for St€“Og"aPh€"S» etc ——-·-----·---·--· 192 for expenses of ]udges ., 508, 1208 Choctaw Irplirzqs (seg also Five Civilized Tribes jurisdiction in trade—1nark suits .. 728 o Im ians , term at Montgomer , Ala ... 249 appropriation for fultilling treaties with- 193, 1051 Circuit Judges, y for town-site expenses 205 appropriation for salaries .. 140, 686 for completing surveys, etc.,, of town deficiency appropriation for additional, sites .,,.. 1059 first circuit ... 1240 for tribal schools . ., 215, 1076 additional, authorized, first circuit .., 611 for paying claim of J. Hale Sypher 1063 seventh circuit ... .. 992 claim of J. Hale Sypher referred to Court Citizen Commission, Indian Service, of Claims ..,,..., 208 appropriation for expenses .., 191, 1050 legal representatives against funds of, I Citizenship Court, Choctaw and Chickasaw, referred to Court o Claims 809 appropriation for expenses .. 141 enrollment, etc., directed of children born For expenses disallowed by accounting prior to March 4, 1905 ... - - 1071 officers ... 1062 payment to, of funds received from sale of 5 1 (`ity Delivqr%_Se1·?ice, Postal p'ergce,t 132 gown lots _,_,,______. 7 g appropna ion or superin eu en , etc . - , 678 sale of nnleased lands under sealed pro- * for carriers, etc 439,1090 ` posals; commission ... 209 · deficiency appropriation for .. 415,1239 appropriation for expenses _,_,___,_,,,209 1 ('Ludad JIIQPQZ, 1V€.l‘N‘0, _ lgasgil lands withheld ___,,,, . ,... 209 1 appropriation for consul at . *74, 92:3 Choctaw Lidians, Mississippi, i {_ OT 0i€l‘k illfér ... _ 78.926 deficiency appropriation for removal to(‘iu¢Iad Porgrirjio Ihuz, .i[e.z·»r·o, [mmm Territory ____________ , _____ 1237 appropriation for consul at . Z4, 922 Chortaw Nation,_. . 0F Pliirk Sum`: ‘. ‘‘‘‘······‘··‘·‘····· ‘8· 926 assignment, etc-., of Choctaw, Oklaboum 1 ( ""[ **"""'€" {'”""{'”·""’?f· _ _ and Gulf Railroad Company leases. 5-14 I “Pl“'0!"`***i““$* ***1 (·°*¤\¤¤¤·"\<*¤<“T¤» >*¢<‘T•‘·( _ 0 coal and as halt segregation in, extemlt-t1_ 544 · UWM •h*\‘k¤·, Nv: .,, _ ,_,_ .•,,•14r leases Sans etc _ e _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _____ _ 544 , for Held force, t*XH.\I\I1\t*l’i·¤, und vlerks. . . MJ ’ ’ . , V K for rtlrui <‘m‘r10t‘ Gxmmnnnyr hoard .. 643 Cho¢·fau·, Oklahoma and Gulf Raolroad (om- g mmries tm Jul`, 1 mm) M.; mm, ‘ · .'.` .°,":`:"".; ` may aésigfh em., mal leases in Chocmw ot postal employees lor sen M'; Xmim] ··‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘'`‘‘‘ M4 fore‘<peii<e;'-Niii-ii--ivlliiiiUU--9764:3 may sell franchises in Indizm Territory to fm. (,6nti¤3zé!;{ {é;`;;,; '````````` lI,8’ 674 Chieago, Rock Island and Pacific ~ for mnt i ````````````` 15q* 6· 4 , · .·.- ..··- -·.. ...·- ··-·- . ~·...O R=¤l“’f*>' C°mp°my ····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 991 for printing and binding ... 512, 1212 C}l0f‘f<w‘}w!C}N’•¢ Riff?`, Fl"- and ·‘U“·; _ deficiency appropriation for priming and appropriation foI‘ i¤1pl°0\‘€m€¤t Qt —----··· 112* binding ,,..,,_..,.,.,,, 39, 422, 1249 bridge authorized across, 3f TI'3W1€kS L3¤<i· _ _ for traveling expenses __,,.._,..,.,,,_ 422 C] I ing, Ala. ..- - ·--·-—·----· - - 0% details of depargient employees to, for ao em, _ service in istrict forbidden ... 613 ¤PP!‘01>1`i¤ti°¤ fo¥` 1’¥`€"'€miO“ Of €I“‘ · (`iriIi:ed Tribes (ore Five Civilized '1`ribesof demic . - ..·--- - -----·· 466, 1170 Indians). Chvpifwk Ri¢‘¢’>'» Md-;_ _ Clackmnas, Oreg., , appropriation for lmpfoV€*m€¤t 0* -----··— 1123appropriation for fish hatchery .. 1181 Chi-ixt Episcopal ('hurch, Holly Springs, Miss., _" ("Iui/»orne,_JQI.. _ V _ ‘ payment to ...r. - - .. i 4 i appropriation for iniproveinent ot harbor- 1123 Christianity. 1\'oru·ay, _ (`Imms (seg afso Qmmbus Qlanns ser), · appropriation for consul-general at .. 43, 921 appropriation nwrdereniling suits in. agamjt €'h~¤ari~a, f/»i¤<¤ _ _ 1. plied rmtés; -.-.--- , -·-.. 9**1 1205 appropriation for consul at . - -- . 43, 922 for detense in Indian depredation. . , anti. 1206 voir xxxm, M 1-83