Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1407

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I ... INDEX. xxxm 0riminals,_ _ _ _ P¤8¤- Cuba-—Continued. P¤8€· appronnatxzn fqr expensg, brmging h0me,70 918 declarsgion as to origin of customs legisla- 3 rom ore1gn coun nas ...,._.__.,_ , on _____________________________ deficiency appropriation for bringing no additional fees 0Il imports from ... 4 CH I g-0I;~1€.€fli0m abroad ... 394 equal treatment of imports by both counpp e ee · 0 0., tries r 4 payment of clnigas of residents. certified by 05 no discrimination in taxes on place of ship- Ollft 0 aims ... 8 mem; __,_________________________ 4 Criweld, Md., Culcbra Island, P. R., preliminary examination of harbor to be preliminary examination of Great Harbor C A gaibc --,2.h; . . 1152 Gull to beénlaic . .,.,,,,,., 1156 r0c*er, re eric ‘ ., 0m, Hon. el y JL, payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 754 made member of commission on Senate Crgft, G. W., late a Representative in Congress, office building ..__,,.. 481 C eizriency appropriation for widow .. 419 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, rap eports, Tenn., appro riation for expenses of monthly, avment of Court of Claims jud ment to P 8 .. . . , 1*1 . - 4 itc 292 879 t mtees '67 Crosen, R. R., 77 Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Prairie payment to . 7 Grore, Ark., Cross Margaret J payment of Court of Claims judgment to payment of Gonrt of Claims judgment to trustees of 745 · administrator of .. 774 Cumberland River Improvement Company, Cross, II'. JI., may improve upper Cumberland River by dgiiciem-y appropriation for contested elec- locks and dams, etc ... 1132 7 tion expenses 420 Cumberland Rirer, Tenn. and Ky., Crmush, Abram, _ _ _ appropriation for improvement of, below payment of Court or Claims judgment to 1\¤.¤hv1lle 1132 administrator of . . 775 above lgashville; completing lock 2 1132 Cram-h William A., lock an dam 21; contracts 1132 payment to, , ... 777 bridge authorized across, at Canton, Ky , - - 1046 Crow Agency, Mont., locks and dams authorized by Cumbcrappropriation for Indian agent at . 190, 1048 land River Improvement Comanny- 1132 Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak., Ctiuge extqrgzd gm budge, Carthage, erm. 313 ro riatiou for Indian agent at . 190 1048 um erland n , Ga. and Fla., - C'r?£4PIn5ian Rescrratimz, Mont., appropriation forimprovement of- 493, 1125, 1194 agreement for cession of portion of ... 352 "Cumbe·rland," Steam Tawboai, amendsé} anal mtqggiled ,... CIdc6qieuc§;»;ppmpriation for owners of 1245 t 3Di T8 1 ...-- - --·--··----- ¢mW|'Ul9·B -, n. £ riation for surveviu markiu time exiended for bridge across Calumet u V C .. - ---.----- - ----·----------·--·—--·- ·

  be ndar et       359 River at 548

- # . . . [ . allotments to Indums; dnsposal of l‘8lll2.lIl- r Cumzmglmnx, _C1‘1<T, _ _ ing lands ___________ _ __________ , , _ 359 L payment 0} pourt of Clmms judgment to W I use Og proceeds _______________ , _____..., 361 1 _ administrator of .. mb appropriation for s¢·h001 sections for Mon- q Cumnnglunn, Ruglms, mlm _____________ _ __________ _ ____ 361 I paymenr of F regnchfspoliatiou claim to sul- 3 C ; [ di I _ xmxustra gr 0 782 bsyqprgprgngnn for fuliilling treaty with- 196, 1052 E Cunningham, U illmm, {0,- support, eww of ____________ _ _ _ _ 202, 1057 5 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- _ C‘r0zminshield, Clftfbrd, _ _ _ _ m¤¤¤¤r¤¤f¤r of ------·---··------—- 'S3 payment. of French spohatnon ulmm to ad- x Cvumyuaghum, John 7E, _ _ _ W lninistmtof of _____________ _ ______ 783 . paymentof Court of Clmnus Judgnwut tu. . Mn (y.u{“,.8, _ I (,'nru(·ao, Wes! I ndiea, 1 4 I t .5 th rind of gw;) iirgt-glass · appropriation for consu at . 75,923

   a rr¤1<»rs·¢\; cost .. 350 C’urr•·r•¢·•·, Henry,

three. ;;_·;50-mn, ,.(-um; mst ____________ 350 1 payment, of Court of Claims judgment to __ mst ,,; smut, increased _________ , ,,,,,.., 1116 [ C a<Hn;;nstr$}0r of .. M4 gr,' [[ , T] (;_ Hf 1 lL7'7'€TlC€, 1 mm . _ I y;s:.¥rx; c11t igygzurt of blnims judgment to I payment of Q0urt of Clauus judgment to __

ylministratm· and heir at law of. - - 749 aekmnpwrrrwr vi ------------------ •·4

I '·ynlal R‘:·e·, F/a., _ C'ur·rmr7;, :Yr_tmna , _ _ _

appmpri;;tion for improvement of  1121 Oz;1ppr;>;;?r]ationlf;`>r:1s;1;};t1va paper  463, 1168

g ,; , I rrcn l·l`€Ii, 4 r ·. m r .. _ nn n,n,.;ntg,,n gm- minister to _____,_,_,_ 68, 915 · a.ppropr1ation for xmprovement 0t.c .. 1132 gn. ,.(.(.mgm·v of mmtion ______,_.. ---- 69,916 I Curretuck 6bur1d,{’\. C., _ f { , I[t. _________ _ ________ 69 917 appropriation ur improvement 0I water-

 Zlgfg;l'l:f;>$§C@§ W h€TB American sol-   vrayltl;·;>ug51, from Norfolk to Alba- 1194

Ygrg fell in . . . ··----- 1196 _ ma? 9 un ---·---------··- • ----- — enlistex men allowed credit for double Curtzs, George UC, time of service in . 264 · _1>aym¤¤¢t<> -----·---—-—----------——-—--- **01 imports from, to be admitted at 20 per Curtis, Slwldon, _ _ _ nent reduction of tiriif duty ... paymenq ofqtFr$nch z:p0l1ation clmm to ad- .-96 d t' f f { rgtgg ____ , _____ . IHIYIL 1*3 TIXO ... . I sugsxr 21:12; ?10€;i n?cEangu1 while pres- ’ Curtiss and Brown, ent convention in fgycg ____ _ ______ 3 refund of internal-revenue taxes to ... 807