Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1417

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mmzx. xlm District of C'olumbja—Continued. Pnzs- Dniwtricl of Columbia-—Continued. Pmreal estate outs1de_of city, daily transcripts water to be furnished charitable institu- _ of d?€(lS,·W1iiS, etc ... _ . 738 tions free; limit ... 742 designation given to be legal title .. 738 Dtvtrict of Cblumbia Code Amendments, reservation No._ 32 transferred to control Sec. 552, fees for tiling incorporation eer- 0f(»0¤¤m1¤¤10¤0¥¤ -------.. 12 tiiicates increased; roof of organirestaurnnts, barber shops, etc., allowed to muon, em., requires ____,_________ 639 lgeep open March 5 1905 .. 1287 Sec. 602, reincoi-poration of benevolent, resubdivision of lots or blocks affected by etc., societies; consent of two-thirds _ system of highways , . . 51 of directors, stockholders, required. 1012 right of way through square 690 for Union certiiicate reguired to be tiled . 1012 Station tunnel ..---·..~... 480 Sec. 825a, pumshment. for placing explosales of merchandise in bulk; duties of siveg near buildings, etc ,,__,,,__., 1033 })¤1’<!h¤S¢!* ... , 555 Sec. 833a, unishment for fraudulent dison failure of purchaser to demand state- posai of mortgaged personal propment of creditors, etc., sale fraudu- erty ,_,,,,_ , .,,_ _ _,______________ 554 lent and void . 555 Sec. 1141, ancillary guardian for nonresisettlement of disbursing officer’s outstand- dent infants or lunnticg _____,______ 1006 ing Checks . t . 574 Sec. 1288, rovisions for marriages among sewers to be constructed in streets, etc.; Quagers, etc ..,,,___ , ____,,,,, 297 assessments, etc .. 244 Sec. 1293, form ot marriage license inoditicd 297 snow and ice regulations modified ... 12 Sec. 1608, alleys and minor streets, condispecial assessments for water mains and tions for opening, etc ...,,,_,., 733 service sewers, authorized . 1043 width, etc., oi minor streets ,,,..,, 733 square 793, location of alley changed . 739 Sec. 1608a, closing uselem alleys; disposal square 806, location of alleyin, changed-. 742 of land ..,..,. 733 square 979, title of lots to investigated, Sec. 1608b, dedication of new, and closing etc .. 544 existing, alleys; proceedings ... 733 release to Thomas H. G. Todd . 5-15 Sec. 1608c, closing narrow alleys . 784 square south of square 990, title of owner Sec. 1608d, closing alleys when square has of lot 5, confirmed ... 710 one owner 734 square 1131, boundaries marked . 1014 Sec. 1608e, condemnation proceeding to street cars to have glass vestibules for mo- open, etc., alleys and minor streets. 734 tormen .. 1001 Sec. 1608f, notice to parties in interest 734 street railways, Anacostia, Surrattsville Sec. 1608g, assessment of damages nndbenand Brand wine Electric Railway, ents by jury .. 735 may extend, lines into . 980 Sec. 1608h, condemnation ot parts of lots- 735 East Washington Hei5hts Traction Com- Sec. 1608i, determination of objections by ‘ puny, time exten ed .. 308 court 735 streets; abandonment of part of W street Sec. 1608j, beneiits assessed to include ex- NE ___,,.,,,,,... 174 pense of proceedings .. 736 extending highways east and west of Sec. 1608k,pa?*mentof awardsfordainages- 736 Zoological Park ... 522 Sec. 16081, co lection of assessment of benextension ot Albemarle street .. 534 ents . 736 extension of Eighth street NW 247 Sec. 1609, compensation of gurors 736 extension of Euclid place to Erie street- 516 Sec. 1610, appeals not to elay opening, extension of Kaloramn avenue . 514, 1010 etc., nor paying awards to others - - 736 extension of M street NE .. 977 Sec. 1611, deposit of receipts from United extension of Nineteenth street . 1007 State _8¤d ·: -.-- . 737 extension of Rittenhouse street 1038 Sec. 1612, preparation ofdplats ... 737 extension of T gtmel; NE .._,.. 1001 Sec. 1613, effect of con emnation under extension of Twenty-third street to Cal- previous laws 737 ifornia avenue . ; .. 252 Dinrid of Columbia, Lbmmisaimwrs of the, widening of V street NW ,..,,,,.. 520 appropriation for salaries .. 363, 884 extension of Wyoming avenue . 577 authorized to connect city with suburban Madison, Samson, and Sampson to be streets · --·----------.-..-... . 587 named Church ... 244 to construct necmsary water mains and naming oi, outside of Washington ..-.· 14 _ sewers . i . 244 opening. extending, etc., minor 733 duties, causing telegraph poles and wires to pa,-t of Thi",,-,.m.and.g.hnlt street desig— be taken down ... 984 mmd Linwoyth lace ,,____,,, 628 inaugural ceremonies . 1277 use of parking and sidewalks for business opening, closing, etc., alleys and minor , Purim`-_____.,.,,,-.,.--...- streets---¤¤-·---•»•·—--·---·-····~- telegraph poles and wires in tire limits to temporary detention of insane persons- , 317 be when down _ ___,_,_____,,_,, . - 984 lunacy proceedings on petition o , in cases conduits; alley connections, etc . .- 985 0 homicidally inclined persons 740 maintenance of, outside of city 986 , public convenience stations to be est.¤b· union railroad terminal, time extended for lished by; control 984 completin ,,,__ , ,.,...,.. 740 reservation N o. 32, transferred to control of 12 modification ol lens; approval 741 to issue temporary permits for electric, subway under lginth street SW 741 gas, and steam connections to Railuse of part of monument grounds for Amer- vgay Appliance Exhibition; condigc", gagiwa Appliance Exhibition. 1275 tions ... I 1275 water mains to be constructed; assess- to number, etc., parcels of land outside of ments, etc _______ _ _______,_,_, , , , - 244 city for assessment, etc 737