Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1453

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INDEX. lxxix

 Lafayette, General, P¤8€- 1 Lane, Moses A., N Page

appropriatwn for purchase of bust ... 511 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 746 Lagranrzv, 1/1-, nm (1 Ji . . . . g 071, O VIL, am in Illmois River at, may be lowered. 589 payulgnt 0; French Spoliatign claim to ad- Lake Champlain, N. Y. and VI., mimstmtm. Of 797 799 appropriation forimproveuxent; (pfNarr0ws_ 1117 Langgom Ok[a — I l _ i . · l - - - - - · · _ - · ’ Lake U'""[“· L"" contracts, etc., for colored agricultural and t€¥'m$ Of court -·-----··------—---·--~--- 841normal school permitted 1258 Lake E"i€·. . Landen Martha W. , - - U — _ l _ i l - ==¤m>r<>1>rw¤<>¤ for P<>i¤¤ vu P¤·1<>·¤1igM-v<=¤¤- paymém of crmé of omims judgment to Sei ------·-·---------------------- _ 1173 administrator of . 743 tunnel under, for Buffalo water supply, L’A»;’Lgui[le R;,,e,· AHC_, "----·"·`-·--·- au ONE ·-··---· · - ~ g -·--·--···- 843 appropriation for improvement of 1132 Lake HG7"}OT, dI10h., L1A d In , d Se · preliminary examination of, to be made- . 1152 me G3}. h wm 6 N qppma I"dm"‘°* Lake Jhchigvm, tw F u t .b I f d . board of engineers to report plan to over- pagmgn of a E al un Slper capmil ··‘‘ 201 come effects of Wave action 1137 re en 10:1 or sc oo s, employees, minors, transfer of dredge directed _,,____ _ ______ 1137 · 6 C °'°'`'`'``'`` ’ `''``' 201 Lake Minnetonka, Jlhnn., Lammm . . . Juwey of, for charting, directed .. 1152 Lgggxggawngor public bmlding ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1158 lc A · , .’ . ° °’ . agprogqrgigron for improvement of Wamp  ;£$;opE;tion forimprovement of harbor-. 1120 "Y *?°"" K"’“""’““W B“Y.*° ··-··-- 1137 8 ropriation rm- public human 1158 fortznder,1nspectorEleventh light-house M 9 l P g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ istrigt .___,__._...,.,,,.. 1172 " ”¤ * “”"“ r , _ for gghting egannels, Saint Louis and Paymeggghgou? of Clalms Judgment to 7m upgrigr yg ____ , .,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,., 1173 ro ···················*··· Lake Limp, vmn., Lasher, Om _ _ appropriation for improvement of water- P”·Ym°”Y of Court Of Clmms Judgment *0

   way to pugft Sound ______________ 1144    Wtg0“' of ·--------··----·----—---- 761

’ h` , h., un » T'"?/t appwgiiggtjzz for lismpmvement of Water, settlementpf accounts for, transferred to Way Puget Sound ________________ 1144 'Ph1l1pp1ne government 276 Lake WL-HN8bdg0, Wis., Launches, Steam, survex of, for charting, directed .. 1155 less than 10 toéxs may have one person as Lakes, 'orthern and Nonhwestern, pi ot an engineer 1029 _ appropriation for survey of. .. {99, 1199 Laundries. Army, Land Districtx, use of, for private parties permitted; conestablished, Uintah, Utah ... 1014 ditions, etc ... 834 parish and county courts, may take aifi- Lawrence and Cohen, davits, etc., in entries . 59 refund of internal-revenue taxes to ... 807 Land Patents, etc., Lawrence, Hans., 0€!'tifl€d 00P1?S by i'€00}`d€¥`y to h¤V€ 6E6C'? appropriation for Indian school ... 213, 1074 of ongmals as evidence ... 185 SH hospital ___________________________ 213 production of original papers in, ¤¤¢h•==¤ti· for puimc bmiaing . 455,115:; t cated by register .. 186 Lauvregu·e’ _A[(,8_q , Landrum, William Lt _ _ appropriation for public building 455 payment of Court of Claims yudgment to,- 768 1 Laws of (yongrm Lands, etc., · - ’ · · ... . ¤v¤r¤vr*¤¤¤¤ for ¤¤¤·edr· ·=¤= -----··- 4**5 1*69 2fi‘${£Z}Lll“€”$?'£,°§it»S’°i$°i5`.§;A;ti.&e;.m‘ d;.;..°" W Lands in Seweralty to bzdmns, i meme and Labor 542 appropriation for surv?5 etc., Turtle [mm Ryman of ’‘'‘‘' ` ‘ * ‘ V 1 *y r Mcuqmm Band Of hlppemls ‘‘‘‘‘ 196 l report of Commission to include recent for completing allotn1ents, et<· . 206, 1060 I general laws 1285 for surveying and allottmz . 206, 1061 1 Lml_8O" Rirhard ````````````'`'`'` m Osage ReS°irvamm’ Okla" Subject E payment of French spoliation claim to adto present oil leases, etc .., 1061 · · miniqtmtm. Of mq agricultural land entries for Absentee 1 ,. `’°'' ` \Vy;md0tte¤ ,,_,. - ... 519 I Le Fo'"? '"'("'°!’» . . alienation restriction removed from allot- “PPr0P,F”¤Om0" P‘*Y‘,“¥g”` lml?Y9""'“€mS» ments to Puyallup Indians, Wash- . 565 i F mil? MO“Dt*““ °`S°" atmu ·····- 1062 allotment, etc., of Yakima Reservation, L“"`h~ , "'"X Av . . , Wash __________________ 596 deficiency appt-oprtatuén for reimburse- allotments to Chippewas on White Earth ~ _ ment Smlen hm S ················ 1*19 Reservation, Minn 539 { L*’”d{"'""· P·· ___ Indians on Crow Creek Reservation, L£?£3;§"gO';é ·······‘····•··············· ‘ ‘ 8 Mont .. .. · ’ ’.’ . ‘* -- Indians on Devils Lake R€S€wation  %§%$gg;l8€}?;: for fish hatchery .. 441 N. Dak ,.,... 5 4 z ·. *·# . Indians on Flathead Reservation, Mont. 303 aPPmPm’m°n for llflpmvfment of ····-··- 1129 correction of errors in trust patents for. - . 297 t League Islqrrd, Pq., A\UT'3lj1¢¥Td,

Lang  Lpyj, = appropriauon for nuhhc works ... 334, 1102

payment of French spoliation claim to ad- 2 deficiency ap§ropr1ation for dry dock .,._ 407 miuigtfgtgr Of __________,_____,. . , 795 for t11I0b0I ry dock ... 408