Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1459

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INDEX. lxxxv "Lucy," Schooner, Brightman, Master, PSSB- McBride, Benjamin, P¤S°· payment of French spoliation claims ou patent in fee t0, Yankton Sioux allotted- 1068 RCCOUHYZ of 793 M-0CdIIlIll07l, Dorcas Elizabeth, "Lucy," SZ00p, payment of Court of Claims judgment t0. 768 payment of French spoliation claims on McOanmzmz, Samuel,

 account of  782 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 768

Ludmgtont Mirh., McCann, Hattie E., approprmtnon for improvement of harbor. 1137 payment. t0, damages from mortar prac- Ludlam and Watson, NCQ- ; -------------·-----------·-- 804 payment of Court of Claims judgment to MCO0n7M W*U¥am Pu _ _ Surviving partner __________ ______ 771 payment of Court of Clmm Judgment to. 759 Ludlow, Daniel, McCartenqq, Charles M., payment of French iponmuon claim to payment of G<>¤¤ <>fo1v·¤r¤¤1¤dg¤¤¤¤¢ w - 747 L A Rdministmhix 0 ````````````````` 789 M;)g;’1Q;Z{éI;§,Yi)];htc;:)I;f¥ of Claims judgment to um, mz, _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to wrdowgf -------------··---------- 761 administrator of ,.,,,,__,.,,,..,.. 756 McCauley, A- H-: _ _ Lum8dm wwg p payment of Court of Clmms judgment to payment of url: of Claims judgment t0- . 774 M 0 ladgystrator of ·---·-··--·---·--· 780 ·¤~~¤¤~ P*m<”¤v¤ A’·¤¤'~· ° “?f$é'£2 at HEZEL spoliation claim to ad- A provisions for ,,,.,.. 619 pay ministmtor of 798 Lu""'?} W"']‘°· D· Cv McClelland Senia and I - - - - - - - - - _ - - t ¤vr>¤·v¤¤¤¤¤ *<¤¤¤r··=¤¤··»¤ ¤*¤¤¤¤=¤·>·g- 38*905 a mengof com of 01am3s judgment to deficiency appropriation for expenses - 400, 1222 P y administrator of 744 proceedings on petition of Commissioners, · , '’''''°` f th dan . 740 1!{cClmt0cI., John. L m Tl °r ° gemus mmmé ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ paymcuy of French spoliation claim to udh wines; qi 1;r¤a$h Fpviintivn claim w 783 McO,m,e§}j"}§€§L?}f,2{\?T ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘ 7‘ 7* ‘ ¤¤¤1¤¤Y<> -----——----···---- 'l'g'd g _ 748 Lutheran cv»u¢cn,s1m»»ourg,Ma., M;§’§.g’ljj‘,,°“1'L¢§’,fg§“1§°°f° "““ '“ g‘“°“ *° ’ 7 'I payment of Court of Clmms judgment to paymeutm ____________ 805 tr¤»¤¢¢<·¤ ---------·---------·------ 753 McC’reary m212AM `````````' . L“·“'”b""`9· Ngtherlands a"d· payment of F rerich spolintion claim to adapzyyopyiggigu for minigtar to ., . 68, 9].5 ministmtor of 798 or secretary of 10g3U0D -·—-·--—-----· 6*% 916 Mgchllly and Cgmpqmy, -D!/”‘“”¤ i"'¤¢<>d¤"· . . . - payment of Court `of Claims judgment to payment of French sp0h¤.t1011 dill!] in Rd- Surviving partnch 763 minigtmtor of . . . . . . 1 · 786 McDaniel Ghana 4 L!/""‘• C°""·» Oli . payment of Court of Claims judgment to bridge authorized across C0l1I\€Ct1C\1t executor OL ______________ ____ 763 Rider between Saybrook and . 160 Mcpameh Leung L?/”¢‘h» D°U'€» payment of Court of Claims judgment to p¤Y1¤€¤@ *0 ---·------ — --·-----···· · ···· ·· 778 administrator of .. 769 Lyndon, Ill., Jl0D01m1d, John A., dam authorized uct0S! Rock RIVBY 8* ----- 1004 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 7n2 Lynn, Maas., McDonald, JRn·guret1£., ¤·PPT0PYi¤ti0¤ fOr imPY0"€m€m Of harbor? payment t0, damages from mortar praccqnu-;,:;; ___ . . . U18 gat;. . .. 804 L , George .· ., _ A ·)cma , ’. .. ygyvmgnt of Court of Clmms judgmeuf Y0. 166 imynumt in .. . .. 805 L1’On B and Coynpgny, Jl6m?!?]], .'ll(.|'(,`I7Nl1’U‘, `payment of Court of Claims judgment to dehcnencgi ufwpfonyuatxonn for éxpcrmgg {$1;- ,· · rt f ________ ______ ·· 93 em .g ec mu cases, mma u e »- L {gun wing pu um. 0 l resentutives .. 420 yam, qnqe, _ F 0 { d W,". appropnauon fgy QQ11S1J] Rt . . . . . . . . - L4, 9·z~ \ —‘[cFa our } Flmv l 1_ F l _ I gu, clerk muh ______ __________ _ _____ 43, 926 pay·n1enS;; ;§n: gpo m mn 0 lm 0 M - y- n ] I ________,,_,,,_,,,__. _;_

 matent to issue for allotment I M¢‘Gn/ley, J~me~ J,  

w ____ _____ _______ _ 1065 I p;¥1x£;nt}0 . - ... M8 ```°``J c 1 ne _ , ieorge, deiicicucv appropriation for paying heirs. 1217 M' jD`(;Ol/'/Ul, John, .,M R Pmxonmyv Tum payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 759 ·t' f fu l to MrGun·e, Bard S., d0Hcm:1:•?;ne;p?t‘j?f{a. . . ft- 21 dedcicncp·appr0pmat1ou for contested-elem _· Nm-;] t, 1). C., 5 mm °XP€“S“ ··-·················· · Mpsggztediuggwgg condemn land, extending, g Jlrllnrg, Ormsixu, east of Bladensburg mud .. 94 1 ! deBc{eucy upprgprnahon for servxces -. 41. , 1.,46 . M A Rohm D = _\[e]h-ame, Bloonyldd, zeéfécd from liébmty on bond nf Elias B. ¥ payment; {»; C&urt of Claims Judgment to · - k ______ wu · . I McAlMn?°I‘}Yc:;?;§l ```````'``- 5 McIntosh, Alexander, ~*·~¤~§:;,=-M in ¥ér1>;_ééi*1?riii€a-vi2’; M Pm:s;£¤£;2:*w2*O€‘?1?i.*1‘1·‘%*ét<·:t tv Tm