Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1487

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mnnx. cxiii Philippine Tarijf Revision Law, 1905-—Cont’d. Philippine Tarif Rezision Law, 1.905—Cont’d. Dmusmc ARTICL@—·COHtiDD8d. Page Durmnrm Am·1cm·;s—Continued. Page ink writing and drawing .. 85 945 latticework, wooden . 194 960 intestines, dried . 233: 963 laimches . i..-, .. 237;% iodine ... 90, 945 lead, and artic es 0 ... 3 iron, cast (articles of) malleable, dutiable pelncils . ... 944g as wroug tiron . w ite an .. 9 piss- - YK-d ·--- EAA---, ------·---- , $(:,33 l€?h€1"_b€lti¤t-2; -----~--—----—-—-----— 233; gig no po is e , coa e c 3 . ressmgs, e c ... , polished or turned - 32: 940 manufactures . 229, 962 coated, ornamented, etc . 83, 940 leaves, drugs . 81, 944 iron, sulphate of .. 94, 946 lenses, sing e 861 , 9 L1 iron, wrought and steel, ingots . 24,% I eombinlation, etc . .. - -..--- 8g?, 3; anchors, chains etc . 2, 1 ic GHS, rugs ... . ..---------- anyils ,.,.. ’ . 43,941 licorice, extract oi 78; 944 articles, common ... . 58, 942 lighters ..-- - -.--·------ 267, 965 flue ______,____,_,,____,._,,. . 59,942 lll11B--: .. -- -. - ..------- 3,935 breech and muzzle loading arms, etc . gg, clglomde, . (i ... 1, . . . gité. .f. . . gg, bugklgg _____________________, _ ___. . , p 0Sp 8. GS RH 'SIIPGTP OSP O . . cables, fencing wire, etc . 45,9-H lll1GB tlGXfllGSéa}2;(?;;¤g:·:,¤]; ~·-----· 147*%,gg: 355% ast‘ _ h _______________. 37 940 cinc es or es . ... , C §;:i2h¥g§?T’_T?? _,,,_.,.,_ 38; 940 knitted goods .-.------ 1§2, 9§5 orotehet hooks, hairpins . 53. 9-H EGGS HH _ bl011dGS --------·-~----·· 104» 995 cutlery ____________________________ _ 54, 941 pile fabrics . . . 151, 995 nails, Eagksécainxl bracls .. gg, ttpestry, BW - ·t-i · - -S -·-—··-—·-—-- - - S ___________________ s oe am corse ace .. , · _ g?:s,8l1noo]?s, aniseyes ... 52; 941 trimmings, Bti! ----—--·------·----- I57s 92g pipes _____________________________ _ 39, 941 tulles . .-.. 153, 9ga mls _________________________. . as, 940 vLater(§>r00f mg, 393 rolled bars, beams, rods, etc . 85,940 _ t We S ------·----·---·-- - ---·-··- v 0 mwah1e steel bm, etc . 85, 940 lnqueurs .--·---------------—- ~ -----· 398- 968 Saddlery hardware _________________ _ 49,941 locomotives ._ .. . .. _. .. 246, 964 Sgrews, nuts, rivets, etc ... . . . 47, 941 lubncatrpg Oils ------· · ---·------·- ·· 8* g! 936 sheets, unpolished; l100p iron ..· gg, mnmmul --·---—--- - -··········· · · · • 23;* w isued, m .. - ... , mw --------- , ---·—-——-—-—·--------— ” · , R0 lcd ang { lam ____________ _ __ 36 940 machinery, a rxcultuml, Gtc -. 245, 963 “""’ “‘ {’ ’ · J5 257 964 small arms, pisto s, GW ------------- - ggs DS3 EPBGH ········‘··‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 86’ 0,5 ________ _ _ _ ma Cl' . - ------- · -·--—-- • ~— ~ • · 1 if;`?};?;,;;,,;;;,;;;:::: ... 5739+2 magmsi ····· , m¤·»¤=·t»<~f .----·-------- ¤4·¤¤·2 ,0010, 0,0 _____________ _ _______,____. 46,9-ll sulphate of ----------- - -----—--— 2 93·ggg _ _ 8· _,, ______________ __749·1-l. ma ...---·-- - ----·--------— Sn,

j,?,???-??  .  4<>I<·>4i * extras ------------—————---—---——- gig gg;

gauze ____________ _ ____________ _ __ 44, 941 lickuors . - -------·------ •· Q, ,,.0,.,, _____________ _ __________ _ 341 ,970 map e mrup ... . --------- ?37, 323 · `````° _ _ _______ _ ______ _ _______ 1 , 93-I maps .. . . . .--------- - - - - B2, -: lgfgffs; ·,,g,‘,,g,,,‘ _ j ______________ _ _____ 125, 4,51 m,,,1»1.» . . .. 1. 9·§4 1,,,;,,, ,,,0 ___________ _ _________ _ _ _ _ 152, 955 , mares .. . ----··-- 205•‘<l§0

 , --_·___________   lll8tUll(‘F·i-·-···-·- ···* """"‘  

'‘```` "" _ ______ __ 135 9s:' materials vnu v ... . ..----·-- » - {Y- ,Jv°°le"’°t° '`°`°‘`` _ _ 341:97o l meal, vorin and nat i ---------- 9Zg»;:,·: 18g5i?,, wld mi ¤>*¤°*”*"" -·-·-······· @3 l "‘°"$§';,§,Tf{'l€'}K”_{’f'}l‘j` ______,__,_._.. aref we ·· · · °""`-Hun-N"--no-U-U , ‘ salied . .--·-· · --·-· ··-- 26 www imnkmhas °```````````'` \ smoked or cured . .··-- 970, W5 J“§‘i,;,§‘;‘.Z; · ·.;;.;;,;;i 1 Q 1 ii; ii1iii‘14+-150295; ¤¤<*·li—‘i¤¤`¤l ¤¤~ --------·---—·------—-- g,_g;» :,*2;] 0;],, {{,3;,50, _ , _. , . . . 151 , 9M ¤¤<‘€';°h¤,'!m - -, ·-··- . E ·, ·········· ·· 3 b' 01,, __ , ```-`- nw______ _____ 155 9,55 nie}? 8Il(lS€D0 SPEC! 6i --··-- - ---· · 6 v"- y,,:,rp,$;: i;i,L~,}`tH,{,}`5 len ..--- · · 140; 9532 ‘““"°‘"Y ···········‘’ ‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘' 00_gg’ ,,,,1,, than 5 1,,,, ______ L ___________ 141, gsi? metals, copper and alleys .--------- 2,; 035 . , ____ _ _____ 125 " vo 4 ... . ·--- - -·------- ·· · - - - v *

 Leif1B, c?$ti)2 I i i I ii .. 152; 3g5 gw-I :23   Pmed “‘"° ······· 0,,;% $$3

. ’ '’’' _ ( " on e ..------ - ------ s 3;;,,,,--,,-,; ··--··········· ;;;;;;;; iggjsgé 3,,, ----· - 7<>—7;·gg . ; · ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ________ _ _ 54 942 platinum · -------------- 2 · -_

 ...-- 127:951   -—-~—--·--·----·------·----·~· 33?,·`;é3

,,,,2,,, etc __________ _ _____ 154, 955 milk, condensed, etc --·-------—-- - · _ _ ¤h¤<>;¤¤<1*;*;*:’;*;*;;’l“i*°“ -——-------·-- }§§·§§§< 325i2f.,;,;,; ····*··‘ ::;:::;i;:::JJJIiiJ-?°'3Z33*% mm l"g$;_,( ·‘‘‘ l _ gg; 945 1 mineral waters .------- - -—--·~·-- gg lg , "' ____ ____ 13,937 _ molasses ..- --- --·--·——-- - ·--··-· ¤ '· c .“,;‘Y‘°? S,,,,;,; ‘‘‘‘‘‘'`' Q_` _______ 130,952 ; mosses, dings ..---. - —------—-— · ------ BL 9;** hug; gud "IK ’‘'______ 353,954 · mothenot-pearl ...--·---·- - ----···-— gég ~7 ---------‘- :‘ t ______________,___,_...-..---. qv. me -·---------—:-- . — · -. --—-·-········ ZE? 322 , 2E1S," .. - ... ew. ew vegetable, and imitations - - --·- v °