Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1507

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1NDEX. cxxxiii River GH(l HOTbOT Improvements C0ntinued. Pfige- Rock Island Arsenal, IIIL-Continued. Pugv- Cane Rxver, Natchitoches Parish, declared appropriation for bridge expenses . 489, 1109 not nawgablg .. 1148 rent of electric power, etc ... 402 paymeaxg fqy 1I1V€E;tlg3.t10I1 of bridges, har- Rock Island Rapids, Mississippi River,

 r mcs, ee c . 48 canal, dams, etc., authorized on banks of. 158

prmects abandoned . 1148 Rock River 1ll., unallottcd balance for preserving existing appropriation for improvement of 1140

 yvorks continued avmlablc . 1148 dam across, authorized at Lyndon  1004

prel1n1&nar§ examinations or surveys or- Rockhall, Md.,

 ere  1149 appropriation for im rovement f 1 b . 1123

ISYIBFV by board ___,,,___,_,_________, 1149 Rocky Jlountahw, p 0 mr or P¤¤*¤¤g ¤`¤P0¤'tS -----------·..-.. - 1149 appropriation for marking boundary with schedule. .. 1149 Canada, west of 505, 1211 Rwey apd Harbor Lnprovement Laws, Rodney, Robert B., printing ordered of compilation of ... 1280 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- . 747 Rwers, Roeber, William, · ¤p pr0prmtion for hghting 469, 1173 refund of internal-revenue taxes to _______ gag or 1mprovema¤t of, under contracts, Roeber, IL and HC, etc ... 493 1194 refund of internal-re: wm e ta to ... 808 Riverside, Ctd., , Rogers, B. Franklin, W u XPS ' appropriation for Indian school ... 214, 1075 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 7 65 Rivesville, U'. Va., Rogers City, Mich., bridge authorized across Monongahela preliminary examination of harbor of ref-

     Rxve; near _,,,.._,___,,,__,_, 157   uge, 1:0 be made ,.._.., 1152
 oa A ateria vs ogers D. D.

appropriation for chemical, etc., investiga- payment Of,FI'€11(‘h spoliation claim to adtions of .. 288 ministrator of .. J- . 785 Road Qverseers, Alaska, Rogers, Daniel Dennison, appomtmcut, term, duties ... 391 payment of French spoliatiou cluhu to ad- Roads, Trails, etc., Alaska, ministratorof .,,,.,_,__,_______ ___ 786 Egrtion of "A1aska fund" devoted to 616 Rogers, George B., ard of commiwioners to lay ont, etc.; deficiency appropriation fOI‘I'€1!I)1)UI'S1Ilg-- 410 expenses . 616 Rogers John, ‘ Roanoke Island, N. C, payment of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for telegraph line from Nor- administrator of .. 774 folk, Va., and Cape Hatteras .. 279 Rogue River Indian War, Roanoke River, N. C., dcficneucy appropriation for expenses 424 appropriation for improvement of 1124 Roller, John Robb William payment 0 0urt 0i Claims judgmeur to. . 762 pa§ment of 1`reuch spoliaticm claim to ad- Rollins, John, ` ministratrix of ... 781 I payment of French gpoliation claim to ad- Robertson, James P., 1H 11llSU‘3Y0l' Oi 797 payment of Court of Claims judgment to Rollins, Mllton A., sister and brother of .. 765 payment to . 778 Ro? inett David omv, Ga. pgxynfent of Court of Claims judgment to appmpri’ation for public building ,... 456 widow of . 746 for rent, etc , . ,... 456 Robinson, John E., dcficiepcy upprnpriutimn for pulwliv buildpayment of Court of Claims judgment to. . 771 ll;}!, rcut .,...,. , , 23 Robinson Robert, 0me, in q;, payméxt of Court of Claims judgment to.. 767 ;1p$>r<>;»rigti;{¤1 for consul-general ut .. 73, 921 Rriimvm, Smnuel I wu nut, A . . 5eiicie11cy·apprbpriation for extra services. 422, appropriation; for improve-¤m·nt of harbor. 1120 1250 1 Rosario, Argenline Republic, Robinggn Sqmgrnel appropriation for consul at . T6 924 paymeilt of CO\1I't of Claims judgment to Rose, Henry Jl., , gxggutrix of ______,,__ _ __________, 747 deiimegcy appr0pr1i1t1<gn mr, as Assxstant Rock Counly A'gb»r_ ._e·eremry 0t t 1e Leuate .,.. 1245 resurvey éf certziin townships in, auth0r· Roiehlfe/»l» IC }L, ized _______ ___________________, _ ‘ 7 4 9 mgncy appropriation or rem; urse· Rock Creek, D. C., ¤1€’¤t -- -; -~·—--·----------·----»· 40S appropriation for Connecticut Avenue I Rmefw Cpuntgi J{»n;a.h B’d ac cg ____________ _ ________ ‘z sae 01 pu or 1112111210mQn 0101* Rock Cree/511}*15)/;, SFC., 5 school purposes, authorized . . -, 989 appropriation for care, atc ,.- .. 376, 897 l Rosebud Jgergcy. S. Daky donations of land may be accepted for ad- appropriation for Indgm agent at . 190, 1048 ditions tg _,_,,_,,.,..,. . ..,,,__,_ 376 Q Rosebud Jndian RZR@Tl‘0[lO73, Drili., Rock Hill S. C. i appropriation for pay 01 gc mo an s ..__ 258 approprziatior; for public building , 456, 1160 deficiency appropriation for surveying +1 Rock Izlrmd Arsenal, Ill., additional time to homestesulcrs on, to esappropriatiou for plant for small arms 489 Q tablish residence; condition ... 700 gn ofHc9rs’ quarters _,_,...,,_,,,______ 489 qesgion of lands by Sioux on, accepted; for machinery and fixtures .. 489, 1190 descripriou ·----—-—-—---—- ; ··----- 25+ fgr mm, etc _______________________ 489, 1190 disposal to settlers; purchase or school for power plant .. . 1190 1311dS -.·------ · ----·-·---·--- ZM