Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/196

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108 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 716. 1904. thousand four hundred dollars each; one assistant teller, and two clerks, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; eight assistant tellers, and three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; six assistant tellers, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; six assistant tellers, ` at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; Jive assistant tellers, at eight hundred dollars each; two messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three messengers, at nine hundred . dollars each; two messengers, at eight hundred dollars each; two hall men, at one thousand dollars each; two porters, at nine hundred dollars each; superintendent of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief detective, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant detective, one thousand two hundred dollars; two engineers, at one thousand and fifty dollars each; assistant en 'neer, eight undred and twenty dollars; eight watchmen, at seven bundled and twenty dollars each; in all, two hundred and six thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. P¤¤·¤¤1v¤·- Omen or- assrsrmcr ramsrmnn me Punanmnrnua For assistant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; mying teller, two thousand three hundred dollars; coin and paying te er, two thousand dollars; bond and authorities clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; vault clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; asserting, teller, one thousand e' ht hundred deglars; redemption teller, one thousand six hundred doldars; receiving teller, one thousand seven hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars; six clerks, at one thousahd two hundred dollars each; superintendent messenger and chief watchman, one thousand one hundre dollars; six counters, at nine hundred dollars each; seven watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, forty-eight thousand nine hundred and forty dollars.

  • ’*’¤° ‘·°°*°· Omvron or Assrsnnr ramsunnn AT Sauvr Louis: For assistant

treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; first teller, two thousand dollars; second teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; third teller, one thousand six hundred dollars; gmrth teller, one thousand two hundred dollars; asserting teller, one thousand eiglht hundred dollars; assistant asserting teller, one thousand Eve hun red dollars; coin teller, one thousan two hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; four assistant bookkeepers, an four clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; assistant coin teller, stenographer and typewriter, and one clerk, at one thousand dollars each; three day watchmen and coin counters, at nine hundred dollars each; ni ht watchman seven hundred and twenty dollars; laborer, six hundred dollars; and janitor, six hundred dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. ‘*¤“°¤°“°°- Orrrcn or sssrsnsr crnuasummz AT SAN Fanzcrsco: For assistant treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, three thousand dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; assistant cashier, receivin teller, and assistant bookkeeper, at two thousand dollars each; coin teher, and one clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and four watchmen, at seven hundred and twent dollars each; E in Iall, twienty-segven thofisand one hundred and twenty clhllars. ¤*°*u¤g°¤*¤· °§j or sa aries o specia a ents, and for actual ex uses of examiners wnugiis. f dw detailed to examine the geeks, accounts, and mdincey on hand at the several suhtreasuries and depositories, including national banks actin R-S·.¤¤¤·3649. P·718· as deposltories under the requirements of section thirty-six hundred and orty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, also