Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/533

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 17 60. 1904. 445 For clerk to adjutant in charge of cadet records, one thousand tive hundred dollars; For one clerk to the adjutant, one thousand two hundred dollars; For clerk to treasurer, one thousand five hundred dollars; For one clerk to the quartermaster, one thousand two hundred dollars; For onecivilian instructor of French, to be em loyed under rules prescribed by the Secretary of War, two thousandp dollars; For two civilian instructors in Spanish, at two thousand dollars per gear each, to be employed under rules prescribed by the Secretary of ar, four thousan dollars; For pay of one stenographer and typewriter in the office of the quartermaster and disbursing officer, twelve hundred dollars; For pay of one librarian, two thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of librarian’s assistant, one thousand dollars; ‘ For pay of one superintendent of- gas works, one thousand five hun- · dred dollars; For pay of engineer of heating and ventilating apparatus for the academic building, the cadet barracks and office building, cadet hospital, chapel, and philoso hical building, including the library, one thousand five hundred dollars; For pay of assistant engineer of same, one thousand dollars; For pay of eleven firemen, six thousand six hundred dollars; For pay of one draftsman in department of civil and military engineering, one thousand dollars; ’ For pay of mechanic and attendant skilled in the technical preparations necessary to chemical and electrical lectures and to the instruc tion in mineralogyuimd geology, one thousand dollars;. For pay of mec nic assistant in department of natural and' experimental philosophy, one thousand dollars; ’ For pay of custodian of academy building, one thousand dollars: For pay of one electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; For pay of one civilian plumber, one thousand two hundred dollars; For pay of assistant plumber, nine hundred dollars; For pay of one scavenger, at sixty dollars a month, seven hundred and twenty dollars; For compensation of chapel organist, two hundred dollars; For pay of keeper of post cemetery, nine hundred dollars; ° For pay of engineer and janitor for Memorial Hall, nine hundred dollars; For pay of printer at head uarters United States Military Academy, one thonsand two hundred dollars; For pay of one janitress, Memorial Hall, six hundred dollars; For pay of one master mechanic, one thousand five hundred dollars· For pay of attendant and skilled photographer in the department ot drawing, one thousand dollars; For pay of one typewriter, copyist, and attendant in the library, to be selected and appointed by the Superintendent, seven hundred and fifty dollars; For pa * of one stenographer and typewriter in the adjutant’s office, to be sellected and appointed by the Superintendent, six hundred dollars; For pay of one overseer of the waterworks, five hundred and forty dollars; For pay of engineer of steam, electric, and refrigeratin apparatus for the cadets’ mess, to be appointed by the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, one thousand do lars; For pay of one assistant engineer of steam, electric, and refrigerating apparatus for the cadets’ mess, to be appointed by the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, six hundred dollars;