Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1140

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2436 mnsx. Delamater, Leonard, Plrse- Demkeon, Samuel .L, "”¥°· pension increased ._.._ ___ ____-_~__ U _ H _ 1g2i' , pension increased ... 1757 Deland, George, Dmmurk, _ _ _ _ pension increased ._.._ _ _ _____ - _ _ - . _ - - _ _ _ 11-29 I appropriation for minister to 68, 916 Delaney, Margaret (ll‘ld0Il·)’ or secretary of legatnon .. 69, 916 pension increased . . . 519 · Dennett, John. _ _ Delano, Francis H, I payment of Court of Claims guclgment to . 762 payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 754 Dmnie, Thomas, _ _ _ Delano, Samuel, I payment of French spolxatmn claim to expaymeut of French spolmion claim ,0 8d_ ecutcr of . 793 ministrator of 791 Denmla, Cyreniua, Delaware, pension increased ... 1609 claim for ex nses, etc., war of 1812, to Dennis, William IK, pd . 777 Dpension ... 1704 aware y, I ennuan, C . 'ei , appropéiatiorigtlor light-house, Elbow of 46_ I Dpensionlirécreased. .,,2 ... 1307 ross ge .. 4 ny an am ny, ., preliminary examination to be made of may bridge Bgg River, Jackson County, channlplsjto Chincoteague Bay, Va., HOO Miss . .-6-.dél . . .i€ 169 as to ri s . " time exten or ri `ng iver, provisions foéaggamprtgayd from Chinco- I Dc Sjlliss ...,.,.. - .., ,.. 7 08 teague y, re ,. 1148 ntal r emu, Army, Delaware-Cherokee Indiana, I appropriation for . 265, 831 may dispose of improvements made upon . Dentistry Regulntimu, D. U., (1 neirokec lands ... 1071 I recognition of certificates of other boards. 10 MMMT6 MTU, ‘ r ¤v¤>r¤1>ri¤¤¤¤ for pews Ml ¢l¤i¤¤¤ <>f» in 1 c»al¤`iZ'ilZ•1¤¤¤¤ non m-anne stamps um Cherokee Nation .. 222 I D , M A ’.d , " "' _ restriction on allotments of lands segre- I °{'· ‘"`y ‘ (“" °“)¤ ,600 gated for . 205 I p°¤m°° ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘························ rights of, in lands, Cherokee Nation .. 205 I Dem'"- (WO? _ _ 1),;,,,,,,,,, 3;,,,,-, pd, 4v_ _;, ,,,,4 p,,_, I spiproprumon for mint, salaries 109, 655 appropriation for improvement of, Phila- 0!' W¤$9¤ {wd 019811868 ---.· 109,055 delpbia to Delaware Bay .. 494 fm: °q¤lPPm8 mrpl, ---··---- _ ---------· 463 fg; improvement, gf; conf,]-acts _________ 1122 l19i1C1E11C)' 3ppfOpI'18t10Tl if)? mlhi, Wt1g8S, for lig ting . .---. ..,,.__ ,,, 469, 1173 ${0 -· -------. . ... 1219 preliminary examination to be made of _ Gqlllpméllt _ _ . 1 219 Shoal Oppositegl-€€nwjchc0a1pj€m_ 115.1 · assay office to continue until mint estabpreliminary examination to be made of _‘ lished .. . . 109 P cY1W? Bar --·-··---·-------- ·--. 1153 I Department of Agriculture (see also \\'eather _ Delegaleafrom erritories, Bureau), · appropriationjor compensation and mile- , appropriation for Secretary, Assistant, ¤g€ -- z --------· . 89, 63-1- u clerks, etc .____________ _ ________ 276, 861 for clerk hire 92, 638for laborers and charwomen ... 861 (lepcigugy appropriation for clerk hire ___, 40 I for \V¢-yather Bureau __________ _ _____ 277, 862 or compensation . 419 nalt for counterfcitin or s mileage fg]- figgt gpgigp Fifty-eighth Cgi]- I pegtc K _______________ _ _€_f__%$j 864 _ grass made immediately available. - 1 I for Bureau of Animal Industry .. 279, 864 weight increased for franked official corre- » for Bureau of Plant Industry I ... 281, 866 vprmdenw ... 441 I experimental gardens and grounds. 284, 870 Delehrmty, Dame], removing, etc.' greenhouses .- .-. 284 D(p’ay';'nen:'o{_Court of Claims judgment to - 759 I Arliniiton experimental farm . - . . -284, 870 ` r ,, . r1., tea-cu tur 'n · . i. .. bridge authorized across Tug Fork of Big seed distn?bhti<;}i'1Egall(lnl ‘ Sandy River near Z . -. . 183 for Bureau of Forestry _ -··_ , 286 IMM Mmlhrrrn l¤’~il~·¢w, for Forest Servieeii .. U U 872 may bridge Sunflower River, Miss ... 625 arrests by eniploycm lviblntions [)4·•;[;gy•q]•;[, H;·[[-[gh, (fp] fr""; (gee (}g{n·g·€t,()q•n, laws, etc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ en.), . sm Bureau of 1 , · ...Z`Zi `````` é · : ¤ppr0pnagt1r»n_for<·onsg1lat .. 74examinutioxi hihillmtlztention ot"iixi·8l,87l 1D"'""` 9*9 ("’”'9"‘ R· ("/'”l"M`}· wholcs¤•nue·,etc., fnorlplrugs, etc., 288,874 penvwu ._ .. t 1499 for Ihircuu of Soils .. 288, H75 Demareat, Quran A. (uvrlmv), for Division of Entmnology 289

 ... 2050 for Bureau of ldntonnolouy,  876

» · ,¤ - _ I r for Division of Bnolngwalburvey ... 290 Dc1;n€}¤¤1*>l:;¤¢fe¤¤¢<l ----·------··---.-. 2022 for llgirjcwnlof Biological Survey 877 mg, l euunrey and John, _ _ for Division of Accounts and Disbursepayment oi French spohation claim to wl- ments 290 877 Dm, mimstrator of surviving partner -.. 788 for Division of 291: 877 ·;¤g,"?i¤:ver S., _ for i}ureau of Statistics .. 291, 879 Dgpnemim cresse<l_d’ ... 1¤70 for hbrary,_salanes and ergpenses 292, 880 vmcht 0, of Claims _ d t subscnptionsmpublxmhons ... 292, 880 Ikglriam, Mena 3u gmen to . 750 folcagdxn ex of agricultural literature. 293, 880 ¤¤··=·•=~ ¤»· for WMM -----~--------.-. 801 :·» ·»2°EL`.f‘;ae‘e;ien;:::::::::;:::·é93,§’;3