Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1160

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24 56 INDEX. Fort Wayne, Mich., P¤8¢- Fussell, Hmr¥, _ _ _ Y“8°· determining western boundary of, rmerva- payment q French spolmtnon claim to ad- { tion ___,,..,,,,.. 497 mimstrator of 785 Fortilicatiom, Foster, A. Lawrence, _ _ np roprintion for gunaud mortar batteries 234 payment of Qourt of Claims mdgment to _ ` Eu- mqdemizing older emphwements - . . 845 administrator of .. 7•0 for Hre·c0ntrol mstallatious L .. 845 Footer, Augustus CL, for installing range finders . 234‘ pension increased .. . 2026 for purchase, tests, etc., of range iiud- Ibater, David R, gm, gm ,__,.,,,,,. 845 pension increased ... 1865 for sites for defenses .. 234 Fbder, Edwin B., for harbor segrchlights ,,..,..,.. 234, 845 allotments, Osage Reservation, Okla., subfor preservation and repair . . 234, 845 ject to lease to 106} for plum ,.. 234, 845 Foster, Flor-ence E. (widow), for electric plants ... 234, 845 pension .. - - 1444 for sen walls ,.. - ...,..,. 234, 845 Foaler, George W, for submarine mines 234, 845 pension increased ... 1671 contracts for all works 234, 845 Foster, Jackwn, for armament .. 234, 845 payment of Court of Claims judgment t0 for machine guns,, ctc .. 234, 845 administrator of .. 749 for mountain, Held, ang siege cannon, Foster, John G., carriages, etc ... 235,845 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 753 balances available .. 846 Foster. Lcwk IC, forammunitiou . 235, 846 pension increased . 1677 for rapid-fire guns 235 Ibdzr, Panel?::, ' for ammunition .. 235 pavment 0 Court of Claims judgment to. 768 for seacoast cannon, mounts, etc . 235, 846 Foster, Robert W, ’ for ammunition · 235, 846 pension increased . 1661 for inspecting instruments, range find- Foster, William, — ers, etc . 235, 846 payment of French spoliation claim to adfor ammunition, etc., for practice 235, 846 miuistratcr of 791 for alterations, etc., mobile artillery 235 Foundlingu Hospital, D. C., for alterations, peaconst guns . 235, 846 appropriation for maintenance ... 388 for contract gums 235, 846 or care, ctc., of children at 909 for expenses, Sandy Hook proving I Fournier, Peter, {round 235, 846 pension increased. - ... 2019 for 1 ’atervliet Arsenal, Gun Factory- 236, 847 Fourteenth Street, D. C, for Watertown Arsenal 236 appropriation forexteudin ;securingland. 371 for F mnkford Arsenal . 236 Fourth Asxnlslant Postmaster- (general, for purchase, etc., of submarine appropriation for, superintendents, clerks, mines .. 236, 847 etc .. . . 132, 678 for fire-control installations 236 for chief inspector, etc ..,,.. 132, 678 for insular p0SSesSiOnS’ Seacoast bat- - for superintendent, etc., city delivery, 132, 678 tgries __________________________ 235, 847 g for superintendent, etc., rural free delivsites in Hawaii .,.,.,... 236 I 9F)' ----·- _ -----·-·------------·- I 32, 678 mmm gum, mounts, em . 237, ew f<>r gwswi Semce, vffice of -.-----.·- 438, 1090 additional mounm __________ _ _____ 847 I Fourth- Yass Mm! Matter, gmmunitjgn ________________________ 347 I may beseut in bulk unstamped; conditions. 440 Beacons; morgan, mounts, etc ________ 237 r Fourth LrghtjHouse Drstrrct, _ mpi7L5m gang, carriages, etc ________ 237 [ Fnpprenrnation for tender for inspector.. 467, 1171 · , · · r - ouve, yenrge, "“&c°‘Y{'T’?.`YT°YY`}YZ`?`Y’}’.Y“TT`?Z’.f}'.'f?'YI 847 F’“,{r“‘°E‘° 0* <’<>··¤ of °*¤i¤·¤ i¤·*¤¤·¤¤* ¤>- 7*7 detailed estimates required . . 847 Pb"' ’. Ld"`""] "L* forB0md of Ordnanceand Fortitication 237, 847 E Fp°"S"°“ : ····· , ···········-··-·····-···-· *702 for purchases, etc ... 237, 847 2 “· I1'"""?""' "·· forciviliamnember,necegsarycxpense¤ 237,848 ! Fbp?rg.'°n ‘“‘QY°”°d ·······----···-···----· 1314 · for tests, etc .,.,..., 237,548 i “’ W"!. ”."'·# f . inquiry as in right to inventions, etc. 237, 848 Q opmmon Or lmpr°v°m°"t °f •··· · · · · 1139 purchases to be nf American manu- B·a · 8 , *~=···~· ---·--—----·-----------· 23¤~=¤! ”I3i°50'ér§§3'.§'2¥£}$‘TC’f.‘K::;:;::1 S23}? 0f Sandy Hook BBB wall ..· 1198 , fm. second mcmwry____‘·___________. 6g` 918 for A. H. Emery, elevating carriage; E for third secretary ... 69, 917 3dV¤n€‘=‘¤ allowed --—·-—·-~-·-··--- 237 5 00DV€Ut10f{ with, determining relations in change in contract authorized; pay- 1 _ Turns . ... 2263 menm _________________________ 238 · Franmg, Bmi L., condition ...,,__,_ , _,,,,,,,__ 238 i P0¤§1¤¤ .. _ . . . , , , 1626 deficiencyappropriationforcontingencies 43,1252 I Dam!- JQ" ('”’”"Y'Q}» Ibn"", Cv],,,,.,.],, _ PGIIBIOD lncfeasu . . . ,.., _ .,,,, _; _____ 1816 p0¤sioniucmaSed_____=_'___·___________ 2032 I I¢'5·a·nkford_A1:aenal,Pa., _ Fanny, Chang B., t npprorgggémn for machinery, shrapnel 236 P€n$i0niDOF€2£i .- . -... 1784; for midié---.;·é-···-_(;-U;"`-':"°° nm. q·»·»_Q. A., i 3mm3e2i.. .Y‘fT‘Yi‘. YY?- TT'}?? 236 P*¤¤0¤ m€m*$°d -··~·-—--~-—···-·--—-·- I984 for storehouse, small arms cartridges_ __ 489