Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1188

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2484 INDEX. Insular Ajfhirn Bureau, Wm- Depamnem, P¤s¤- Inm-for De pa rlmml·-Continued. "•'¤*'· apgnopriation for law officer, clerks, etc. 115, 661 1 appropmmou for Government llospntal n»r or rent 116, 662 · Insane-.., , 424:, 1188 Imular and Territorial Ajlhirs, I for care, etq., nnsauo pvrsmnr, Alaska: . . 1189 appropriation for expenses, judivial affairs; for Columbus Deaf uml Dumb Instntuemmates ...,.. 507,1206 tion .. z ... 488, 1189 Imular Poaaeaaions, for Howard Umvem{y . 488, 1l89 appropriation for constructing seacoast hat- for Froedmcrfs lloupntal; Qamln fur. . 488, 1189 teries .,,.,.,,,.,.,..,,. 236, 847 control, ew., of, vested m Secretary of for sites for defenses, Hawaii .. 236 Interior . - .. c .. N90 for senccaat cannon, carriages, etc 237, 847 mortgage by Providence Hunpxtal aufor sawout mortars ... . 237 thorized . 489 for r; id-firc guns ,.., . . - . 237 for Ydntingnd binding ... 512, 1212 addgtinnnl mounts of rifles .., 847 for ndian partment . 189, 1048 gor ammunition, etc .. 847 gu pensions . .. 315, 848 or inspcctin instruments, 'range an e cienc up ro riatirm for cler to sign position Enders, etc ... 847 triiul fem`; .. 30 detailed estimates required hereafter. 847 for mounting mars for Congress . 30, 1234 Insurance Department, D. (C, for regain to bui dings .. 30, 408,1234 appmpriatnou fonésularics .. 366, 888 §or 3 cialgfeate ... 30 Intercourse Acts, In ian, or cners m Office ... 31 appropziation .for punishing violations for Capitol building and grounds. 31, 409, 1234 0 506 1208 · { · H · I I 18:88-88: and Qinking mma, 1;. ez, ’ "' G°"’"""“‘?” ""‘*““‘ f"' 1234 In;g};<;y;;¤¤¤ f<>r» <>¤ f¤¤<¤¤d <1¤b¢ -·--·— 3848 905 :88 commbu me mn numb rnsmu. ‘ 7 · ,.,,...,.-.-..,.: , I, ¢r¤5ie·m¤rk, to be brought in equity suits. 729 rm- p|?:..·d univmity _______________ glfig I'"'""' D€P¢{""'“"**· _ for Hot Springs Reservation .. 32, 409 ¤PP¤’0P¤¤¤0¤ {0* S°¤’€*¤‘Y8 A¤¤**¤*¤· for Yellowstone National Park 32 clerks- ***0 ·-·· ; ·----- - -------—- ; 1238668 for J. Scott Harrison ,. 32 ibr bout of ggnswn lipped!. h11d wiz; 668 for public lands ... 32, 44, ¤P¤¢* **8 ---------··----- , ---· · 410, , 1 {OY ;|:¢h&¤i¢'f$8 W8t€bm€n, €¤Z1¤06¥'¤i for Geqloginl Survey.???.???: s???; g??:;, l?`}? for clerk to sign Indian tribal deeds. . 123: 669 f mst. mal {u' 4:: 60s9H23S' 125* {0,- gmplnyees, old Post-06108 b¤Ud· or cha_;ggExp0§i’ti§nc', ummm 33 :12 603 •*••"""•• l 8.,8 1; ·,a.;;8s,;..?*·““° *····¤··¤*···· ¤<=¤»¤¤·····=··¤ --~—-- 8 ·-------- ’338 Attomey:Gene;·uI ... 124, 669 f . ‘**;;j’jj§?;;*fg*§· l2?? for expenses, special inspectors .. 124, 669 I for pepsi1pm'E ‘l! ’ *’ 4' ¤ l?°4 for preparing OfHcial Register .. 670 i {gr mg an lm mg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ¤ £> 1249 for Ccmmixioner of General Land Office,I rs °n°ry ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘···*······ · r *233 assistant, clerks, etc . 124, 670 ; fm map? ‘ ‘ ‘{‘ ‘ *;*5 zh ···· { : ····· 409» 123* for mine inspectors ,,,_____,,________ 125, 671 ‘ fm. E};“":·6£*t“ n gev · "Z°““ ---- 409 for Commissioner or mam. .1::8188 85*- °' . °“ °° --------- = ----·---- *°9·1233 sistamt, clerks eu: , 12.5 671fm tlmber testsw ····················· 412 rm- commissioner br 1>8h§$hQj1ié§QE{88, ’ E f"' S°“*%‘° ?°’“m“*°° *00*** b“**‘“¤S ---- 603 clerks, ctc .. 125, 671 ! °' "p"°‘?‘l “‘“P°°*""‘ ·····-····-------- *233 estirgateg of employees detailed tp 1 2:; ¥:§;g"02it;£° ·············--·~·- · ot er ureaus ..,.,..,,,,, 6*1 , ·--·-·-·---·---------- _ for Commissioner of Patents, assistant f°" °“"`°Y°"*K°“"‘}1 : --------·-·----- 1232 enmmem etc _____ ____________ H6 672 for General Gu-apt. Lgt10ml Park _______ 1234 for Commissioner of Education, clerks 1 mr Cm"? °f Cmms ]°dgm°m° ““d°'· · · lb? ew ______________ im- 673 l for contingent expenses ,_,._,,_,_____, l255 fm- Supqrimgndgm; of capitol Bundjng ’ " forest reserves transferred to control of and Grounds- ,,.,,,____,,,_ 128, 673 Secretary of Agriculture ... . . , . 628 for contingent expenses .,,__________ 1%,374 Surveys, patents, etc., excepted .,._.,,, 828

 ;*:::°¤9?Y» 6W ---··-··-·---·-·-·· E2,   third lang?} repori nf reclamation servin-

8 ·····- ······-·· -··. .,'T prin[3¢ _____ _________ ___ ___ ]285 f•·>r pwvrzv Hwmpv .. 129,674 [N al R . fc rsur · Pr rs- nam} ith ·‘ yl Ir . 129, 674 em {H?""' · · ·

  • 1* chg: una;. .. j 479, Ugg °pp'°Y:$f?x:g“ggf' C°mm”*“°¤°*'» d¢I¤\¤UP¤·¥0  ; 9

for public buildin n .,,,,___________ 479, msg ‘ ’ ‘ "f"‘j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘········· }*·° . . _ for sunny agents, etc ,... . 10.3 649 mr r°p°"” m h""' "'W ············· 4'9· mu for salurws bollectms gm-ve 8 m e · md •··;·> for reng, ctc., for Patent Office models . 479 'V p ’ , ‘y ’ ’ 9 ‘°' ’ °' " im- (sap""} __________________ _ _____ ugh 1182 {OT €*¤$r€¤*‘€*»**|¢0¤]¤*!¢¤¤{¤•‘¤ “’*W'<'°8 fm'} rm- 8888188, com or (::81888 1,8111811;.,;... 1183 " *‘?'} "*“'**‘° '”¤P°¤**°¤ ·--------·- *0** {Or public land, ____________ _______ 48; Um l for ndchtnonnl clerks, agents, eu: ... |06 for (iqgplipgiqal Survey _________ _ ____ 485 Hyg; for ummm: gauge": ctc ·-—·· · ·-·-··-- 100:652 for Hog Sprmgs Reservazinm ________ 486, 1153 per diem for agents examining mllev- · for nguoml parks ,_______ _ ________ 486 1 [gg tors' accounts . 652 for Supreme Cqurt rgpqrtg __________ 437, Ugg for solicitor .. . . 134, 680 gg; gaps of Upntmggm my sale __,,_, 487 i for paper for stamps 462, 1167

\1€2 0¤ U1  . ... 1188 f ’ h'l t' f I  

8888-8·¤888¤88.8¤·8¤88 . 487,1188 ~ °' ‘L`2££3.;§.?8Y{‘{ f.T‘T‘}.‘fJj`T Ti.‘T“““fé8, 1167