Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1200

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2496 INDEX. . Lepr0sy——C6ntinued. PBSé- Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Port- P¤8¢· regulations for administration and treat- land, Oreg.—C0nti11u0d. ment 1010 expenditures, etc., to await subscriptions extra pay, etc., to officcrs detailed for of $600,000 for exposition expenses. 178 duty . 1010 nonliability for acts, etc., of exposition Lessley, Alexander, officers, atc ... 178

g>€DSi5)}1 increased-    2003 110 liability for debts of Government board  

ster, azilla (widow , in excess of appropriations 1 9 Peusiogi ·-··-·-·--·—---- · ·-··-·--·- - - — - 1814 Lewis ar;¢%Clarke Forest Reserve, Mont. , L€**'““"· ”*”·»t' f Fl th d `th .. 2311 ·=¤=*¤g¤;m¤¤*hg;ig{¢¤,Bg¤D bydw ¤¤¤>¤¤ 83 L§ZT°5ulZe}YZnZ oogtptjgy, W1 nm “ ’ ea _ ’’`’`‘'‘ payment of Court of Claims judgment to L¢;g £;g;g¤;L¢;g; POM! Swve, 435 1087 £x$;¤?0m ¤: Suwaving partner 0:. . . 764 -···--· y · * ·-········ r 6%*7.8 1/L . Leder Carriers, pcrision increiased ... 1317 apfropriation for Yay 439, 1090 Lewis, David O., or rural free de ivery .. 440, 1091 payment of Court of Claims judgment to - 766 salaries; restriction 0n carrying mer- Lewis, Edmund, chandise . 440 payment of French spoliation claim to ad- Leutze, Eugene H C, miuistratrix of ... 784 payment of Court of Claims judgment to- 747 Lewis, Edward J, Lever, Hm. Asbury E, ~pension increased ... 2031 deficiency appropriation for contested Lewis, Francis D., elections expenses 420 pension increased ... 1896 Lelmlxa Fork of Big »S2mdy River, W Va. and Lew:}?, Frank, Ky., pension increased ... 1356 appropriation for improvement of 1134 Leu/Ls, Ilarris A. P., or gnprovement of locks and dams 1195 pension increased ._. 1312 Levy, Jo n J Lamb, Mrs. Kim C'. refund of iratamal-revenue taxes to ... 807 patent in fee to, liosebud allotfee 1067 Lewes, Del.,Lewis, Levi B., made subport of entry .. ; . . . 539 pension ipcrcased . .. 1346 Lewis and Clark Centennial and American L€m$» PMP;

  Pa4,j;‘ic  and Orkmtal Fair, _ PQDBIOU mcmawd -·-·--·-·~···~·~·---- ·- 1396

parhcxpauou m cxpositwn with . 175 L¤°'·$» Mack, 8 Lewis and awk www com- L Nyugzfi -----····-····-····-········ "””’*’"» {sion igcxzeaéed 1809 participation in exposition with .. 175 Lel;8 Rwm Wash ‘ ‘ ‘ Y ‘'‘‘'‘‘’'‘‘‘'‘'` L¢"L'i·* and Clark Cmtmnial E’”P°$M°'”> P0"' appropriation fo; improvement of 1145 land, Oreg., Lewis, Samzwl, acceptance of invitation to attend opening- 2885 pension increased ___________ . ____________ 1857 participation in -...--..-...- 175 Lw,;8 Seth appropriation for crew, lifesaving exhibit- 1163 pension fncreased _____ _________________ 1854 defncie-mcy appropriation for life-saving sta- Lwm Wima n H tion -...-.-..--.- 1218 ‘ ’ · . " for expenses Congressional committee at pgnsing Wcreased ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘1753 Opening __________________________ 1246 Leurw, U’zlQmm Ilenry, imports for exhibition to be admitted free PQUSIOU ¤¤¢r¤¤¤~><1 ----—------··-—--—---·- 2012 0f duty .-..-..--. 175 Lewisburg, W. Va., sale for dc ivery at close of exgxasition. - 176 terms of court at ..-..-.---.. 548 assessment and collection 0 duties. .- 175 Lum Om Mm axmhit by the Govcmmemi SCOP? -··----176 brigée authorized across Missouri River at. 528

  • ““?§§?J° Bureau vf Am*’“°“·¤ R8' 6 time extend;;}, etc., for bridge across Mis-

. ·, ············· ····; ···· .··· souri iver at -...--.. °'°“€3,“.`Y.$’.'T`C'T`YT‘fT’T€.*?‘T°TY‘?i .“?Y`YT°I’Z m Mmmm $·**~*·’>¤¢· MM Compw Bxpimes; dgmgs permitted 176 may biugge Mnssoun Rxver, Lexington, amp oyees; is ursemcuts; advances- 176 ········ :··· ····· . ········· :··· mm md amgamm building -... m *0 dlowrsmgi ¤¤*v·gi ¢¤¤¤gL~g¤.b¤dg¤ pppropriation for cost, etc ..- 177 §0°S° Ssmm vm. °‘ xmgmm 715 °‘§§ ;‘i12“p£§32§‘022a§}‘3Ogz,‘ee4 i;:;;:;:;::: {EZ <>f ¤¤¤»¢~¤¤¤¤ ·===¤»¤<¤·=¤ ----·------ 716 M M *·>¤ G·>*¢¤¤¤<=¤* ¤¤*¤*~i¤·· etc-- 'appfapriauon for .mm mmm and use $l;n2§;Z;cd¢§`é6&`fIZf ff [fj iff ZZ] f °°°S“* g°¤f°{“' Q ··------------—· $$312 appropriation for construction, etc .-..- 177 °r Secxltary 0 °gg °° ··········· 69% 19 sale at close of exposition; preferences. - 177 m°n€y'° °r °°nv8D on W1 —--·-·----· 15 allotment of space; frac of charge- .' 178 I"b”':1'/:Smm€ of (866 Statue of L1b€!`tYy N- Y- )· comxxgcmorative gold dollars to be coined. 178 \ Librarian of Congress, g§>1§ve=.;ry&> expositéonpxzmpany -.. . E  %£>pr0p;i2gg:n for, assistant, etc .--.. 93, 639 m 8 S 0 €p mms -..-- 1 aryo grggg

 dglgverij tg exposition company: ______ 178 appropriation fox: Librarian, assistant, ctc. 93, 639

habxhty 1m1ted tp expenses of (¤cvem· or chmfs of divisions, assistants, etc .- 94, 639 ment exhxbnt . ---- 178 for rmding moms, cw ____ ___ _ 94 639